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RW ?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by rcrgal31, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Has anyone here ever used Pets best for ringworm treatment? It has a 100% money back gty and is supposed to clear it up within 5 days..just thought i would get anyone's opinion if they have used it and liked it..

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    is this stuff over the counter? if so I'd avoid it and get stuff your vet recommends
  3. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    well, i have only seen it online..it is fda approved and is supposed to be 100% safe and non toxic...i found it on ask jeeves..the link to the website is in my original post..i figure what the heck i will give it a try...if the vet recommendations dont start working...i have been shampooing them w/ miconozole shampoo and putting on a cream ...but it seems to be spreading on my little one..so i am gonna continue my regular routine..for now..and if by the end of the month..if it hasnt cleared up..i am gonna try this stuff...i have had my little ones now for 3 weeks and my other cat Jazz is dying to meet them..and i am dying to let them out of the bathroom so they can roam the house!
  4. slb71055

    slb71055 New Member

    Yes, I've heard of pets best and use it!

    Hello RCR
    The Pets Best product was recommended to me by a breeder a few months ago. I was infested with ringworm and my cats and dogs were giving it to each other.

    The product worked very well and most of all the customer service guy (I forgot his name) was really helpful to tell me how to use the product and listened to my ringworm problem and offered more advice. I bought the superpack. i used the disinfectant (non toxic) to keep all the kitty litter bacteria, viral and fungus free and to spray all the areas they cohabitated. Then I used the lotion on my older cats and dogs twice a day and the healing spray on my little kittens. The ringworm just got crusty and pealed off! I noticed a huge difference within 48 hours and within 5 days they were free! I continued using the disinfectant and spraying their little paws with the healing spray for another week to MAKE SURE I had gotten rid of the ringworm. It did not reappear... thank God!

    I also use the product to control gingivitus and it works great so far. It works also good when my pets are itchy. It relieves them of the itch and the dry skin goes away.

    hope this helped!
  5. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    thank you sandra...it should be arriving soon..it does look like their RW is starting to clear up..but want to make sure we have no reoccurances...
  6. fleafly

    fleafly New Member

    I use program to treat ringworm. It works great. I would be interested in how the other product works though. Most shampoos and creams don't work that well. Tinactin over the counter is good, but the cat will lick it off.
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    well the pets best stuff arrived today...which is great..i only used ground shipping and ordered it on fri..i am going to just use the healing spray on them for right now bc they said not to use the lotion on kittens..i will give you all an update on friday!! :D
  8. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member


    This stuff is amazing..i used it for 1 week and kittens RW cleared up..they are now out and about and interacting w/ Jazzy..who is not too thrilled w/ them...but hasn't hurt them..just a lot of hissing and swatting..but not w/ claws...i am hoping in time she will grow to luv em!

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