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Cat staring at nothing

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My one cat in particular, my other one does it sometimes, will stare at nothing. Sometimes it looks like she is following something with her eyes. I try to see what she is looking at but there is nothing there.

    I'm wondering if she can see ghosts or spirits from the other side and is looking at them? Does anyone else have kitties that do this? What do you think might be the reason?
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    My one cat, Zoe tends to stare at and meow at a couple of walls in my house. She always does it in the same spot. She will get to a point that she actually starts pawing at the wall and look like she's trying to climb it.

    Since my house is close to a hundred years old, I sometimes wonder if she sees ghosts. Luckily, I don't get a creepy feeling in my house!
  3. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Footsie does that all the time.

    I usually just tell myself he's stalking some gnat or peice of dust that I'm just not seeing. Or when he attacks the walls I wonder if he's hearing things coming from the neighboring apartment that I'm not able to hear.
  4. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    definatly ghosts!
  5. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    My kitty Hunter Chases around nothing.....I am like...what the heck is he chasing...I had another cat that did this too, I think they just learn how to entertain themselves, therefore entertaining and perplexing us (that's their agenda by the way, keep the big cats with no tails guessing)
  6. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    when my Jazzy does that...she is usually following a bug that i just cant seem to find..she is a great hunter....i get nervous everytime i see her staring bc i am wondering just what she found this time....but there are other times when she jumps at the wall and there is nothing there either.
  7. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Once Luna was acting similarly to what you described, it was as if she were seeing something that wasn't there and following it with her eyes. At first I thought she was hallucinating, until I found out that we were developing a flea problem in the house and she was actually looking at fleas jumping around that we couldn't see ourselves. :shock: One application of Advantage and that behavior instantly stopped. If your cat is acting like she sees something, you can probably bet that she is (seeing something).
  8. TSD

    TSD New Member

    Eviecat does that all the time i think its normally shadows that shes following
  9. scaredkitty

    scaredkitty New Member

    My cats a scary one...she'll be cuddling with me...then all of a sudden she'll stand up on the couch, ears perked stare into the kitchen...and then taken off and chase something in the kitchen. I have no idea what...or she'll lay there, then perk up as if she sees something way off in the dining room. Maybe Ive got ghosts. Atleast they play with the cat. Either that or she has super sonic hearing, because I dont hear ANYTHING in any of the rooms she runs to, and I certainly dont hear anything that is anything she can chase. I think a lot has to do with a cats natural hunting instinct...and I think since indoor cats cant actually hunt usually, they make up things to hunt sometimes. Theyre just playing, maybe its like when a little kid has imaginary friends...except cats have imaginary prey?
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Sometimes I do think it could be shadows or a bug or something like that. Also, both of my cats have acted really wierd when they've had fleas.

    If anyone saw the movie 'Ghost' there was a scene where the cat seemed to see the bad guy in the house and I think the cat swatted at him.
    I've heard that animals can sometimes sense things that we can't, so I'm wondering if there is any truth to that.

    Every once in awhile, if I'm stretched out on the bed watching TV at night, my kittie Socks, who usually loves to lie next to me and get her ears rubbed, seems to be hesitant to come close to me and just sits there farther away following nothing with her eyes. Don't know what's happening there.
  11. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    My cat seems to do that. While I wouldn't discount the idea of ghosts or anything paranormal, I find it's usually a dust mote or something. The other night in fact, I found him pawing at the ground wildly and jumping around the room...I thought he'd gone nuts. Turns out it was a very TINY moth flittering around that he was catching.
  12. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    My cat does the same thing.He sits in the floor in the hallway then starts growling at something in the air.Then he jumps away with his tail really fluffed up.Its like he has seen a dog or something he gets so scared.
  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Keep in mind also that catnip has an LSD type effect on cats. They often can and do hallucinate (sp?) from it.

    That is creepy though, my kitty chases phantoms too and it really spooks me when we're alone in the house! She'll be sitting quietly in my lap then all of a sudden she'll whip her head around and hunch down like she's stalking something, then take off like a bat out of heII LOL

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