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Houston woman Arested!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Sam, Thank goodness the Galveston police are on their toes. A 20 month old child did die in Katy on May 17 after he was left in a car parked in FRONT of his home.
    So sad.
  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    What a cutey pie he is too! I watched the video clip as well as read the article. Reminds me of Sarge :cry: . How can people place so little value on life in all of its forms (except spiders of course!). Hope she goes to jail.
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I pulled into the Walmart parking lot last summer on one of the hottest days of the year in mid August and as I was getting out of my car I noticed two small dogs in the back-seat of the car and the windows were not even cracked. So I went inside first and talked to the store manager about the dogs in the car. He called on the intercom for the owner of the car to come to the front of the store. And nobody ever came so after about 5 minutes of waiting I had the store manager call the police and I went back to the car to check on the dogs I decided to check the doors to see if they were locked. They weren't so I opened the door and both dogs come bounding at me Thank God they were friendly. I picked up both dogs and went back into the store. The store manager at this time had located the owner of the dogs and was in a heated discussion with this lady over the dogs. So you can imagine her surprise when she saw me with her dogs in my arms. She said to me what in the HELL are you doing with my dogs? At this point I was already furious! So I replied back Your dogs? Sorry but I found these dogs abandoned in a smothering hot car. She replied back oh we will see who's in trouble here when the police arrive IM pressing charges on you for breaking and entering! So after about another 5 minutes of heated arguments the Police officers finally arrived. When I and the Walmart store manager were through telling the officers our side of the story. They did not even give the lady a chance to speak. She was automatically fined and not officially arrested but she was issued a scheduled court date which could also lead to jail time for animal cruelty. The dogs were confiscated and were held in the local animal shelter until the court proceedings were over.
    I went to her court date and she didn't get any jail time and she was able to get her dogs back but she was issued a $600 fine and was ordered to pay the animal shelter for boarding of her animals. And was warned if she was ever cited for animal endangerment again she would receive 1-5 years in prison. I was happy with the way things turned out in the end.
    Oh and on the way out I received a death threat from the ladies son.
    LOL....He was like 12 0r 13 and already a future convict.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Someone posted something like this just yesterday (I think) on another forum I visit. She saw a HUSKY in a van - I think the owner had gone to a MOVIE or something, so it wasn't even just a little 5 minute run into the grocery store for a carton of milk kind of thing.

    So, a few other people stopped to help and they were trying to splash water through the window onto the dog. A policeman came by, but he said there was nothing he could do because the dog had water available and the windows were cracked (or something like that - not sure what state this was).

    So the owner finally came out and asked what was going on. She was told and she said "Oh, he's fine." They told her about the dangers of leaving a dog in a hot car and she said, "Oh, well this is a van." (What the heck?!) So she tried another approach and talked about people poisoning dogs or stealing them and she said, "Oh, I know - I have had dogs stolen before."

    She's hopeless. Some people will never get it. I guess if your dog dies or gets stolen, you just go get a new one.

  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Last August, the law office I worked at backed up to a church parking lot and my office window overlooked it. I saw a Cocker Spaniel locked in a car in the church parking lot with no windows unrolled. I called the police and they came out and while they tried to locate her (this is a HUGE church) they broke her window out to get the puppy out! Since it took so long to find her and the temps outside were in the high 90's they said it qualified as an emergency. She came out finally and they cited her. I did not even think to attend her court date like Gina did! I wish I had!
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    When Sebastain and Jasmine were babies (they fit in my purse) i took them in to walmart with me i just wanted to buy a curtin rod i was all the way in the back of the store had my rod in my hand and this clerk came up and said i had to get the dogs out of the store i said ok i'm sorry just let me purchase this rod and i will be gone they wouldnt even let me do that he wanted me to go put the dogs in the car and come back well of course i wasnt going to do that it was way to hot. So i left the rod there took the pups all the way home and then went back what a hassle. Since they were so small and in my purse i didnt think it would have been that big of a deal but i guess it was.

    When i was younger I worked at Target and I can't count the number of times we call the police and fire department out to rescue babies and puppies from being locked in cars. i just dont know how people can do that
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am glad she was arrested! on the news last night, they were showing how dangerous it is, a car that is 80 degrees internally left in our heat (100+) during the sumer, gets to 120 in 10 minutes. They said since 1998, 2000, get that 2000 kids have died.

  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Bravo for them for arresting her! I hate to see animals and children in cars. I wonder what is wrong with people in the world. Some things are just common sence but they would think it was brain surgery.
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    I can't stand when people do things like this! What are they thinking??
  11. Jody

    Jody New Member

    God some people are so frigging thick, my god, do these people have children, how clueless are they! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Glad that woman got caught!
  12. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    These type of people make me sick! :x
    When we take our dogs... there is always two of us. One person goes in to the store and one stays with the dogs. Period.
    We even take our dogs boating with us... but... only in the early spring (when it is cool enough that we have to wear pants.) and fall (when it is cool enough that we have to wear pants.). Other then that they stay home with the air conditioner and fans on.

    OOOHHHH that woman should be locked in a hot car with no means of escape!! Maybe then she would get it!!!
  13. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I just watched a segment on the news where a reporter rode along with the Humane Society's Rescue Unit. They answered calls and complaints on dogs being tied up in yards without shade and water. In one yard, two PitBulls were tied on 3ft. of chain with a plastic pool with muddy water at least 8 ft. away and no shade. It was 117 degrees today. They have heat advisories telling people to stay indoors and not to let their pets out for any amount of time.

    Needless to say, one of the dogs were already dead and the other one was in really bad shape. Both incidents they showed involved PitBulls being tied on chains in the heat. ( I'm sure some people here think I'm wrong, but, I THINK DOGS TIED UP WITH CHAINS REALLY SU*KS!!)

    I feel that anyone caught doing this to an animal, should experience the same thing. Tie them up with a chain around their neck, starring at water they can't reach with the sun beating down on their heads. Lock them up in a hot car with no water and the windows rolled up for 20 minutes just so they know how it feels.

    I believe people are not that stupid. They're just that heartless and don't give a s**t about anybody or anything but themselves.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I stupidly took the dogs to the Bark Park yesterday. Nala was driving me nuts and has been for over a week and I couldn't stand it. So we got there and went in. I sat down. I went, "Lord, it's hot." I sat for another minute. The dogs stood there staring at me and panting and drinking the water I brought. I said, "Okay, let's go home!"

    LOL. Wasted trip. I forgot how hot it was - the weather here changes so fast you never know and I am in air conditioning all day. I think yesterday was close to 100 degrees. The dogs must have thought I was nuts.


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