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what is the most disgusting thing your cat(s) has done?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    mine was - you guessed it - ZEUS.....when he was much younger he had a tendency to well....hmmmm - not fully clean his butt :oops:

    so one morning I wore a skirt to work - a khaki colored one. It was freshly pressed and I was properly :---) sitting on the sofa waiting for my son to finish brushing his teeth so we could leave and Zeus came up and sat on my lap

    we got down, I looked down - and yup he'd used my lap for - you guessed it - toilet paper (what is it with that boy and toilet paper?).

    I shrieked and ran to change my clothes and Shout the stain out....GROSS
  2. KarleySimon

    KarleySimon New Member

    There are manythings my furbabies do that are disgusting..I cought my Simon leaving the littler box and lets just say he still had something hanging from his bum and he scooted on the floor to get rid of it. It was pretty gross.
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    All my cats tend to puke in the spots around the house where I walk in bare feet. (They also prefer the carpet to the linoleum.)

    Also, Zoe tried to bring a live mouse into my bed one night. I guess she was proud. But, I was a little freaked out.
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    im like "oh my God!" not good
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Monty + Vene- wiping their fecal smeared butts on the floor.
    Milo- Dismembered bodies, entrails of moles and mice under our dining room. Occassional rabbit chunks of smeared blood and bits on our walkway and former deck.
    Pumpkin- Puke with furball on the carpets
    Rene- dripping diarrhea all over the house

    Lynn I guess you didn't need to mention Max's little dire-rear problems. :mrgreen:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Tiddy once scooted his bum across my rug and left a nice smear of poop for me to clean up. I used to have the litter box near my window which had a long, white curtain hanging next to the box.....Tiddy used it several times to wipe his paws when he was finished going to the bathroom . There were poop smears all over the bottom of my white curtain :shock: .
    Needless to say I found a new spot for the litterbox.
  7. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Once, I looked out the window to see Luna eating something outside. "What the...?" I said, and went out to investigate. Turns out, she had vomited up the dry kibble she recently ate (we had just switched her to MaxCat and her system wasn't used to it yet) and was proceeding to eat it back up, swollen piece by swollen piece. :shock:

    That was probably the most disgusting thing that I've ever seen her do, although we have had a few "unclean bum" incidences too...
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    pepes thrown up as hairball that looked exactly like a turd. now the most grossest thing with pheobe im a bit unsure about. basically it looked like she had pooed on my bed. we had just moved into a new house and she often poo in the bath when wed move. so i dont know if she pooed on the bed or if she pooed in the bath and the dog came and moved it!! as you do?!?
  9. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Ok, before when I knew nothing about Cats & Dogs which was a few years back...... :mrgreen: , I was really grossed out when my mother-in-law's cat had kittens and each time they pooped the mother would eat it up. I thought that was pretty gross.
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL Jody. You just reminded that I witnessed Luna eating the placenta after she gave birth I had no idea it was normal for them to do that and I was so grossed out. :-& :0024:
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Midas eating a dove in 5 seconds flat, YUK!

  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Honeybears, you just reminded me of what Pumpkin did in her younger days. I was out with Pumpkin on our yard and turned my back to admire some flowers and when I looked back, she had laid out 3 mice bodies, minus the heads all in a row.
  13. Jody

    Jody New Member

    OMG, do they really??? Well I guess you learn something new every day, I didn't know that, that's just gross!
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    now...dont you think its a little strange when...after i read all these posts....im thinking "now this is one of the best topics weve had!"
    okay...i better take a look at that... :shock:

    its like morbid fascination.... :p

    im just reading going "oh...no! oh....no!"
  15. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I didn't mention that my cat ate an earplug (a little foam one) and ended up having a blockage. Anyhow, he puked up green bile (have you ever seen the exorcist?).... That was gross. (Apparently puking up green is a sign of a blockage).

    A vet visit and ER visit later (plus a lot of money and sanity later) I can almost laugh at certain aspects of what happened. I don't think that Boris is humored about what happened even 3 or 4 years after the exploratory surgery. He just started to let us touch his belly again!

    (The staples in his stomach were pretty gross, too... he kept biting at them trying to pull them out.)
  16. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Several years ago while I was working retail, I had to go to work for 6:30 on Saturday mornings. I was in a huge hurry to get out of the house this one morning when Motley decided to throw-up on the livingroom carpet. While she was gagging, I grabbed a piece of newspaper to put under her head so I wouldn't have a big mess to clean up. This back-fired, of course! She got scared when I approached her with the paper and she took off running, all the way down the hall into my bedroom - puking all the way. So instead of a small, localized mess to clean up, I had to clean up a good 30 ft trail of the stuff.

    A few years later, when Motley was in her later-stages of diabetes, she crouched over my boyfriend's feet and peed all over them. :oops: He is my husband now, so it obviously didn't upsest him too much.
  17. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well lets see.....

    teddy bear.... used to catch lizards and completly eat them whole till there was nothing left or would eat anything but the head and leave it there 4 me to clean up and loved to chase me w/ snakes being very proud of her catch

    simba...will eat a lizard every once and a while but he caught a bird once and had it torn to shredds on my front pourch..

    garfield.... his sucking habbit grosses me out he is a year old and still acts like hes 8 days old and wants to nurse....and has brought me a chewed up snake and put it right on my bed 4 me to find....

    sassy.....loves to throw up on the bed the couch or carpet... never anywhere else just those places...and caught a rabbit i think it was and was torn completely apart on our back pourch we couldnt really make out what it was but pretty sure it was a rabbit nothing but fur... that was disgusting....

    chyanne.... likes to think her litter box is the bath tub.. if the litter box is occupied (we have 2 boxes but she only will use one of them) and she cant wait her tirn she will go #2 in the bath tub....
  18. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Some pretty gross things here.

    Wow, so my Socks is not the only cat who tries to clean poop of her butt by scooting on the floor. She a semi-long hair and poop can sometimes get stuck on her fur under her tail so she makes streaks on the carpet and floor to clean herself off...yuck. I have an electric razor that I use to try to keep the fur shorter under her tail. That seems to help some.

    When I see poop on her fur, I follow her around the house with a paper towel to try to clean it off. This must look pretty funny. She can manage to keep just out of reach of me while I'm trying to catch her.

    My other cat, Mittens, likes to leave little gifts of pieces of small animals on the front porch. Pretty gross, too.
  19. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    one of my old cats Frank, when he was alive and a kitten when we baught him home my mum went to work and when she came home Frank had s*** or should i say diarehaed in to her slipper right up to the rim! And my mum put her foot in it.

    iRalph, our current 1 of 3 cats puked and proceded to eat it!

    iv also seen worms hanging out my cats bum! swift treatment was needed
  20. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    OMG sunset05 when i read that ..i immediately thought of this..you'll all get a kick out of it..


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