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my dog's vet visit....this could get long

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'll try to be brief but that's hard for me - well I can be but this is kinda complicated

    Sadie has liver disease...have known this for over a year. Liver biopsy May '03 and nothing definitive but her liver looked like swiss cheese. So her liver disease was labeled degenerative liver disease for lack of anything for definite. I give her milk thistle and her counts are down with every bloodtest - not down by a lot but down nonetheless.

    Let's see...keep it simple Mary...her liver is inflamed/enlarged. It's not doing its job so Sadie's body is filled with fluids (also knew this but belly tap last Feb. produced no fluids and there never seemed to be an explanation nor a solution) about 2 gallons in her belly alone. She now weighs 80 lbs (down from 85 a month ago) and 20# of that could be fluids....she is extremely thin w/out the fluids right now. Her body isn't processing its food....okay since the liver isn't working correctly her body is screaming for the proteins it needs and is stealing proteins from muscle mass (muscles, bladders, etc.) so she is retaining fluids like crazy.

    Thryoid is low and the pills she takes give her a boost for awhile so when your thyroid levels go up after taking her meds her body starts producing more fluids forcing the some of the excess out of her body (thus the horrendous leaking). This is where the pills have affected the leaking...good thing and bad thing.

    She has to be on prednisone to help reduce the inflammation of her liver, dieuretic to help get rid of the fluids. Will be a slow process though as can't flush these fluids out too fast cause the body will automatically replace what is lost. So slow is better as it'll give her body time to readjust to the lessening of fluids giving the prednisone time to help bring down the liver inflammation.

    When she stands up it's like her water broke :shock: gross - but this is too be expected for a couple of weeks choke choke. I'm stocking up on doggie diapers, floor cleaners. I've got her confined to our entry room where the floor is ceramic tile and keeping a mop at the ready. I put puppy wee wee pads under her. I also had to shave her back legs so help keep her cleaner and she does have urine scald on one leg so it can dry quicker.

    Vet and I had a long talk about quality of life...you should have seen Sadie in there kissing the vet, holding hands with her (Sadie likes to have her paw held while she's in the vets - she's always done that). Oh yeah she has fluid around her heart and lungs too.

    But in spite of this even the vet says she's not ready to go yet...too alert, too active. So we'll see this through and see what happens at the end of 2 weeks. I cancelled our long weekend to Maine next weekend...well not cancel just postponed.

    I'm very tired though - roller coaster week - taking care of her, family, foster kittens (last 2 leave tomorrow). And working. I do have a week off soon and I'm going to sleep through it although I do have plans to scrape a ceiling and paint and room. I might have myself committed for awhile for a rest :y_the_best:
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Mary, I'm sorry you're going through so much right now. You really need a well deserved rest with absolutely no chores.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I wish you and Sadie well.
  5. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Good luck!!! I hope everything turns out for the better. :!:

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