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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by tapia, Mar 29, 2004.

  1. tapia

    tapia New Member

    Hello everyone I am new to this board.People here seem really helpful so I thought I would post here about some questions I have.I have a 13 month old male APBT,Suavo,and he is really healthy.His coat is shiny his breath never smells too bad he has no rashes etc but flies really like him.How do I get them to stop getting on him?Someone told me garlic would help.Is there any other way?Thanks and sorry if this post is long.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I don't know of any natural remedies but there is a fly cream for dogs thats supposed to help repel the flies. My neighbors have used it before and it seemed to work well. I don't recall the name of it but you can probably find it or something similar to it at any pet store.
  3. pitzerlover

    pitzerlover New Member

    I don't know if this will work for you, but a friend of ours does it and I think that we are going to try it this year. He bought some cow tags, and put them on a tree above their dog house ( it smells pretty bad, :shock: especially at first) but there wasn't a fly one near his dogs. We have always mixed a little but of seven dust with a little bit of vaseline and put that on their ears, that's where the flies seem to get them. They do have a arasol spray that's called flies off!, but we didn't have much luck with it. Hope that helps :wink:
  4. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I had the same problem with one of my males, Sammy. Both he and one of my females, Maggie, were in the same general area, but the flies bothered Sammy so bad, they were making places on his ears! I haven't ever tried it, but they say that hanging a thing of water nearby keeps flies away. Not sure why this would work, but worth a try, but then you might have to worry about mosquitos! Sorry I couldn't be more help. My dogs are all inside dogs now, so I don't have to deal with it anymore. Hope you get rid of them.
  5. Shady_Babygurl

    Shady_Babygurl New Member

    Flies on dog...

    I have tried every product in my area to repel flys off my 3 yr old Pit. I finally was watching a tv show in discovery channel where elephants and Lions etc rolled in the mud to keep flys from biting them. I know its not the BEST LOOKING solution but I used some very clean dirt and made a paste and put on the tips of his cropped ears. No flys bites since. It looks dirty but it is really helpfull in those summertime months when flys are bad. Hope it helps...Kim

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