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Neighbors and Barkers

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Mackie8494, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. Mackie8494

    Mackie8494 New Member

    There may not be much I can do here but I will tell this anyway. We are building a house and just moved into an apartment. Of course we searched out for an apartment that would take pets and Scrappy and Banjo are adjusting very well to the new environment except for their barking. We are on the lower level with a glass patio door in the living room. Maybe 3-4 times a day when the see someone they don't know out the patio door they will start barking for a few seconds. My 2nd day in the apartment I received a knock at my door and a little girl said her mother said for us to keep our dogs quiet because she had a headache. I am trying so hard to keep them quiet but now they have started barking at everyone when we take them outside. Maybe they miss the yard where they could run out their energy :cry: . I can't think of anything to do. I close the blinds but they are vertical so they can push them back. I am trying to walk them every day so they will get used to seeing so many people. Any other suggestions? :?:
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Try introducing them to everyone you walk pass. Make sure they get out alot. so they don't feel like they are missing out on something. It's normal for them to want to bark at strangers and other dogs. Just tell that lady you are trying your best and that it takes time for the dogs to adjust and get to know their surroundings. Hand her some tylenol. Your building allows pets so that a plus. Make a point to get to know the women that complains too. She will fall in love with your dogs and things will hopefully be easier.
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I agree...the more the dogs get used to the surroundings, the more comfortable they'll get. I also agree with Puttin... the apt complex allows pets, so you're ALLOWED to be there, but understand that you can't have dogs barking continuously that effect your neighbors' quality of life.

    I think if you introduce yourself to the neighbor, she'll be more compassionate...... Let's hope she only gets a headache once a year....hehe....... Also, if she hears you actively trying to quiet the dogs, then she should be pretty understanding..... :)
  4. Mackie8494

    Mackie8494 New Member

    They have gotten better. :eek: I think it was mainly just the first day or two in a new place. Now they will bark if they hear someone outside our door or if someone knocks. We did talk to the apartment manager about it and she said not to worry it. The lady's kids are always wanting to pet the dogs but she really prefers not to speak. Hopefully, we will be out of here in 4-5 months.
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    how are things going with the barking, Mackie?? It's been a couple of days... was just curious on an update :)

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