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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by daddyfs, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    O M G! This guy is such a moron.
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    'BS, when I start hearing of attacks by a pack of Poodles or Bichon Frises then I will worry about breed specific legislation'

    pfft this person has never seen my aunties mini poodle then. although he a sweetie to everyone he knows well, hes bitten about 3 of my aunties friends. each time they had to go to the doctors to get their bites treated.

    yesterday there was an ad in the paper. it was the dogs refuge home looking for a home for a 1 yr old pit bull. this is the first time ive seen a pitbull in a shelter. i think they automatically kill them here. anyway i showed my mum and held my finger over the sentence with pit bull in it. i go 'isnt this a sweet dog! dont you think hed be a good boy mum?' 'yes hes a cute dog, im sure hed be a good dog' ' hey mum *list finger* its a pit bull!' well her attitude changed completely. 'oh yuck i thought it was a lab, viscious creature' youd think with me owning an akita and changing their minds about them my parents would have a more sensible attitude towards pit bulls.
  4. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

  5. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    It irks the heck outta me when these dumb@$$ people talk BS about all these 'pitbull attacks'. Not saying that they don't happen (I'd be a dumb@$$ to say that), but I personally have never met anyone who has been attacked by or had their pet attacked by an APBT. I have (just today) heard of a Labrador killing a Shitzu (OMG! Lets ban Labs!), a Schnauzer (spelling) killing a pet duck (OH no! They're killers), a Cocker Spaniel bit my husband in the face when he was little, and a friend of mine recently had a small dog (Poodle, Schnauzer, something little) bite his finger so badly that he may have to have surgery on it. And he owns 12 APBTs and none of them have ever bitten him. <Sigh> And pitbulls are the ones that should be banned??? A lot of people just need to get a clue!

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