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Ok Sams and everyone need your help ASAP

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by 4Dogsihave, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey all, I need some help today. I found a puppy at the bottom of the dumpster last night. She doesnt appear to be too old. Maybe just opened her eyes. Not really sure. I got her to eat some milk around 3:30 am and she is not eating now. Any suggestions? I cant find a vet that is open today who will help with with a payment plan so I cant get her in till tommorrow. Thanks guys, I will come back on later wit hthe whole story.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Eek!! While waiting for a reply from people who know these things, what I remember from other threads is - put the puppy in a box on a heating pad on low with a towel over it, to keep him warm. Buy milk replacement and feed him every....1-2 hours, I think! Really little puppies have to have their back ends rubbed with a soft towel after eating to stimulate them to go potty.

    Can you find a vet that will give you advice over the phone for free?!

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh my, what jimiya said, make sure you keep the pup warm, but not too warm, how horrible someone dumping a puppy like that,

    keep us posted

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. Get him warm. Put ihim in a shoe box with a warm bottle or heating pat. Put a blanket over it. You don't want him to be directly on it. He could get too hot.

    Go to the store and get some PUPPY milk replacer. Cattle milk can be a bit harsh on his little tummy.

    Get a needless syrenge and drop by drop feed him about 5cc every hour. If he's a bigger puppy try 8cc.

    Your going to have to make him poo and go pee by taking a damp rag or paper towel (warm water) and rub his little behind and whooha. He should urinate at least 5 droplets. He may not deficate everytime, but he should at least 4 times a day.

    Check his gums. If they are white he needs EMS care imediately. If they are pink, do the pressure test. Lightly push on his gums with your index finger. When removed it should be white where you applied pressure, but rappidly return pink within a matter of seconds. If it takes over 5 seconds to return normal, he needs care. This indicates poor blood flow, and possibly wormy.

    I would call an emergancy vet clinic for more advice. Do not give him a bath! That can really make him sick. And if he was in the dumpster, I can only imagine the smell. Get some baby wipes or cleasing cloths to wipe him down.

    ANother thing. Check all his legs and body for injuries. More than likely he was thrown in there and he could possibly have some fractures or injuries.

    Good luck. But get him to a vet as sooon as you can!!!

    He may not be eating because he's sick. Keep him away from your animals and bleach anything tha comes in contact with him. He could have parvo or some other disease. Always treat a stray as if it has the worst imagineable disease. You can try holding him up to a warm teddy bear and place a clock behind it. The ticking will sooth him and sound like a mothers heart beat, it'll also keep him company.
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :shock: Geez Jamiya, what did you say about waiting for people who know more? I wish a I knew as "little" as you do!!!! Can you get that supplement at any pet store?
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    :oops: Thanks Sarge'smom, but I feel funny giving advice about something I have never actually done. I just have read about that stuff here, but I have never raised an orphaned puppy like Sams (and others) has!

    One thing I read in one of those links was that you can put the heating pad on low under the box on one side, so the puppy can crawl to the other side if he is too warm. I know they say to do that with small critters that live in cages, so they can have both a warm place and a cool place to go.

    I think you can get the milk replacement at most petstores. I looked at PetsMart online and they do sell it. One of the links also had an emergency homemade formula, but as Sams said the puppy stuff is better.

  8. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    :shock: WOW!! I wonder what happen to the rest of the litter?!?!
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Well it sounds as if Jamiya & Sams covered everything. But here's a milk replacer recipe I have used many times with great success. Just make sure you do not feed any formula whatsoever if the puppy appears chilled as it can kill him. I also am posting a weak puppy booster recipe. Give it first with a syringe. I use a regular baby bottle with a premie nipple. Because usually the one the vet gives or you purchase at the store is way to small. Good Luck & keep us posted.

    Milk Replacer Formula:

    10 oz. evaporated milk (whole fat or part skim -- do not use all skim) or goat's milk
    3 oz. sterilized water (baby water or boiled water) -- delete if using goat's milk
    1 egg yolk (raw)
    2T regular mayonnaise (optional)
    1 cup whole fat yogurt (whole fat or part skim -- avoid all skim)

    Place all ingredients in a blender and mix (or use a wire whisk) till well blended. Use all formula within 7 days.
    Warm formula to puppy body temperature before feeding. Always discard formula leftover at a feeding. When using a bottle, you may need to enlarge the hole slightly. If the puppy will not use a bottle use a syringe.

    Weak Puppy Booster

    This formula is meant to be used on newborns who are chilled, weak or otherwise compromised. This formula should be administered every 1-2 hours (or more often) depending on the puppy's want to eat. Once the puppy begins to maintain a normal body temperature, regular feeding can resume. NEVER FEED A CHILLED PUPPY MILK REPLACER.

    8oz. lactated ringers solution or sterilized water
    1 tablespoon white Karo syrup or white sugar (do not use honey)
    Substitute plain, unflavored Pedialyte

    Mix ingredients and warm to body temperature. Feed 1/2 cc per 2 oz. of body weight once per hour. If puppy is very weak, you may half the dosage and feed twice as often. This formula should be followed up with milk replacer as soon as the puppy is maintaining normal body temperature. This formula should not be fed exclusively for more than 8 hours.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Gina, if you warm the puppy milk replacement before feeding it, will it still chill the puppy?

