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Found a kitty

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by nern, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. nern

    nern New Member

    My roomie found a cute little guy on the porch this morning. He is so pretty and extremely friendly. He's just a kitten, maybe 5 - 6 months old. I think he might have escaped out of someones house because he is way too clean to be a stray and he even smells good. A little on the thin side but otherwise looks very healthy. I made a sign to hang up at the store across the street so hopefully I can reunite him with his family. He is such a sweetheart I know somebody out there must be missing him.

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    keeping my fingers crossed he can find home....he knew where to go for help didn't he :y_the_best:
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Nern. He seems like a happy guy. :D If he does have someone looking for him, I hope they also put up some signs and you see them posted. Does he get along well with your other kitties? Well, at least he found you. It's usually cats and dogs that find Samsintentions. :wink: I hope there is a happy ending for this little guy. Please keep us posted on what happens.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    p.s. Nern. If anyone calls about this kitty, make sure they can descibe him in full detail. I read some pretty sad stories about people that were not the owners taking these cats and doing god knows what with them. :(
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Definately Chessmind. He is just too sweet....I will make sure the owner can give a good description of him. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to him.
    I'm not sure if he gets along with other cats but with his personality it seems that he would. I have him in the front hallway (its large) and I've locked my animals out of the living room to keep them safely seperated for now. Although he appears to be very healthy....I don't want to risk him spreading anything to my cats. I checked the lost/found ads in the paper today but did'nt see anything. I'm going keep checking though.
    I will keep you posted.
  6. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    wow i seen that pix and thought of my bubba i had to look back up and rad where u said it was a kitten... hes been gone 4 2 years but i still cant give up.... that cat is beautiful and good luck finding the owners over in where im located ppl like to just dump cats and dogs off when they get big around that age when the new wheres off so to speak....but i guess in ur case if thats what has happened at least that baby will have a good home w/ u if u decide to keep it after no luck...
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor little guy or maybe lucky little guy. I sure hope he wasn't abandoned and if he were, he's found the right person to be with.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I hung a sign up at the store across the street today and I'm going to wait a few days and if I don't hear from anyone I'm going to put an ad in the paper. I just can't imagine someone dumping this precious little guy.
  9. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Be careful with the picture in the ads. When you ask them to describe him they may just go off the ad and fool you!
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for the tip Bellack.
    I did put that picture on the sign at the store but he has a very unique, striped triangle patch on his chest which is not noticable in the picture. I'll be sure to leave the picture out if I hang anymore signs. There won't be a picture of him in the newspaper ad just a short description.
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Well I went to the store today and found that they took my sign down. :x
    They used to have a bulletin board but since they took it down I don't think they allow people to put things up there anymore. Oh well, I call tomorrow to put an ad in the paper. I might hang a few signs on some of the poles around here too.
    I'm begining to think this kitten is a little younger than I originally thought. I keep trying to compare him with Bean and I think Bean was around this size at 4months old so now I'm thinking he is maybe only 4 months old. He has huge feet....I think he's going to be a really big boy like Bean.
    For my ad, do you think this sounds okay:
    "Found: Tabby and white male kitten, 4 - 5 months old, call ### ####."

    I was'nt really sure how to describe his color? Do you think I should put the street he was found on or the date he was found?
  13. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i personally when i find a cat or dog i usually never put the color if i do its just the main color... like i found a brindle pitt bull puppy one time and on the ad all i put was "found.. brown female puppy" and then the date...i had many ppl call and i met w/ many ppl (they neevr came to my house i always met them at a store and had them bring a pix of the dog they lost w/ them most of the ppl that would call when i asked them to meet me they were all 4 it but when i asked to bring a pix of the dog they never showed up... i had 3 ppl outta like 10 that actually met me w/ a pix and finally found the real owner and they were thanking me 4 not just giving th puppy to the first person that called....but see in my neighboorhood alot of ppl around here like to abuse animals just 4 the fun of it ... or like to have pitts to fight them etc... ive called aniaml services many many many of times here....they should know my voice by now.
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    Good call FMgurl43. I'm glad you found the real owner.

    If I put "tabby" I would expect them to be able to tell me the colors of the cat and the pattern. He's actually brown and black spotted tabby...he has some orange on him too and a few other unique features that I would expect someone to be able to describe if they claim he belongs to them.
  15. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    What a cute Kitty, Nern. My daughter had a cat that looked very much like that. He was the sweetest thing. She couldn't keep him do to a family member with allergies, so I took him but my two cats wouldn't accept him (he was 12 years old, mine were 6 years old then).

    Fortunately, a friend of mine took him, and he and her cat get along fine and now he has a good home.

    Best of luck with finding the owner. Keep us posted.
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    sunset: I'm glad your were able to find that kitty a good home.

    Update: This evening my neighbor tells me that there is a sign hanging up at the store across the street (she saw the sign this morning) for a missing kitty named "Gabby". She thinks it looks like the one I have. I rush across the street to check out the sign at around 9pm right after she tells me this and the sign is gone already!!! :? I go in and ask one of the workers if she saw a sign hanging up earlier for a missing kitty and she's says no. Then I ask her if they keep ripping down peoples signs and she says "I don't know I have'nt been here for a few days." I am so aggrivated with this store! :x First they take my sign, now they take the other sign and its driving me nuts wondering if it is this kitty that someone might be looking for. Tomorrow I set out to hang signs on poles. My ad is in the paper and will be there tomorrow too. Hopefully someone will see it or one of the other signs I hang. How frustrating! ](*,)
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi nern...hope you find the owner...what are you going to do if you dont? are you keeping him?
  18. nern

    nern New Member

    I really can't keep him (of course I would love to though) so next Saturday I will probably take him to the SPCA if nobody claims him by then. :(
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

  20. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    That must have been so frustrating, Nern. You can also bring a flier to the local shelter in case the owners go/call there about the cat. I sure hope the cat will be reunited with it's owners. :m10:

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