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Pittbulls good or bad?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by leo2, Jul 12, 2004.

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  1. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Nah not good enough Jules, maybe we should get rid off our children instead so the dogs don't turn on them, then by all means we wont be bad parents (sarcasm here to).....
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    OMG is this another one of those stupid posts well all i can say is there is no such thing as a bad or mean dog just bad owners.

    We have Pitbulls and Bullterriers in the family i personally would not have 1 but they are so sweet they love being cuddle and kissed are great round the kids in the family and dont play rough i think its because of bad owners that this label of bad evil breed is placed up on these beautiful creatures.

    All animals can be mean and bad it depends on how they are trained and brought up.

    Same as children teach them to disrespect people and propertly letthem get away with causing trouble and fights in the streets then your going to have an unruly child same applies to animals.

    So leo before you start bashing at people with these breeds and and the breed itself do your research talk to people that actually own these dogs and you will see not all of them are vicious and nasty.

    Some one i talk to owns them and her male dog is now a Pets For Therapy dog and he loves it.

    Have you ever thought just because you have a shipoo does not mean its goign to be a nice friendly dog she could turn or you may give her the wrong signals and she will attack so please do research before asking questions like that.

  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I personally believe that you can have a wonderful pit bull as long a you beat it into submssion over and over and especially when you are very angry,smack that thing real hard, it'll learn

    I am totally kidding of course. I have never had a pit bull(although my last dog was 1/4), but I think they are wonderful dogs I would love to have one, but it is against the law here, although I have seen people with them, so I am not exactly sure about what's going on. Anyway 2 thumbs up for pit bulls!
  4. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Well, don't I miss all the "fun" when I'm gone! Glad my sister's wedding kept me off the computer. Gina you are a treasure! and I was laughing so hard over lil96's "I personally believe that you can have a wonderful pit bull as long a you beat it into submssion over and over and especially when you are very angry,smack that thing real hard, it'll learn". Having learned my lesson from my prior experience on the "other" board, I will refrain from commenting more than to say, inoculate yourself against ignorance with education.

    p.s. You @#$%&*$ moron.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well I hope she's not gone yet. She wanted to know about the shipoo breed(s) Well I can tell you about the poodle part. I have to keep my poodle away from all children. She does and has bitten. Yep, she got me. You know WHY Because she was abused. Yes, a poodle can be bad. But I stuck it out and retrained her. She is nearly perfect, but untrusted around children. Mine are teens and know better than to pester her. I used to call her the evil temptress, she loures poeple in with her beauty then lashed out, because she did not know how to handle being touched. Be careful how you bring that pup up. It's up to you wether she'll be a major bi*ch or a pussy cat.
  6. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    OK, lets all relax now. The troll can no longer post.

    Leo2, please refrain from posting at Auspet. You are not welcomed here !

    Thank You
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