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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by leo2, Jul 12, 2004.

  1. leo2

    leo2 New Member

    Hi I just got a shipoo yesterday does anyone have experience with these kind of dog? My baby is 4 weeks old and so tiny!Her name is cotton.she is not eatin very well shuold i be feeding her baby milk?
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh man, is there anyway you can bring your puppy back to its mother for another 4 or 5 weeks. Its way too soon to be away from its mother. If not petco and other pet supply places do have puppy milk. I'm sure more peolpe will have more to say, but get some puppy formula for your pup pronto.
  3. leo2

    leo2 New Member

    No i cant take her back i got her from a breeder in Texas.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I know a breeder that just drove thru at least 4 states to retreive her pup because it came down with a cold and the vet was treating it for something else. Its fine now. Never say I can't.
  5. leo2

    leo2 New Member

    Well i just cant afford to do that. is there a certain baby formulas i should feed her?
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Go to your local pet supply store they can show you what puppy formula to purchase.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm not even going to ask why a "breeder" let a puppy go at 4 weeks. The person you bought your pup from is not a breeder - he or she is an irresponsible person trying to make a living off of dogs.

    Talk to your vet ASAP and find out how to care for such a young puppy. I hope she does all right.

    Best wishes for your pup and for you to become more educated as you learn to care for her.

  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I agree the pup should still be with her mother and litter mates from 4weeks old onwards the pups are learning how to communicate and act with other dogs aswell as people.

    Sounds like the pup is not even weaned which basically it would not be unless they were force fed puppy food before this so called breeder let them go.

    Whatever where you thinking getting a puppy so young.
    You need to feed your puppy on a puppy formula here its called whelpi and lactol also mixing this with some soft puppy food will give her a good chance she needs to be fed 4times a day in small amounts.

    She will also need to be kept warm as when with the mother the pups have the heat of the mother and litter mates during the night.

    Take your pup to see a vet and have her checked over.
    If you can not afford a vet then i am sorry i dont mean to be blunt but then you should not have this puppy.

    god these so called breeders out there really make me mad.

  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Also, you'd better start finding out how to socialize a puppy who has missed out on all the socialization that a mother and littermates normally give a puppy. One big thing your pup will be missing is bite inhibition - which means how to bite softly in play. You could really have a problem with this dog if you don't teach her.

    Here is a good article: http://www.jersey.net/~mountaindog/berner1/bitestop.htm

    She also will not learn how to communicate with other dogs. It's very important for her to learn her own language. Dogs that do not learn how to speak doggie or learn bite inhibition are at risk to have many problems later on.

    Since you're the one who asked about pitbulls, may I suggest you NEVER get one? Or any other dog, for that matter, unless you learn more first. You're the kind of person that ends up with a mean dog through all your mistakes and then blames the dog.

  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh lordy! What idiot would sell a pup at 4 weeks and what moron would BUY one at 4 weeks!!!!! Geeze. Gina Your right, Amen to that!
  12. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    As they havwe said go to walmart or a petstore and by puppy milk. Put the puppy in a box with a heating pad, i always put a towel over the pad and set it on low so it doesnt chill. They should never let a puppy go before 8 weeks too much danger of losing the pup.

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