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It's Sam's Fault!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by dogangel, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :mrgreen: O.K., Sam. I knew it was contagiuos, but I didn'y quite realize to what extent. Here I am, a brand new foster mom. I have no experience with fostering, so I'll inhale any advise you guys can give me. For now, the only problem I have with these two little girls is that they are fence jumpers. Any way I can correct this? (Never stumbled on this issue with my other guys).

    Here's their story:

    http://www.germanshepherds.com/cgi-bin/ ... 9;t=002010
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    dogangel, you are an angel :D
    those dogs are beautiful! wonder if they got there by fence jumping, found this for you

    How To Stop Fence Jumping!
    By Adam G. Katz

    Basically, the dog needs to associate a negative experience with jumping up on the fence. But, this negative experience must have three things going for it.

    First, the negative must happen right as he is jumping up on the fence.

    Second, it must be motivational. Kinda like when a cop gives you a ticket for speeding, but the ticket is only for $2, you'll probably wait until you get 100 tickets before you even consider changing your behavior. But, if it's a good $250 ticket, it won't take too many (maybe one or two) to make you stop speeding.

    In other words, you must find your dog's sensitivity level. For behavior modification, I'd tend to error on the side of slightly over correcting, rather than under correcting. You don't care if the dog never jumps up on the fence again, and you don't care if he has a poor attitude when it comes to it. (Unlike obedience exercises.) Bottom line is that the correction must be motivational.

    And third, he must get the correction every time he does the behavior. Again, if it's a motivational correction, he'll only try it once, twice, or at the most, three or four times before deciding it's not in his best interest.

    What should you do? You can try several things. Have a kid hide on the other side of the fence with a high powered garden hose. Tempt him to jump up on the fence. When he does, blast him!

    You can also set him up with a training collar and tab (short leash) and go out and give him a correction when he does it, but make sure you keep the dog confined when you can't be there to correct the behavior.

    At night, confine him to either a crate or a dog run... so he can't do the behavior and not get corrected for it. (Or if you go out to dinner, and leave him unsupervised.)

    Until he drops the behavior, he can't be allowed to do it and not get corrected. So, everytime he has a chance to do it, you must be in a position to correct him.

    There are at least three more ways to do this.
    1.) Take a sunday afternoon. Put the training collar, and the 1 foot leash on the dog, and leave him in the backyard.... but keep your eye on him through the kitchen window. Have the kid in the next yard create a ruckus, and when the dog jumps up on the fence, you immediately yell "No, no, no!" as you run out the door, and up to the dog, and correct. (No, no, no forces him to remember what he's being corrected for.) Even if he's no longer got his feet on the wall, he should be able to associate the correction with the behavior (within 7 to 12 seconds after the fact.)

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well I hope I have such an effect on others as well!!!

    Thats great that you rescued them!

    Her's a good fence jumping solution. An electric fence. Run an electric fence around the top of your yard fence. make sure its about 6" higher and angled inward. They'll hit it once and won't do it again!
    Another techinque is to get a tall dog kennel. Mayber a 6' or 8'. Mine have the 16'lX16'wx6'h. Its chain link.

    One thing is to keep them away from your dogs until you are comfortable with their interactions. Also make sure they are completely health checked by your vet. All shots and vacs.

    I just want to commend you. Thanks for being wonderful. You can always ask if you have any questions. PM me or email @ mare-majic@excite.com, or here. You know I'm always here!!!

    One thing to remember. Its not easy. Just have patience and don't get frustrated and give up.

    Sounds like they've had a pretty rough life. They are going to need lots of attention, supervision, and training. Germans are very inquisitive and will test you. Just ask Charmedagain!

    I'm sure he'll have some good advise on Germans for you as well.
  4. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    SOrry I do not have any advice on fence jumping since i do nto have a fenced in yard with my GSD's but those two are beautiful. If i could tkae another dog i would def. help you out. They are gorgeous. If you need any other advice about them unless of course you have some already lol let me know haha:)
  5. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    They are beautiful and so are you for taking them in! The hard part about it all is letting them go. The little girl Katey which just came to me a couple of weeks ago has been adopted and is going home tomorrow. My kids are heartbroken she's thier buddy and we all just love having a puppy around. Good luck with your new additions keep us posted!
  7. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :cry: I would take them if I could get them from Alabama. Sarge would love to have such beautiful girls around and he LOVES other dogs. It would work for me that they are older and have their shots, etc. I wish Alabama was not so far from me! Bless you for taking them on, GSD's have a special place in my heart though I am grateful for anyone who can help any puppy in need.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG they are beautiful I dont think you will a problem finding them a home hopefully together.

    how do they get along with your dogs??

  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG they are beautiful I dont think you will a problem finding them a home hopefully together.

    how do they get along with your dogs??

  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG they are beautiful I dont think you will a problem finding them a home hopefully together.

    how do they get along with your dogs??

  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Reminds me of the shepards we had growing up. It is such a shame that there are so many in the shelters. Good for you dogangel
  12. dogangel

    dogangel New Member


    They are two adorable SWEETHEARTS!!!! As the GSDs they are, they are already house trained. It took us two hours to house train them. They are very healthy, and I put them on Sentinel and on Frontline. They're a couple of playful little trouble makers!!! I can not tell you guys how wonderful they are!!! (Foster mommy already taought them sit!!!)
    I'm very proud of them, and if I didn't already have 6 of them, I would definitely keep them.

    Sarge's mommy - if you're serious about taking them, transportation can be arranged. I would not bat an eyelash giving them to you, cause I know how wonderful you are!!!

    Honeybears, they are wonderful with dogs of all sizes, and with children. I don't know about cats - as you guys may know - we don't have any :cry:

    I will put some more pics out when I get back home - right now I'm at work, and I gotta start pretending I'm busy... hehe!!!
  13. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    They will be adopted tomorrow!!!

    :0020: These little babies will have a new FOREVER homy tomorrow!!!! Their new mommy and daddy already have a male 110 pounds GSD boy, and they have always wanted a sister for him, but two sisters are even better!!!! Tomorrow I will drive them to their new home, and with this do the house inspection too.!!!! I am so happy!!!!!
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Woohoo! I'm glad it worked out! :eek:

  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh wow! That was a fast fostercare!!!! Wish they all went that fast!
  16. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :cry: Well, poop! and Yea! :eek:

    :wink: Jamiya- you didn't jinx me did you because you know I really should wait anyway?
  17. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wow that was fast, :eek: :eek: :eek: , what great news! so glad they are going to togeher, I sure will engrain in their brains if they dont work out you will take them back.

    :D honeybear
  18. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    8-[ ,Oh. make no mistake about that, Honeybears. I will call the guy every week to see how the babies are doing, and definitely have him return them to me if something goes wrong. I don't want these precious darlings to end up in a shelter again!!!!
    To begin with, if I personnaly don't like the guy, or if I sense something stinks, then I won't give him my little foster sweeties!!!
  19. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Congrats on placing the little sweeties so quickly! Sometimes fosters can be with you for years. Or in the case of half my dogs never leave! Did you make sure to check the new owners personal & vet references? Let us know how the home check goes. Sometimes that can make or break a possible adoption applicant.
    Keep us posted! :D

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