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DEMO Mange??? Help me please

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by daybreak, Jul 18, 2004.

  1. daybreak

    daybreak New Member

    After a trip to the vet with no answers I did alot of my own research and I realize my 9 week old lab pup has Demo Mange. At first he could not walk, eat and he was pussing like crazy and would 'cry' at the very touch of him. He was full of life before this. Now after two weeks of treatment, mainly alot of nuture, I fed him puppy formula, chicken and beef broth and give him baths he just started to lift himself up again.

    Any good suggestions on how I can draw out this puss and get his infected areas cleaned up? He has been on antibiotic for the two weeks now also cephelaxin or however you spell it. The infection and hair loss is around his mouth/nose, his eyes, ears and ends of this paws.

    I am still so sad but glad to see progression. OUr dog had a beautiful litter of puppies. This one is the only one who seemed to be affected. He had two HUGE lumps under his neck that seem to have gone down considerably.

    I just wanted some suggestions on how to treat these open soars and all this YUCKY puss that keeps coming out all over....UGH....

    We bath him often because he has no where to go to the bathroom but on himself because he could not lift himself up.

    Please please help

    Thanks in advance :cry:
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    OH IM so sorry. I have personally never had any experience with Demodetic mange. Sorry IM not much help.
    Sams just recently had a couple of puppies with Demodetic mange so Im sure she will have some great tips for you. She will most likely be on in the morning.
  3. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    When I first got Winter my Corgi\Eskimo mix she had demo mange. My vet gave will did not give but I bought from him a at home dip. Plus she was getting them at the vets as well. Is the pup getting dips? If not why did the vet not sugest(sp) this?
  4. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :( I'm so sorry your puppy is sick!!! But - Demo mange is very easily treated. One of my GSDs had mange when we adopted him, but he got rid of it in a few weeks... in his was a severe one.
    O.K., first, I would go back to your vet and let him take a look at those puss filled soars. Mange, as far as I know, does not do that. This must be a side reaction to his mange attacked skin. Your vet needs tolook at these soars, and give your baby the appropriate antibiotics for that. As far as mange is concerned, my Willy was dipped, and then we kept him for a month on Ivermectin. It worked wonders!!! Plus a very highly nutritional diet should take care of this.
    Good luck and keep us posted!!! :)
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Does anyone know if a dog with open sores can be safely dipped?

  6. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member


    Had a guy years ago with mange and puss filled sores. Vet took skin scraping.
    Do not bath dog over and over as this well make it worse, I think you well find most topical well do little good as it just keeps popping up every where . We ended up using and insecticide dip and I tell you now that stuff is mean, poor guy was down and out for 3-4 days. Don't let it go to long it can be very bad if left untreated. Your vet should explain how to apply the dip and be sure to ware good plastic gloves and keep dip and dog away from children.


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