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Pittbulls good or bad?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by leo2, Jul 12, 2004.

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  1. leo2

    leo2 New Member

    Deleted by admin. Too argumentative.

    Leo2. You are no longer welcome here.

    Thank you
    Auspetian - Admin
  2. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    any dog can be a "bad dog".... they ALL have teeth!! It all depends on the people/person taking care or raising them. I don't think there are any "bad dogs" only "bad owners"
  3. leo2

    leo2 New Member

    Do you have one?
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Any dog that been abused can turn on you. A lab, german shepard any dog. It would be the same thing adopting any other breed. Most pit bulls when going thru rescue are temperment tested, if they don't pass the tests then are generally euthanized. But they can be saved. There are pits out there that want to be loved and show you by loving you back. A dog can tell if he's being treated well and will act accordingly. If it was abused it could lashout and bite. But its a toss up. If anyone were to just take a dog off the street and not know anything at all aobut it, that would be more dangerous. We had a pit when I was a teen, from the time it was a pup, never bit anyone. Our german shepard had to be put down because he did bite someone. This shepard we got when he was pass the age of one, so who knows why he did it. We don't know his history.
  5. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    No I do not personally own one. But we do have a friend that does. He is a very nice dog. His name is Koffee. He also lives with children. And always greets us with kisses.
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    leo2: Just curious, is this you on this link. Both posted at the same time and sounds familiar.


    And yes, I own a Pitbull. I own 2 of them , in fact. They're wonderful dogs and loved by everyone I know. I would trust them around kids more so than some small breed dogs.
  7. leo2

    leo2 New Member

  8. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    for the simple fact we already own 3 dogs.... lol

    me thinks I smell a troll here.... :roll:
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Why? because there are people that purposely go around to different forums trying to cause problems, we don't appreciate that. This is a place to learn and not put down breeds just because you may not like them. We all have our favorite breeds. No need to down any of them.
  10. leo2

    leo2 New Member

    I didnt down i just want to know the truth?
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well the truth is a dog is what you make of it. If you treat it mean, then it will defend itself and be mean, if your nice to it, it will be nice. You sound like you were brought up in one of those gang type cities were guys feel they have to have a mean dog walking next to them. Thats not the way it is supposed to be. Life out side of the gang situation is sooooo much different. You need to experience life on the other side. If I am wrong then I apologize.
  12. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    You said you want to know they truth? Read these they will tell you the truth. http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/ http://www.badrap.org/rescue/
    http://www.pounderpits.com/information/ ... baddog.htm

    There are only bad owners not bad dogs!!! Any dog can be mean and kill. I have been biten buy Chi's Lab's and other breeds NEVER a American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) and I am around them on a daily basis. Have you not noticed that a few years ago it was the Rotties GSD and Dobies? Now its the APBT's. The media picks a breed and goes too far with it. I've seen many stories here in my home town where a person was attacked they said it was a APBT when in fact it was NOT. There are more myths about the APBT than any other breed. They do NOT have lock jaws, NOR do they "snap" like some people say. They are great with children. My son is 7 months old and he loves my brother in law 2 APBT's and they love him just as well. They are around a 4 year old and a 1. year old everyday.

    People like you who are uneducated about the breed are the ones who spread these horrible LIES about the breed. They are no where near as bad as most people think they are.

    Do some reading at the link I provied.
  13. ChronicBlue

    ChronicBlue New Member

    I used to be scared of pits, was lead to believe that they will snap with no cause, was told they have locking jaws, are vicious, and uncontrollable.

    rather than posting a question like yours. I did some reading in the pits forum, and from there other websites. it only took a matter of hrs to figure out, most of what I had been told and lead to believe through the media/tv(whats on tv must be true. right?), was false facts. sorta like if president Bush told you something, would you believe it right away? or would you do further research?

    In reality pits are one of the most people friendly dogs i have come across(maybe 2nd to my friends beagle/spaniel x). I used to avoid them cause of what I had been told, and really had no 1st hand experiences to compare with what I had been told.
    The other day I was at the dog park, and at one point I turned around to notice a huge pitbull charging right at me. a year ago I would have been scared, and probably would have tought the dog was going to attack me. The dog even started jumping up on me. Not cause he wated to kill some random person. He was just so excited to meet a "new" person that he could hardly contain himself, and immediatly started licking me.

    I'm not sure what you have been told or who by, but I think you should probably do a lil more research, and do so with a less biass view.
    I find the key to learning truth rather than hype is being unbiass.

    just cause al gore is scared of poodles, and says their vicious. Doesn't mean that poodles being vicious is a 'Fact'.

    peace. educate your self.
  14. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I am not giving you the satisfaction of my replying to your ridiculous post with any sort of seriousness beings that you are in fact a troll....But when you are referring to the American Pit Bull Terrier it is correctly spelled P-I-T B-U-L-L...Do you understand? One T not two. PITT wrong Pit right. Is this typed plain enough for your ever so slow brain to comprehend?
    Ok one more time....Are you READY?
    PIT BULL...Awwww now see? Just one T
  15. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    LMAO GinaH :eek:
  16. Jody

    Jody New Member

    You go GinaH....lmao. :eek:

    Ok when somebody writes an idiotic post such as this, I clearly see it as Rascism. And clearly people as such as this is just a waste of time. IMHO

    PS, You just bought a Shipoo right? Be very carefull, he or she might have teeth than can rip you apart!
  17. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i think this leo is just some jerk trying to get a reaction out of us. first he says he bought a 4 week old pup, then he says hes going to breed it, now hes bagging pitbulls. hmmm me thinks time to ignore?
  18. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    That was great Gina :eek: Major thumbs up for you :y_the_best: [/b]
  19. Coconut

    Coconut New Member

    I love pits! And I, too, yould like to know if that's you on terrific pets.
  20. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I agree I think this person is just trying to cause a commotion. I was going to reply before but couldn't be bothered, didn't think it was worth it.

    I can't believe all you people out there actually own dogs! Didn't you know they can turn on you at any time??? Best to put them all down just incase something bad happens.... (sarcasm implied)
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