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Very Sad News!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jody, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. Jody

    Jody New Member

    More then 30 dogs seized by the RSPCA from a property near Gilgandra were stressed and hungry after being taken to a Syddney animal shelter, a court was told yesterday. Elizabeth McMillan, 40 appeard in court charged with 27 counts of aggravated cruelty and a number of other charges including failing to provide sufficient food and failing to provide vetinary treatment.
    On the second day of the part-heard hearing, RSPCA officer described the condition of the dogs after they had arrived at the RSCPA shelter in Yaroonga. "Some of them were quite timid, some were aggressive but all of them were in quite poor body condition. After lifting the top off the tralier, the smell (of the dogs) was quite putrid. When RSPCA prepared the food for them to have a feed, they were very timid but approached quite quickly when they realised they had food. "There were a few snarls and growling but when they realised they each had their own food they were okay, and the food was gone in seconds.
    The dogs huddled together to get warmth as some of them had no fur. There were around 35 dogs and 20 cats in various cages and pens. Some of the dogs were suffering from Mange and were very undernourished.
    Some of the dogs had to be put down because there was nothing they could do for them.
    The magristrate will hand down his decision at the Local Court at a date to be set.

    IMHO - I hope she get's everything she deserves for doing this to these poor animals.
  2. kira1386

    kira1386 New Member

    that is so disgusting that someone could do that to those poor animals :cry:
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Jody i agree with you i hope she gets everything she deserves but IMHO she will probably get a slap on the wrist and a fine where as me i would have her locked up and given the same cruelty treatment she gave her animals.

    My heart really goes out to these animals and i hope that some honest loving person will take one in a love it the way it should be.

    Thanks for the post

  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think some people are just crazy and collect animals even if they can'T take care of them and she probably thought she was holding all those animals and protecting them. My moms neighbor was like that. Once they raided her house while she was in Texas, she lived in VA, she had been gone for 6 months, had like a 20' high fence built and kept at least 100 cats inside, they took away as many as possible and tried to leave her with 35, because that is the limit on how many cats a person can have in our county. Why didn'T they just take them all away??? Things like that bug, because I think these people have a serious mentall illness.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You're allowed to have 35 cats in your county?! Egads! Is that with a breeder or kennel license or something?

    We can have up to 2 cats and 2 dogs. Anything beyond that, we must pay an extra fee.

  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Wow 35 cats!! Thats a lot!

    It realy irks me that people just don't give a darn about the animals welfare. Yes I can see it from a mental problem aspect. But then you have those morons who claim to be a "breeder" when in reality they are nothing but puppy mills, and when faced with the charges.."Oh no!! I'm mentally ill!" Give me a break.

    Now alll those poor animals are going to suffer. Yeah they are being helped now, but they NEVER should have gotten to the point where they needed help.
    Ugh. :roll: I'll never understand why it has to be this way. WHy animals continue to suffer, why epople just don't have morals...
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    There was a woman here a few years ago who was investigated after neighbors complained of her stinky house. Inside they found 40 dogs and numerous cats, all malnourished and suffering from various diseases. She picked up many as strays and from shelters. She lived on a limited income and could barely feed herself let alone all the animals, and to provide Vet care.

    They showed her on the news crying as they took the animals away saying that they were her babies. Her house was full of fleas and ticks and had feces over every inch of her house and yard. Dirty food dishes and animal food was laying everywhere.

    She was considered as having an addiction to collecting animals and convicted of animal cruelity and told never to have another dog or cat again and to clean up her property.

    After doing an inspection a month later as part of her probation, they found that she had acquired 10 more dogs and cats. Now she has been admitted to phsyciatric treatment by order of the State for her obsession for accumulateing animals.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think it's very sad. Some of these people really are ill. I'm sure that lady really did love the animals and couldn't see that they were suffering. That doesn't excuse her or make it okay, but it's very sad. I hope she gets the help she needs.

    There was an article a few weeks ago about a woman who died shortly after her dogs were confiscated. Neighbors were upset and accused the "rabid dog rights people" of killing her because she just "gave up" after they took her animals. But they weren't being cared for properly!

    Easier to abuse animals than get the help you need, I guess. People suck. (Except the ones that come here. :) )

  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    35 cats is just for the average person, not a breeder thing. These people make me so sad. The poor animals, sometimes these people don'T even realize how many they have because they don'T get anyone desexed and then bya few genereations or so the animals are pretty much ferral and would have a hard time adapting back, so unfortunately they all get put down. I once saw a case like that on Animal Precinct.
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hopefully she will at least get some jail time. Lord knows she deserves it!
  11. Jody

    Jody New Member

    I have rang the council to see if there is anything that anyone can do, and they gave me the number to the animal shelter in Sydney where all the animals have gone, I have sent them $100.00 to help out with these little darlings. I mean it's not much, it's all I can afford and I wish I could do something more for them, but at least it is something right?

    They said if they came across anymore dogs, he'll call me to see if I can nurse any of them back to health again.

    I have written a letter to the magistrate (used to work with the law, so hopefully that might help), asking them not to go 'lightly' on this sick woman.

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