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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    aww, that is so cute! i love all those pictures!
  2. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    No mary Pooky's a dog- pics are above ](*,)
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    good luck Pooky!!! we are all thinking about you!!! :y_the_best:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Bellack, are you allowed to give Pooky a favorite blanket or toy so she'll take a piece of home with her and not feel so alone. Sometimes I think animals understand us if we explain to them what we are going to do for them. When the cleaning and biopsy is done, she's going to be very thrilled to see you. You'll see. My Pumpkin was like that after she had her spaying done. Her eyes lit up and she was extremely bright eyed and very happy to have us back. Good luck Pooky! By the way I did the same thing Mary did. I typed Bobo instead of Pooky when I meant Pooky. It's weird.
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks guys.
    I got my first check today- not as much as I figured it to be. Maybe one week didn't count on there and the next check will be big.
    Still thinking about Pooky of course. I think she'll be fine. I know she'll be happy to see me after.

    Since watching Animal PLanet, I feel so bad for some of these horribly abused animals. SOOOOOOOO sad!!! I think I want to be an investigator or rehibilitator. I dunno- something to help abused or unwanted animals. :lol:

    Bobo's doing great. He recognizes my voice. We're a great pair!! Still wondering about his new bro/sis- what /who to get.
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Bobo's ears seemed to grow overnight!! They're more the triangle shape like other cats rather than little circles. They're big compared to what they were! I can't believe they grew overnight like that!

    I tried to get him interested in KMR 2nd step but that didn't work. He wouldn't even sniff it when I put his lips in it. He's prolly not ready for other foods yet. I also bought a small litter box and put it in his box. He sniffed it but didn't play in it like I've read before. He can get in and out of it easily so hopefully he figures it out and stops pooping all over himself. :p
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Someone mentioned that their kitten never took to KMR2. I guess Bobo will have to outgrow KMR1. Sounds like he's come a long way. I can't wait to see his big ears!
  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Just IN!!!!!!!

    Bobo is 16.4 ounces!!
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Yipee!!! :eek:
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow, he is growing so fast! :eek:
  11. jennyret

    jennyret New Member

    Hi Bellack1! Your pictures of Bobo are so cute. I remember when my three were that small. I read you had a problem giving him KMR stage 2. I did with my three also. They actually developed really bad diarrhea from it. I ended up going from the KMR 1 in the bottle to baby food. Gerber stage 2 chicken was their favorite. Within 1 week they were eating Friskies kitten mixed grill. Right now my two grey ones eat from the bowl. Boomer (black and white) only eats from the bowl after being fed by spoon for a little bit. (I use a baby spoon.)

    Regarding litter training, my experience with these guys has been that when they stopped having bowl movements on themselves and began to go outside of their sleeping area, they were ready to start with a litter box. Because I have another cat and a dog, I have the kittens in a pen. I bought it from Petco and it works great. Their litter box, food, water, crate to sleep in and a plastic house to climb through all fit, but I don't have to worry about them getting loose and hurt accidently by the dog. I placed towels on the floor and set the pen up over the towels. So I don't have to replace the towels have few hours (when they go to the bathroom on the towel) I bought pads that are used on mattresses for bed wetting. The kittens have been only pottying on the pad. Next I will replace the pad with their litter box.

    Teaching them to eat from a bowl is an extremely difficult task. At first they sat in it, now they eat, but it is so messy. after every feeding I have to clean them off. Food is everywhere. I began leaving a bowl of kitten dry food in the pen with them and a small bowl of water. They haven't eaten any of the food yet, but I leave it there anyway. They walk through the water (I still bottle feed them water after they eat).

    After you begin kitten food, Bobo may develop diarrhea. When my three did, the vet suggested pedialyte. They love that. I bought a walgreens generic brand that was cheaper. It helps to keep them hydrated. (I would check with your own vet to be sure.)

    Good Luck!
  12. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks Jenny you're very helpful.

    Quick questions.
    Were your kittens abandoned? How old were they when you found them? Have you taken then to the vet yet? When should I take Bobo in for vaccinations and first exam? I thought since he's orphaned at 2 days old then I should take him in at around 5 weeks.
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    just have to be careful though when you have their litter and food in the same area. when i was doing research on max's diarrhea, many of the articles said not to put the two in the same area for contamination purposes.
  14. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member


    Bobo pooped in his litterbox!! And peed too!!

    He still had some stuck to his leg but majority of it was in the litterbox!!!!

    I haven't kept his food in his box so I won't worry about contamination.

    Well today I have to take Pooky to the vet to stay overnight. I'm going to talk to her and leave her with her blanket. She'll be fine :|
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


    yea!!!! bobo....is....a.....good.....kitty!!!!!!!!!
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Good boy Bobo, keep up the good work! Hey kiddo, how about chowing down on some of that kitten food your meowmy got for you? Good luck Pooky!
  17. nern

    nern New Member

    Yay Bobo!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  18. jennyret

    jennyret New Member

    The kittens were abandoned. We heard them crying one night well into the next morning outside our bedroom window. My fiance found them under some leaves, very cold and very hungry. They were two days old. I have taken them to the vet, especially when the diarrhea started. Also Boomer vomitted today. The vet weighed them and gave them some fluids. She said that they are a wonderful weight and that I am doing a good job. I was afraid they had Cat Flu or something worse. She said as far as she could tell they were healthy. They are 5 weeks as of yesterday. Today they received their first dewormer. It was a liquid the vet injected into their mouths. She said to come back in three weeks for another one. I was told they could go for their first set of vaccines as early as next week. However, the vet won't test for feline lukemnia or AIDS until they are 8-9 weeks.

    Unless you run into any problems with diarrhea or possible dehydration, 5 weeks is a good time to go to the vet.

    Lynnhaz is right, the food and litter can't be in the same area. The pen I have for the cats is large enough that the food is no where near the litter. I did lay wee wee pads all over the pen area too. They have bowl movements everywhere. Since it is diarrhea it is gross. Boomer started using the litter box today all on his own. I was very excited. The vet said that since one of them is using the box the others should follow.

    The vet also said I could use a baby shampoo with aloe to wash them since they stink from urine and stool. I will give them a short bath in a small tupperware container every couple of days. She said to clean them after eating and bathroom with baby wipes with aloe. The vet also gave me Nutri-Cal. It is a hight calorie palatable dietary supplement. all I know is they like it!

    Sorry everytime I write it is a novel. I just want to make sure I tell you everything I have been told.
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    jennyret....say hi to your little wee ones from max and me!!!

    dont worry about the "novels"...we all have been known to do that. all that it says is that you love your kitties, and you are giving them good care.

    thank you for the good information. it all sounds very appropriate and accurate.

  20. vene

    vene New Member

    Woohoo Boomer! Good job! You've set a good example for your siblings! Hope your diarrhea clear up soon. :eek:

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