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Budgies Breeding - answers neded!!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Nerwen, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. Nerwen

    Nerwen New Member

    ok I have two bugies and of cause one is female the other male. They are in a simple bird cage (plently of room for both to fly about) with no nesting box or anything to make a nest with, but I caught the male jumping onto the girls back to breed!! and him trying to feed her (nothing was pasted, but the actions were clear)

    I need to know if they will breed in the cage they are in or not!!! I was lead to believe it was fine to have them together like that. Should I panic about my girl suddenly laying eggs one day?

    The female is about 3-4 year old but i'm not fully sure on the male only that when I got him about 5 mounts ago he was still to young to breed and was told if I did want to breed them to wait at least 8 months.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi if you have a male and female in a cage they will breed wether there is a nest box or not.

    If they are mating she will lay her eggs on the cage floor if there is no nest box they dont normally hatch as they can not be incubated properly as the female can not turn the eggs properly.

    If you are not wanting to breed and she does lay eggs and you dont want babies never remove the eggs until 19days after they were laid as she will just lay more eggs to replace the ones taken simply boil the eggs allow to cool and write a number on the egg so you know which eggs you have done then place them back in with the female.

    If you are wanting to breed and have chicks then you will need to get a larger cage one that you can attach a nest box too and line it with about an inch of plain woodshavings.

    You will also need to provide her with plenty of cuttlefish bone as egg laying can cause a calcium problem in the female.

    Also they will need to be feed fresh fruit and vegtable soft food such as boiled eggs mashed up with the shells this gives extra calcium, boiled pasta and rice wholewheat bread as these can then be easily fed to the chicks.

    To stop them from mating its best to keep moving the cage to different parts of the room they are in rearanging toys in the cage reducking the amount of light they have a day will all help stop her from laying as she will feel insecure and will not want to put her babies at risk.

    Egg laying usually happens 7-14days after mating some females lay 3weeks after and will lay and egg every other day.
    The incubation period is 19days and again will hatch every other day.

    good luck and keep us posted of whats happening.

  3. Nerwen

    Nerwen New Member

    ok then, *deep breath* I've calm down a bit now lol.

    I have always like the idea of breeding budgies but now is not the time.

    also my girl doesn't like veges, I've tryed tog et her to eat some but no matter how I put them in her cage (food bowl, on the side, hanging from roof) she freaks at them she did have some cuttle fish but mostly left it alone.

    I haven't seen any more mating behaivour but Freckle (the girl) is chewing things a bit madly. bUt then she has always been like that, I give them a new branch and in two days it is striped of bark. She doesnt' stop until it is bare.

    Thank you for the time lines of when egg's would so up (if any) I will be watching closely for that.

    and I'm planning on getting a cage to seprate them.

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