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help taming lovebird??

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Mar 31, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i need some advise on taming my lovebird.. i just got her almost 3 weeks ago and i try to handle her 30 min a day i take her in the bathroom and let her fly around till she gets tired and then try to handle her.. i make sure the seats down on the toliet etc... she cant get hurt....but the problem is she will let u hold her once u have caught her but its soooo hard to catch her and when u do she gives a really nasty bite...but once u r holding her she will only nibble... i have found some info online but nothing that has worked yet.. can anyone give me some advise plezz????
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi.Other than having patience with her as your doing everything else there is nothing much you can do.
    Some birds love to be handle some just like to nibble.
    Is she a single bird as lovebirds dont like being on there own and should always be in pairs as they are mates for life.

  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    yea shes single i got her 3 weeks ago from this woman that couldnt handle her anymoer and was gonna set her free so i took her in the woman told me she was paired w/ another lovebird that died 3 months b4 i got her soooo....sooo its been bout 4 months that shes been w/o her mate.....im thinking about getting her a new friend but i cant find any black masked lovebirds in my area eveyone ive found that has lovebirds only have peachfaced avalible right now.... should i get her a new friend or just keep her single?????i also have a parakeet that she talks to and plays w/ all the time but they dont stay in the same cage together but the lovebird will let the parakeet outta its cage and they will sit on the tops talking and playing w/ their toys....
  4. 1bookitty

    1bookitty New Member

    Lovebird Breeding Help!!!

    I have a peachface male lovebird named Ringo (because of the ring on his leg) and a dutch blue peachface named Dutch. She has a nest and eggs--9 at last count a couple months ago--but Ringo is not the least bit interested in her. We have had her since she was about two months old, but we caught him from around our house. She wants to mate with him, but he won't give her the time of day. Any suggestions??? We can't handle either one of them and they are alone int he cage together, so I would love to get some chicks to handle.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Lovebirds love the attenion of another mate.
    It will take a few weeks for the male to accept her as his mate as some of them will not mate unless the pair are of the same colour.

    Would you be able to get DNA sexing done just to confirm that he is a male.

    I have added a link for you to read.


  6. 1bookitty

    1bookitty New Member

    Lovebird Breeding Help!!!

    Thank you very much for your reply!! :eek: I didn't expect one so soon. Anyway, I suspect he is a male because of the masturbating he used to do. We had to take down all of the straight, sturdy branches in the cage because he was constantly rubbing himself on them. I work at home and the cage is right outside my window, so I see most of what goes on in the cage almost continuously every day.

    I guess I didn't explain previously that they have been in the cage together for more than a year. We had another pair in with them, but when the pair started injuring Dutch (because she kept interfering with them), I found them a new home. They are in a small aviary together with branches, a nextbox, toys and hanging bowls. She tries to intice him, but he just flies away. She chases him down, but that just then repeats itself over and over. I did notice yesterday, he seemed a bit curious about what she was doing. He watched her for a while :shock: without flying off.

    I read the link you sent to me--thanks again. He has a lot of the features of the male besides the above. He does shred paper and wood and will play with it in his mouth, but doesn't tuck it in his wing like Dutch. His tail is tapered and his stance on a branch is narrow. The other pair we had were peachface as well and there was no difference in coloring between the three of them, so that is of no help. I read some time ago that the dutch blue peachface is just a mutation of the peachface. will they still produce young if I can get him interested in her?

    Is there a way to get him interested in her? If he was mated before and accidentally got away from his owner, would he mate with another eventually?

    Thanks again for your quick and informative reply :mrgreen:
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI it could be like you say that he may have excaped from someones house and his mate is there.
    Sounds like his is showing interest in her by watching what she is doing so they may eventually bond and have little lovebirds together only time will tell.
    The main problem with love birds is once they have a mate they are mates for life and some never take to another.

    You may be lucky and he will warm to her.

    Offer them plenty of soft foods like boiled mashed up eggs bread boiled pasta things like that and that should be enough to get him to mate finding soft foods to eat seems to stimulate birds to mate.

  8. 1bookitty

    1bookitty New Member

    Lovebird Breeding Help!!!

    Thank you!!! Will try it and let you know how it goes. :idea:
  9. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Hi FMgurl43,

    If it's not done already you could try clipping her wings.

    When I first brought Kiwi home and tried to hold him he bit my hand so hard that I had to let him go and he flew all over the kitchen. When I finally caught him I held him in my Ski glove and clipped his wings and then after that he would sit on my finger for as long as I wanted. Now everytime you open his caage he'll climb out and go right to my finger.

  10. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Can I see a picture of your lovebirds! I bet they look really nice!
  11. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i only have one lovebird at the moment im still trying to find lil miss keyera a friend shes very lonely but so far havent found one yet :(


  12. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    OMG how cute is she i really hope u find her a mate she does look lonely but i am sure she is happy with your company.

    Good luck and let us know if you find her a friend.


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