  11. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    The formula should be body temperature. The puppy should be placed under a heating lamp or on top of a covered heating pad until he reaches a normal tempeature but the another problem is to rapid warming of a chilled puppy can lead to death. Sometimes the best method is to just hold the puppy very close to you perhaps under your shirt for at least 20 minutes. This way you can assure he's not been warmed to quickly.

  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I have used these same recipes on ferrets and kittens. It just has to be slightly altered for kittens. I once had a litter of five, four day old puppies I was fostering I lost 2 the second day. so of course I was frustrated and determined not to lose anymore. So I resorted to taking the puppies to work with me and putting them in my desk drawer. (I was working for a huge insurance company at the time. I would have been so fired if they had found out. Thank God I work from home now.) The puppies were so young that they made no noise. So when anyone came into my office I just closed the drawer. They ended up all making it through and were all three adopted later when they were old enough.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, good for you Gina! I can just see you hiding puppies in your desk. :)

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OMGosh@ How funny. Ronny my GM told me he had better not find anythingin my office!! he he he.
    I haven't snuck anything in....yet....he hehe
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How's the little pup doing? Is she still hanging in there? Eating any better?

  16. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey guys, sorry just got back on. She is doing better now. Around three o'clock she suddenly woke up really hungry and had alot more energy. I finally got up with our local vet who was not able to see her until late tonight or early tommorrow morning. He told me to try and feed her wet puppy or kitten food. I bought some canned food and mixed it with a little baby food and she lapped it right up. I also have a premie bottle and the only thing I had access to today was baby formula. She drank some from the bottle. And I put some in a saucer and she is learing to lap it up. She was deffinatly not weaned from her mother. She is walking around a little more but very wobbly. I am guessing her to be between 3 and 5 weeks. I am hoping she was so tired and not wanting to eat becuase of what she went through and she seems to be waking up more and more. My brother is at home with her now and I will call him with some more tips that you guys gave. I was really worried when she wouldent eat but like I said I am hoping she was just too tired. She doesnt appear to have anything broken or hurting her. Which I am shocked cause this was a huge dumpster and she was in the very bottom. Do you guys think the baby formula will be ok untill tommorrow? I couldent get away to a wal-mart or anything today since I live inthe sticks all I had was food-lion.

    I am almost sure she is a border collie. That is the first thing I thought when looking at her and I have been looking at BC puppies and they look just alike. Thats where I get between 3-5 weeks from cause I saw pics of puppies that age. The only thing that baffles me is someone docked her tail. And I am almost certain it was not done by a vet. But there is a scab at the end of whats left of her tail. Anything I should do for that? Also Sams I already bathed her last night, I thought it was better to get all that trash juice off of her she was covered in it. I used a mild puppy shampo that said was safe to use on puppies under six weeks. I used to use it on my poms. I hope I didnt do her more harm by bathing her.

    Ok so sorry for such a long post but I wanted to post this story since I am still touched by it. I work at a Sheriff's Office as a Dispatcher and had to go on a transport last night since it was a female another female had to ride along. Well we were a few hours from home and the deputy wanted to get out and walk around to wake up he had been out about 18hrs at this point. So I was waiting in the car and he came and knocked on my window and said he heard a puppy in the dump. Well sure enough I heard it too. This was one of those huge dumps like they use at construction sites. Anyway he finally saw her after climbing up on it, I was thinking there was no way we were going to get her out. I couldent even see over the dump while standing on the bottom of it. So he jumps right in. I kinda tried to hold the flash light so he could see what he was doing and he got her out and handed her to me. Like I said I was really touched that he would do that. Most people I know would be like o well. He couldent take her since he has 6 dogs at home. But he did name her Oscar but that was before we got a good look at her and thought she was a boy. Ok well I think I am done now and thanks everyone for your advice! I will deffinatly keep everyone updated on her progress. And now I think we need a new name for her!
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok well she's a bit older than I though. Baby formula should be ok, as long as you deluted it a bit.
    As for puppy food, Thats good, At this age they should be introduced to it anyway.

    For the docked tail. Keep some tincture idoine on it and watch for infection.

    Make sure she stays hydrated and eats small amounts at the least every 3 hrs.

    Please post pics if you can.....I LOVE BC's and ACD's.
  18. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Thanks again sams and everyone. Dont want anyone to think I slighted them I just asked for sams in the topic cause I know she deals with this alot.

    Anyway just checked with my brother and had him check her gums. they are pink and when he pressed on them they return to pink in three seconds.

    I will try and get some pics on here. I think my moms digital is finally working again. I need to get my other girls on here. Right now my plan is to nurse her back to health and find her a good home. But I am sure that will change lol. I just dont know if I can handle 4 dogs even though I count my two poms as half a dog together LOL.
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to hear things are going well. I have heard they dock tails a few days after birth, now why would someone go to the trouble and dock a tail and the dump her? thank god you were there. you said you have 2 poms, whats your other dog? I would just make sure you keep her seperated from your other dogs until she is vaccinated.
    keep up the good work :D

  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Australian Shepherds can look similar to Border Collies and they have naturally docked tails, but if there is blood then I guess someone must have actually docked it. I, too, wonder why bother if you are going to dump the pup anyway. It's not like she could have run away and got in the dumpster on her own!!


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