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puppy driving me crazy!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hi guys! Well Sydney my 6 1/2 month old is driving me crazy! I got her at about 2 1/2 months and it took about 3 months and third dog to potty train her. She was accidnet free for the longest time! I know if i come home to0 late sometimes that there might be an accident, but the other day I was only gone 3 hours and I came home to pee all over the dog room floor(at least it was in the dog room!) So ever since then (that was about 3 days ago) almost every time i come home, there is sooo much pee on the floor! She even peed on my ottoman(sp?)which is in the dog room. Now, I can clean up pee no problem since I have lineolium (sp?) floors, but it really bothers me that she is peeing on the ottoman. I can't even leave beds around for them in that room cause the little monster likes to pee on them, she even pees on them when they are outside. So i dont keep beds in there anymore. But is it normal for a puppy to regress some in potty training? If it continues today I'll take her to the vet to make sure she has no health problems, but its driving me nuts. Shouldnt she be able to hold it in at least 4 hours, or is that too long for a 6 1/2 month old puppy? I think I might also get my crate back from my friend but Syd goes absolutly nuts in there and will not be quiet. I've asked neighbors before if she gets quite in the crate when I leave and they say no, they never heard such a noise before, I think she is a little crazy but she is so cute and I love her to death. Help!
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Definitely have her evaluated for a health problem. It is normal for a pup to regress, although this seems a bit extreme. She should definitely be able to hold it for 4 hours - she should be able to go for a good 7-8 hours at that age!

    I think you need to go back to Basic Housetraining 101. It's a pain in the butt, but it usually doesn't take very long the second time around. Make sure you clean up accidents with an odor neutralizer such as Nature's Miracle. A little NILIF probably wouldn't hurt, either.

    Be sure she is NEVER unattended when she is on carpet. When you have to leave, confine her to the crate or a small room with linoleum floor. Make sure you go outside with her EVERY TIME and praise her for going. Do NOT let her have accidents when you are home - supervise her closely and tether her to you if necessary.

    Good luck - it's such a frustrating problem!!

  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    winnie, didnt you get another dog?? could this be jealously? I would also check to make sure no infections

    good luck

  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Winnie i know how you are feeling the pup i kept from the litter is now 4months old and was brilliant no problems housetraining, Now the little monster thinks it is easier just to go in the kitchen and do it there rather than go out into the yard, To top it off he did it in my living room and i was not a very happy person heheheheh.

    Anyway i found that cleaning the kitchen floor thoroughly and then when i was not home confining him which i dont like doing but hey it works well it did for the first 2days and yet again he peed and pooped i have had him checked out by the vet blood work and everything done and nope no problems there she told me that some puppy's do regress when stressed or annoyed now the stress thing i can understand as his mum is always beating up on him she likes to hear him scream i think.

    But i have to agree back to basic housetraining see if that works if there is nothing wrong when you have her to the vets...

    You know its like having a baby they do nothing but eat sleep pee poop and throw up.

    So glad mitzy's litter is the last she has been spayed and was not happy about it she would not come near me for 3days :(

    Anyway good luck hope all works out for you and you get her back to being able to hold it

  5. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Leela was doing great with her toilet training... until we had her desexed and then had to keep her cooped up. I couldn't believe it, she seemed worse than she ever was! And she was doing it in places that she never had- such as in our room where we all sleep, next to her bed. She also peed on her bed a couple of times, but that may have been in her sleep. I knew it may have been from the stress of the op, so I just cleaned up after her and prayed for her to get over it quickly! She was so cheeky about it, always sneaking off into another room. She was so naughty. But thankfully when she got better it was back to normal again, so I knew it was from the stress of being cooped up all day and the op. Is your pup stressed about anything at all? Hopefully she'll pass this regression soon for your sake!!!!
  6. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Ahh Parenting such fun. I thought at one point we would never get Sassy house broke but time and patience prevailed (7 months). It is amazing the amount such a little thing can have of water in it. I don't know if it is and infection but it sounds like our Sassy , a case of I think I well just do it here. We came to the feeling that it was more of and attention getter. Even when we are upset with our guys they well do things just to get us to see them. Don't get me wrong I am not saying you are not giving love to yours just that they have different levels of what they feel they need. Can a pup have separation anxiety, why not.
    Sounds more to me that you just have to work some more at the house braking. We took up water bowl when we left for a few hours this seem to help and gave no treats before going out the door. When we got home lots of praise and a cookie to the puppy first,making her the top dog for the moment. As she matured she would wait till we got home like the other guys to get a drink.


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