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Morning Suprise!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    *Yawn* I wonke up this morning to a long stretch and yawn, not looking forward to another day at work. But its Friday!!!! So up I stumble to the bathroom to wash my face and brush the ever so nasty taste out of my mouth.....when I heard a yip.....Hmmmm

    SO I put it off thinking its Just Charllotte or Smokey barking at their evil squirl Chewbecca... Got ready for work...Yip Yip...hmmm that doesn't sound like my dogs!!! And the two mange pups and puddle pups arent here......

    So out I go to investigate the situation. :-s

    Staning on the sidewalk, just outside my yard gate is a box. I opened the top and 5 little heads stared up at me blankly!!!! They couldn't be over 4-5 wks old. Their little teeth are just cuttin through the gums, and they're very wobbly when they walk..... There is one solid red one, a white and red one, and three german shephard looking ones!!!!
    I fell apart. So off to the kitchen to grab some bleach, and spray down the kennel real fast (even though nothing has been in there since ralph and rattigan....)

    SO I put them in there with water, and canned Yucky food, They looked like a pen full of pigs! You should have heard the slopping and slurping!!! They were VERY hungry. But all look in good health. Besides a really bad case of fleas and ticks.

    SO when I get home, I've got a lot of work to do!
  2. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    congrats :eek: lol.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ahhh, back to life as normal! And the required comment: "What the heck is wrong with people?!"

    I never did get the photos in the mail, Sams. Stupid postal service.

    Question: when one "sprays down a kennel" with a bleach mixture - how exactly do you do that? Do you use one of those hose attachment thingies that mixes whatever (bleach in this case) with the water, or what? I'm cleaning challenged - I try to avoid it whenever possible. :)

  4. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    I get the feeling that everyone around you knows if they have a unwanted pup or in this case puppies to drop them off at your door step!

    But without people like you willing to take them in a love, feed and rehome them. They wouldn't have a place to go other than the shelter.

    You are a wonderful and loving person to help out all these poor unwanted babies!!!

    Congrants on the new babies! :eek:
    Sounds like your in for some more fun!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    At least they were in a box so they were relatively "safe" until you found them. Better than tossing them out of a car as they drive by. :x

  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I kept wondering when it was going to happen again :?, and we know they are in good hands :D well at least you got a week or two break

  7. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    honeybears- I have been thinking the same thing! Thought it had to be any day now that sams was back on the job!

    sams- why don't you hang a sign out in front of your house that says "If you are dropping off an unwanted pet, please ring the bell or make sure that the animal is in a safe box or cage till we can retrieve them." Kind of like the hospitals made it safer for women with unwanted to babies to drop them off at the hospital instead of a trash bin. Gosh, this world places so little on importance life of all kinds. At least this way maybe it would stop people from throwing animals out. I know that these came in box (like you got them from Walmart!) but it made me think about that hospital connection thing. Of course, I can't even keep my toddler from trying to stand on a bouncey ball so what do I know! :roll:
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Good Grief Sam! Again? You are going to have to get your license and get an official rescue started so that you can get help with funding! Especially with it being an every week thing. I live in the country and am known for being a sucker when it comes to animals and I never get dumpees like you do. You poor thing no rest for you. The offer still stands if you would like help getting a website going so that you can get all the rescues publicized let me know. I have a very good friend who creates websites as his career and he said he would be more then willing to help such a good cause at no charge. IM sure you are probably in touch with many Rescues but if not I can help you get aquatinted with a few that could help you with the basics of getting a rescue started.
    Oh and post pictures of the little darlings! We never get to see them :(
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah, I knew it was comming. Like the old saying goes "silence before the storm!!!"

    Granvel came home, he saw them and about flipped a lid! He called me, "where in the **** did these come from!!!!" I had to tell him, He just laughed and said, Oh no...not again!

    I thought about the sign idea, but Granvel said no. He said its bad enough people dump them here, if we put up a sign, every one would dump on us!!! Like they already don't!

    Jamiya - I've got a pump up sprayer that I fill with half bleach/half water, You just pump it up and it has a hose with a handle and sprayer. Takes aobut 10 minutes do do the whole kennel. Works Great!
    As for the photos, I'll mail you the other copies. I'll put them in Certified letter form if thats ok. Thatway if they get lost, I can track them.
    Someone probably got them and is freeking out. Some of the photos were pretty bad. They probably think I'm an idiot and an abuser!

    GinaH - I'll PM you later. I'm going to take you up on that offer. I've applied for a 501(C)3 buthaven't heard any responces yet. The people I talked to said it could take up to 6 months for them to approve it. When Jamiya gets the photos, I"ll ask her to please kindly email them to you. If she will do so for me :wink:

    We lost the bid on the shelter building. Some arse hole bought it out fromunder us!!! To have a antique shop!!! Like thats all Bellville needs, another friggin antique shop!! They have like 17 now!!!!
    Ugh... So we're searching for another building......

    yall, I'm sooo glad that we met!! I want to let this place be my safe place. I feel like I can always come here for comfort, support, and advice. I need a way to pay you all back! Jamiya and Gina - I'll pm you about some stuff.....

    I know I know I know...I suck with the posting photos!!! I'm going to go find a digital of my own! That way I have no excuses!!! Granvel got a good bonus and he said he was sending me shoping. So thats on my list!
  10. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I wasn't sure if the sign thing would make it better or worse! What would really help you was if we all took a turn spending a week in Texas and helping out with your newbies as you get them!!!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I can toss together a website too if Gina's friend falls through. Just let me know.

  12. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Oh oh oh! And I can do the avatar.... or maybe my sister can do it!
  13. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    for avatars you can ask Fish Addict he will host pics and all.
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yall are sooo wonderful!!!
  15. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol, try get some pics of them.
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow Sams, good luck with the new pups. You are a godsend to so many unwanted animals. :D
  17. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    wow, sams... thank Heaven you are there for those babies!! :) you definitely have to post pics!! would love to see them!

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