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cat chasing

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We are making some progress in the cat chasing department. I think it has less to do with me and more to do with Nala getting older. If the cat doesn't run or hiss, usually she's pretty safe. But of course, if Nala sniffs her butt too much, the cat hisses and it goes downhill from there. Then Nala gets hustled back to the family room and gated in.

    The other cat hisses and runs, but at least he is smart enough to get up high and stay there so he doesn't get bothered.

    This is Nala, loose with the no-hissing kitty:


  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :wink: But, I think I see some wee evil ideas dancing around Nala's head! She is so beautiful BTW.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, well in this case, the cat was pretty much doomed. Nala can outwait a rock when she is guarding something, so the second the cat moves she is toast. :roll:

  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya wow, thought I would never see the day, glad you are making progress.

  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    They still can't come into the "dog room" (family room) safely most of the time. We were starting to do well with that one cat (Tesla, in the photo) and Nala before we got Bonnie, but we are back to square one as far as that goes now.

    Patches is the more nervous cat. He's also the one with the heart condition. I got a new kitty climber for the family room so he could at least hang out in the room even if he couldn't be in my lap, but he won't stay up there when the dogs are in the room - he immediately runs away. I don't think he feels safe. Maybe now that he feels safe on the kitchen table with the dogs on the floor, we can introduce him to the kitty climber again.

    I try to watch a movie or TV in the basement a few times a week so that Patches can come snuggle with me.

    Can't we all just get along?! :D

  6. Jody

    Jody New Member

    LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Nik

    Nik New Member

    lol too... that's exactly how it is around here!

    Jamiya - is your baby gate the thing that keeps them seperated (safe) when you're not home? The reason I ask is cause you might find it's time to take it away....
    Mine's been gone for a month now and it's almost back to normal around here.
    I went to my mum's to help decorate her hallway, so rather than leave Floob alone all day I took him with me, and the baby gate. It kept him in her kitchen and yard while we were busy. It was late when I got home so I stood it against a wall with the intention of putting it back on the next morning... 3 days later I put it in the cupboard and it's been there ever since. It was the best thing I could've done. The cats seem to know that if they entice Floob they have nowhere to run to. They have high places and places they know he won't goto, like on the bed or even in the bedroom most of the time, but they know the chance is there. It's asif they know not to tempt fate, so leave him alone.
    Jipsy (female) just wanders in and out now, jumps on the window ledge, eats out of his bowl, everything she used to do in life before Floob, well, besides eating out of his bowl hehe.

    Floob's in the kitchen when I'm out so there's no worry of anything happening so it's worked out well around here :D

    I just wish sometimes they'd put up with him long enough for him to get a good sniff of their butts so he'd leave them alone, I'm sure that's all it'd take...
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We still have the gate up when we aren't home. The rest of the house is not adequately doggie-proofed and I worry about the cats when I am not there to supervise.

    When I am home, I try to leave the gate open as much as possible. I am hoping they will adjust to the extra feedom and when the novelty wears off, hopefully I can phase the gate out altogether.


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