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Can't find the right decorations

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by JxKIM89, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    I've been looking around different aquarium sites to get special looking decors in my tank. I'm looking for a fake volcano thing like in Finding Nemo :D but nothing crazy like that is on sail. If anyone knows where i can get something like that to make my tank look like more of an island setup than post your replies !! :eek: Thank you.

    Another thing! Does anyone know where i can get freshwater sand? I forgot which post had the info about it so i am posting it up myself. Where can i find it and what is it called? And is it smart if i put the sand over my gravel so it buries it cuz i dont want to take out my gravel and all that stuff. in t_chelle's aquarium pix she has a lot of sand which makes her tank so crazy looking. Sorry if i am writing too much but im really desperate in finding it. Thank you. :D
  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    well for the sand thing you can you playsand that is what i used and it looks great
  3. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    whats playsand? is it like the sand you put in a sandbox or something? And doenst it have lots of salt in it thatll make my freshwater all salty? If not how do you clean it also?
  4. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    nope the play sand i use has no salt in it you jusst need to rise it till the water in clear then its all good just go to you local hardware store like home depot home hardware or rona and ask for play sand they will hook you up and i would remove the gravel i wouldn't put the sand over it
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Pool filter sand works well too and doesn't require quite as much rinsing. It's generally white, but I happened to get a batch of brown (which is in my 10 & 20 gallon tanks).

    The best way I've found to clean sand is put it in a bucket and run water in the bucket. Keep letting the water run & overflow while gently stirring the sand. When you can stop stirring & turn off the water and the sand settles in about 5 - 10 seconds, it should be clean enough for your tank.

  6. 2nafish

    2nafish New Member

    get play sand at walmart
  7. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    What about the aerating volcano ornament? Can anyone help me find it? Thanks for the info bout the sand
  8. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    What about the sand that comes in the Sand Bags, could i use that? I had some of those in one of my trucks and one got ripped open.
  9. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    you should usually be able to find the sand at the lfs.
  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    That's actually what I used in my 75 gallon. Be warned that it's a lot dirtier than play sand so it takes a lot of rinsing. I rinsed mine for about 20 minutes and I stilll had brown water running off. I eventually just took my net and sifted out all the larger particles and use that in my tank. So it's sort of like really fine gravel (about 1/3 the size of standard aquarium gravel).

  11. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    yep just be sure you rinse it good
  12. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Do you guys have any other decoration alternatives?
  13. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i wonder if you can make your own decoration for your tank s??
  14. needlefish

    needlefish New Member

    at my lfs they have volcanos. The store is called Pet Shop i swear
  15. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol, cute idea about the volcano. umm, the only airators we have down here is the normal stick thing and plants where you hook that up and the plant gives off bubbles.
  16. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    True dat, does anyone know if how to make their own decorations?
  17. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    i found the ornament guys, but i have to talk to my lfs to get it. thnx for ur help
  18. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    kk, yeah maybe ask if they can order it for you.
  19. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    i need to have a fish stor or something like that.. i dont really trust internet stuff too much if i have to giv them my address. I duno maybe i'll contact them if they have a number.
  20. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    noo, you go to your lfs and ask them to order it. all they will ask for will be your phone # so they can tell u when its in store.

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