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Jamiya, GinaH...need advice

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. I haven't heard back from anyone yet on the status of My 501(c)3 yet. SHould I just print and fill out another one? I'm getting very frustrated at the moment!
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have no experience with that. Is there some sort of contact number you can call to check on the status? Did you file online or by mail?

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yeah, basically had to tell every little intimate detail of my life. and finances down to the very last penny!!! I had to justify every penny spent on what, why, what for....yada yada yada.... Took me two months just to fill the stupid thing out!
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sams I wasn't sure about the guidelines in Texas at first but I spoke with a friend in Houston who does rescue and the guidelines are exactly the same as they are in my state.
    You do not have to incorporate (become a tax exempt nonprofit corporation) as long as you do not seek outside funding other than the normal adoption fee. Which means the rescue can make no taxable profit and you cannot try to attract tax deductible contributions from donors. You also cannot apply for public or private grant money. so really the cost and paperwork that comes along with the 501(c)3 is just a hassle that can be bypassed. I knew when you had said earlier about needing to complete the 501(c)3 that it was not required In Illinois. But I thought maybe the guidelines were different where you live. But It seems they are mostly the same in every state. Mostly it's just large rescues who go through the 501(c)3 process.
    Also here are a few pointers that most successful rescues I work with follow. I also have several contacts for you that would be great mentors if you don't already have one. :D

    ~Require the completion of an adoption application for placement as well as home visits and reference checks veterinarian and personal.
    ~Require spay/neuter for placement
    ~Require that the dog be returned to you and under NO circumstances can the dog be rehomed or dumped at a shelter
    ~Provide veterinary care for the animal as needed
    ~Have a foster home contract or list of requirements
    ~Specialize in no more than 2 pure breeds if you want to help the pure breeds only.
    ~Have a dependable friend from a breed club that assists you with experience and knowledge about the breed(s) you rescue
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think part of the reason Sams is doing this was so she COULD seek outside donations to help her fund the cost of helping the animals. Am I right?

    I just got an e-mail from Best Friends Network looking for someone who lives in Montana or wants to move there to be a backup manager of a new sanctuary. The place sounds absolutely gorgeous and I would LOVE to live there! I forwarded it to my husband. Too bad we need money and jobs and things in order to survive. :roll:

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    YEah, If I could receive donations, that would help out sooo much! Its extremely hard.

    Gina, I already do those guidelines, but as far as purebreeds go, I'll take anything in, I think a purebreed rescue only is an idiotic idea. SO if thy specialize in dobermans, and a poodle needs help, they'll turn them away.

    Thats plain ignorance.

    Mutts are my specialty. Occasionally there's a pure or half, but thats rare.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    " but as far as purebreeds go, I'll take anything in, I think a purebreed rescue only is an idiotic idea. SO if thy specialize in dobermans, and a poodle needs help, they'll turn them away.

    Thats plain ignorance"

    WAY TO GO Sam, someone just posted yesterday on the pb board to help find a home for a 8 week old pb, she is a dachsund rescue, but is helping this little guy find a good home

    How do local rescues go about it?? they are always having fundraisers and take donations, etc.

  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    They have their 501(c)3 that allows all dontions to be tax deductable. If I take donations, I have to pay taxes on them, which usually amout to more than I recieved. Soooooo
    Plus the public can use it as a tax ride off when they donate.
  10. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Hey everyone! Not exactly sure what's going on, but here's how charities/foundations work here, it might help give some hints of what you have to do.

    First you need to apply to become a society and register your name, then you need to apply to get a charitable number. Once you have received that, you can take donations, fundraise, and give charitable receipts. I know I am able to access the forms from my cities web site.

    Sorry, I have been gone for so long I am confused and just jump in when I have a moment.
  11. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Of course lots of rescues do opt to incorporate all Im saying is completing the 501(c)3 is not a necessity of starting a rescue there are so many who do not do it. Just about anyone can start a rescue you just have to get a registered EIN number which just warrants a few forms and a phone call.
  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I understand how you feel about that but there are many out there and Thank God for them. But just because a rescue calls themselves a Pit Bull Rescue or Rottie, Poodle rescue what have you that does not mean that is the only animal in need they will take. They will take all sorts of breeds even large breed rescues will take in small breeds it is just that a lot of rescues begin their rescue with a foundation dog in mind usually of a particular breed. The Pit bull rescues I work with take in every sort of dog from Pit Bulls to Yorkies.

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