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Day one.....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Of Operation : Cinco devil pup rehab

    It seems this box of unwanted puppies is from another planet. They are devilish in their ways, and quite cunning....

    Day one: Capitans Log ~

    I proceeded to make human contact with these "muttly" beings. SUre they SEEMED all cute and cuddly at first meet, but little
    Jamiya has it in for me. (She's the red/white one) She played with my fingers at first, then climbed aboard my bear foot and urinated. I swear, she looked up at me and laughed.

    Honey has decided to become the escape artist of the litter....fitting just perfectly through the crack in space in the gate/panel.

    Nik the largest German shepard looking puppy, has prooven himself to be quite the pervert. Apparently he has a thing for crotches! It hasn't failed, its the first spot he seeks out.

    Sarge, the other GS pup is very shy and timid. Also has a over obsessive compulsive disorder for barking. I'm afraid, if he doesn't stop yapping, he might yap his own head off.

    As for little Gina, she's the runt of the litter and the cutest IMO is the playful and outgoing puppy. I honestly think she's the mastermindof the litter. Plotting and planning to take over the world!!! Seems like she tells everyone else the game plan, and she's the distraction....gets me everytime.

    Day One EVENing~

    I proceeded to bath everyone. The odor will litterally knock you down.. All puppies behaved like darlings. Only to my stupidity for falling for it and thinking they were such good little darlings....OUt they all jumped from the wash bin, in to yard and straight for the dirt! Rolling, and romping and rubbing....time for another bath...with much closer supervision.

    Day one night time feeding~

    I've taken the time to cook them dinner. Carfully measuring out wormer appropriately to each's weight. Neverthe less, they all want to eat out of one bowl. THen migrate to another. They are heard animals....

    What shall tomorow behold? one will never know.....

    PS the pups were named after the nice people here at Auspet....but as far as learning their names, they are responding to "OH NO!!!!, BAD PUPPIES, STOP!!!! AHHHH!!!! HEY GET BACK HERE!!!!!"
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LMAO! *pees on Sam's foot again*

    Funny that you'd pick the red and white one as my namesake. My name comes from an Everquest character that I played for a few years, and she had red hair. :)

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH great! I picked her, because of her little "tude" and and cunningness! She's clever, but devious!
  4. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Hey! I also respond to Hey! Get back here!, "Oh No!", Bad Puppies, Stop!" How did you know? Thank you for the er., honor, no, I mean, honorable mention (on Sarge's behalf). BTW, the barking thing was frighteningly accurate!
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    How Cute! IM so glad the pups are settling in so well. And thank you for the namesake IM honored...LOL
    God Bless your kind heart Sams those are some lucky puppies.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh yeah, their lucky, lucky to be alive!!! I'm gonna kill em!

    I woke up this morning, to a puppy on the back porch! She squiggled out and pooed all over the rug...I open the door, and Squish! Right between the toes!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sarge and Nik have decieded to de stuff a plush toy.... Jamiya had her head stuck in the chainlink..... and little Gina, just hopped around my feet until I busted my butt. Now with a bruise the size of my palm on my hip, and scraped knee and elbow.....I've contented into letting my MIL babysit! Oh I'm sure she'll have LOTs of fun and thank me when i get homE!!!!

    I'm telling yall, they are unusually spunky, and I think they came from MARS!!!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    They are probably related to Nala....

  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :shock: I see a connection in that plush toy de-stuffing and my Sarge. Maybe it's a GSD thang! Although, the poo thing is universal!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have a bag full of de-stuffed toys. Nala is not allowed to have any more, although she loves them dearly.

  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "Honey has decided to become the escape artist of the litter....fitting just perfectly through the crack in space in the gate/panel. " she just wants to exlpore!

    sounds like you are having the time of your life :mrgreen:

  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    nah, just being driving insane! Oh, no wait....already there!

    MIL called, Seems the puppies have taken to chewing a pair of flip flops she left by the back door....errrr Really hope it wasn't my spongy blue ones. I'll be really ticked!

    Jamiya can't seem to get it through her thick skull that her head wont' fit through the chain link!!! She's gotten it stuck 3 times today! SO I'm gonna have to buy some chicken wire to stop that!
    Oh and they really like hot dogs....need I say more.....

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