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Venting...Kitties fighting at 5:00am...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by fridaylove, Jul 9, 2004.

  1. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Grrr...I have to say that this morning I got out of bed and was prepared to toss water on Hunter and Anna for fighting at 5:00am.
    Anna is 14 years old and Hunter is 10months old...and Anna is only mildly tolerable of Hunter's antics as a kitten. I think that their fighting has gotten worse...or atleast Anna is growling more. She seems to try to get away from him, but he just continues to follow her and attempts to dominate her. It's irritating hearing them fight, romp on the floor, and then Anna's growling and hissing really gets to me.
    They both get yelled at...wooowho...that makes a BIG Difference (yeah right).
    Do you guys have cats that fight with each other??? I am not worried about either of them getting hurt...well sometimes I get worried, but they usually stop if I get up and come after them and Anna will stop growling if she is chastised...
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Once in a while Chieve really aggrevates one of the other cats (and sometimes the dogs too)and there is a little hissing match which I usually break up with a loud "Hey!". Luckily, they don't usually do this in the middle of the night.
  3. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Yeah Smokey and Purrdy fight all the time. Purrdy is a lot older than Smokey and Smokey cahses her and jumps on he and Purrdy hisses and I usually grab Smokey off Purrdy's head but they din't really hurt eachother.
  4. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    i feel your pain..

    kiefer is a little over a year and lydia is 2 years...lydia is a recent addition. it's been three weeks and i only wonder what my neighbors think when keifer and lydia go at it. the fighting got worse but the last couple of days it's only happened about once or twice a day.
    lydia is completely nocturnal and kiefer was getting use to night and day so everyone's sleep is messed up.

    last night was good until about 6 am. then all hell broke lose. :shock:

    i'm here and understand completely if you need to vent :)
  5. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I have four cats. Two of them Cubby (14) and Milo (13) would fight. Sometimes so bad that I would come home to a sea of black fur in the livingroom. Strange thing was that neither one would have a mark on them. I have only been living with them for a year and a half (they used to be my sisters cats) but I have been told they have always gotten into spats like that over the years. I started using Feliway to prevent some spraying that was going on and coincidently the fights stopped as well. I think the Feliway helped. I'm not sure if this will help with a rambunctious kitten but it might be worth a try.

    It's just my opinion but I would not chastise Anna too much for growling, especially if the aggressor is Hunter. I have a kitten that likes to "bother" and do kamikaze attacks on my 4 year old Wrigley. Sometimes Wrigley will just start growling softly when the kitten is nearby just to let her know to back off.

    Had Anna ever lived with another cat before? I know your kitten is only 10 months but there still might be adjustment time left before the kitten settles down a bit and the two can be tolerant of each other.
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    well max doesnt have anyone to play with so recently he has been doing the early morning thing, middle of the night...seems like all night long. he used to be a good sleeper. i have had to lock him out of my room the last couple days because he gets so rambunctious. he wants to play with me. so therefore...he brings me toys ALL...NIGHT...LONG... :shock:
  7. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    It's nice to hear that other's kitties fight with each other, I was beginning to think that perhaps Hunter and Anna's problems were due to the age difference and such. Also, Anna has never been around other cats before, so we took our time in introducing Hunter (we also got a kitten that was dominant so he could hold his own against Anna)

    By the way, this a.m,. there wasn't that much fighting...well not like the day before. They must have known that I vented about it and was to the point of either tossing them out on the street (never...ever) or putting them in separate rooms in the evening when we go to bed...or...just venting more and more about their fussin'

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!!!
  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    lynn you should get Max a friend to play with. He probably wont bother you as much and will be happier. Its a good time b/c he's still young
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i know bellack1...i am thinking seriously about it...but the only thing is i am so worried that if i get another kitty it will have problems too. the amount of time and worry that i have gone through with max is overwhelming to me. i think it is because for a long time i thought he was going to die. i worried every day he would dehydrate and die. i just lost my kitty otis in march. it was just the two of us for many, many years. i think i have been very afraid i will loose another cat, because loosing otis was very hard for me. i still get very sad at times. :cry: he really was everything to me for many years. i know that sounds a little...well...odd...but i loved him very deeply.

    i dont think i can deal with any more cat crisis...i am a wimp. i read about everyone in the forum having multiple cats and i think "how do they do it?" i cant even handle one very well. i am a little obsessive too, so of course when max is sick, it is all i can think about.
  10. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I know how you feel but you can't let being afraid of lossing a kitty get in your way of being happy. Max could use a friend and not all kittys have as many problems at Max. I know you are scared b/c of everything you've been through with max- and he is VERY lucky to have you- but just b/c Max had problems doesn't mean another cat will. Maybe you can ask your vet if they have adoptable kittys. This way you will know theyve had their shots and you'll know their problems.

    Its not odd at all- especially here. Everyone here loves their fur babies a lot. When they're sick its all anyone thinks about. Your not acting odd at all. When I had to go to work after Boob had his episode, that was all I was thinking about. I think going through this with Max has brought you two much closer. :lol:

    Think about it a little more. It's a great idea. And maybe if you get a kitty from your vet, you can take Max there to see who he gets along with - like I'm gunna do with Bobo. :y_the_best:
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i know bellack1...what you say is so true...so much wisdom...so, we will see.

    on a lighter note...bellack1...read your post again...9 sentences down...lol,lol,lol. :wink:
  12. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    hey fridaylove...

    happy to report that my kitties have simmered down a little. they are down to one or two fights a night...well actually they've been within the 6 a.m. hour. i swear they know how to tell time.

    good luck...:)
    if these two can chill out a little bit there is hope...

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