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Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Carlos, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. Carlos

    Carlos New Member

    Yeah My Budgies laid an egg now I was wondering how to take care of it or do I have to care of it? well If some one can help me out I will be very thankful :mrgreen:
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi how old are your birds?
    You do not need to do anything the parents will sit on the eggs and keep them warm.

    All you need to do is make sure there is plenty of cuttlefish bone and mineral block in the cage plus plenty of fresh fruit and vegtables so the parents get used to eating it before the chicks are hatched out.

    If all is well and the eggs are fertile they should hatch in 19days time.
    Budgies lay eggs every other day and 2usually hatch at the same time.

    Do not handle the eggs too much as they are very delicate and can break very easily plus the female does not like her nest or eggs disturbed using a none toxic marker gently write the number 1 on the egg and then 2 for the second and so on this way you will know which egg was laid first.

  3. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Yeah! I also agree, when my budgie laid its first egg I didn't have to do anything except to make sure that there was an ample supply of food, water and a cuttlefish bone. However, every budgie is different and the parent might be a complete novice and not fully know how to take care of the birds, but I don't foresee that as a problem! Good Luck!
  4. GogetasWR

    GogetasWR New Member

    what is a cuttlefish bone? :roll:
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

  6. Carlos

    Carlos New Member


    YEah well now I have like 6 eggs in my cage and I don't know what to do when the eggs brake open :shock: but if u say that I shouldn't bug the nest I wont thanks.

    PS I got all I need Thank you.
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi when the eggs hatch do not interfere with the chicks providing the birds have plenty of fresh water and food then they will take care of them.
    There is no harm on keeping an eye on the chicks to make sure they are feeding well and growing well.

    Each egg will hatch 19days after it was laid usually 2 will hatch on the same day a few hours apart.

    Other than just monitoring them there is not much you need to do for the first week or 2


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