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Razor Edge Bloodline

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by DoTheTwo, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. DoTheTwo

    DoTheTwo New Member

    I'm about to buy a pit bull soon... I'm getting a Pit bull that is classified as 100% razor edge bloodline and was wondering - what type of bloodline is this? What's different about this bloodline then others? Thanks.
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I don't know how to really answer the question. From what I can tell its not much different then another line of UKC registered dogs. I've heard that they breed for people aggression/protection. They have bred CH or GR CHs conformation dogs. I think the line is similar to other big blue lines or lines of big dogs. You can email them and ask what their line/dogs are really known for if you want to know the truth about your dog. Don't forget that just because this is the dogs line doesn't mean it will be a good rep, it depends on the breeder, some breeders breed just to breed and from have certain lines but do nothing to keep the integrity of that line.
  3. Zion

    Zion New Member

    I am a breeder of the Razor's Edge line. My dogs temperaments, each and every one of them is awesome. They are loveable, playful, content and full of observance to all going on around them. They are of show quality, exhibiting excellent body confirmation, beautiful heads and agility in order to work as this breed's original purpose. NOTE: I do not breed for aggression or any other ILLEGAL ACTIVITY!
  4. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Just a question but... Isn't that bloodline really expensive? I was just wondering why you would pay so much (assuming that you are) to get a specific bloodline if you dont know about it? Not being rude or anything but I am just curious.
    I don't really know much about them ...just that I do like the way they look and most every site I look at ...Razor's Edge is really expensive.

    Zion, you have some beautiful dogs.
  5. Zion

    Zion New Member

    Well I buy what I like ,and that is Razor's Edge line of dogs. They're real bully structure dogs with good confirmation and alot of head and bone .
  6. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Sorry Zion. I was directing those questions to DoTheTwo .
  7. DoTheTwo

    DoTheTwo New Member

    Yeah, it is expensive. I was looking around and found a RE for $1800 and it was here in Colorado (where I live). I went and talked with the guy and he dropped it to $1300... Had a talked with a friend and he said it was a good buy...but I just wanted a nice looking dog pretty much. Here is a picture of him - my girlfriend named him Bully. I'm going to pick him up this weekend.

  8. Zion

    Zion New Member

    Do the two you have nice dogs you did good !!!!!
  9. DoTheTwo

    DoTheTwo New Member

    Thanks. I hope he grows up to look similar like your 100% Razor's Edge Diego's Blacksoul. I think that is one of the best looking pits I've seen so far.
  10. Zion

    Zion New Member

    thank you too !!
  11. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Awww.... very cute!
  12. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    can someone please tell me why Razor's Edge is soo expensive?? granted they are nice lookin dogs, but why so much?
  13. Zion

    Zion New Member

    Why is BMW more expensive then a Ford Focus. Why BMW makers put more money and time in they cars, and thats what we do ,and also Razor's Edge dogs have batter temperment and beantiful body structure and good confirmation as bully dogs. You can buy a pit bull out of the New Paper for $100 to $500,but they will not be like this line of dogs,for these breeders do not put the time and money in they dogs has we do. We put time and money to have these dogs we love.You got what you pay for ,so if you want the best ,you buy the best !!!
  14. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Zion: My Pits didn't cost me $1800 and I think they're beautiful and have great temperments. I think PitBulls are a wonderful Breed no matter if you paid $1800 or rescue one from a shelter. It's not just a matter of getting what you paid for, it's a matter on how much you love and care for them. I think that all of us who have PitBulls no matter how much they cost, thinks ours is the best. :D
  15. Zion

    Zion New Member

    Yes, you are right - the main thing is to love & care for our dogs no matter how we obtain them. However, the dogs from the shelter do not come with a pedigree with a four generation life history (which is very important to some people). My statement about why Razor Edge costs so much is because of the time,dedication and money we put into our dogs in order to maintain them and make them the healthiest, strongest and best of the bloodlines. For those whoare unaware, we also rescue and place dogs in safe environments so its not just about money, we do alot for the breed. If this is what a person is looking for they purchase a Razor Edge bloodline dog, if this is not what they are looking for we respect their decision on the purchase of their dog elsewhere.
  16. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

  17. chickee

    chickee New Member

    That line of dog is so expensive because they CAN be. Every year it goes higher and higher. I remember when Dave was selling them for $1000. Every year, he would go up another $500. I think sometimes it was even $1,000. How much are they now? There is a market for them now, so people are going for it. Plain and simple. Sure! Of course some of these breeders and owners take care of their dogs. Who wants to lose their investment?

    I don't buy the reasoning for the high prices on RE dogs. I am a breeder/owner also and I spend a TON of money and 12+ hrs a day on my dogs care, and well-being. I also sell my dogs for 1/2 the price or less. I don't care how much you sell your dogs for, but stop using the excuse of your high prices on the "love" and "care" of your dogs, when you can "love and care" for your dogs for a LOT less.

    Oh, and another thing. I have 6 - 8 generation peds onsite for all my dogs, not 3 or 4 gen. I also bought a dog off of Diego, and had to return him because he had a very bad immune system. I spent over $1,000 in vet bills and surgery before he was 9 mns. old. ALbert never did refund me.
  18. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    DoTheTwo - Congratulations on your new pup - he is gorgeous! Picking a dog for you/your family is a personal choice and it needs to make each of you happy. I believe no matter which dog you choose or how much you pay for him, he's only going to be as good as you help to make him be. If you have that much money to spend - that's your choice. However, as the proud Mom of a new puppy I would like to remind you to hold enough money back so that you give him all of the supplies (crate, quality food, toys, leash, collar, etc) and vet care a new puppy needs and deserves to have - believe me this adds up FAST! Best of luck to you!
  19. chickee

    chickee New Member

    This is SO true. I just spent nearly $2,000 over the holiday weekend on two separate emergencies with two different dogs. Blockage of the intestines, (she died of bloat 12 hours later from the surgery) and some other minor gastro thing with another. That was just over the weekend.
    Thank God I have a dog account for such things. I paid it all by check.
  20. DoTheTwo

    DoTheTwo New Member

    Thanks. I haven't added up all the money I'm going to spend for the dog yet, but I'm sure it'll add up. The good thing is, I'm still living at home with my parents - so I have no bills to pay. So the dog will have a happy home with good care.

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