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Do your dogs have happy dreams?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Wylie sleeps under our bed, which is raised, its like her comfy cave, well last night about 5 times in an hour or so her tail was thumping really loud. she does that when she is happy when she is awake.

    She has never done this before, so I am thinking that must be some good dream to get her tail thumping like that :D

  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I have never observed tail wagging while sleeping. Mostly twitching paws and muffled barking sounds like they are chasing something.
    Don't you wish we could somehow plug into those brains and have the images appear on a TV screen?
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Sometimes Nala twitches rather violently and makes some really odd sounds. I always wonder if it's a bad dream. I generally try to make some loud noises to see if I can interrupt it, although I have thought better of actually trying to touch her. Startling a dog out of a nightmare might not be the smartest thing ever. :)

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Smokey doesn't have a tail, so when he wags his, his whole rear end jiggles. On occasion he naps in the yard (cool grass under the trees) and his rear end will start to wiggle on the ground! Its sooo funny. His ears will prick nd move, he'll moan and groan. ANd sometimes he'll get gass and it smells sooo bad, he'll wake him self up gaging!
  5. kira1386

    kira1386 New Member

    heh heh i used to have a dog that did that with his tail...thought he was gunno hurt his tail or something he used to do that so hard lol. Bug doesnt do much besides twitching but he gets going sometimes! :p
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I have woke many nights to Jasmine barking and whining in her sleep and it doesnt seem like she is happy. I think she is having nightmares about where she used to live.

    The new puppy Pheobe, sleeps on her back and is kicking her legs in the air when she is asleep. I think she is dreaming about running! LOL
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    funny thing is every morning before I get up I say ohhh Wylie, and she just starts thumping her tail. it was like she was dreaming of me going ohhh wylie. weird that it happend about 5 different times

    Now Jake when he sleeps he is very active like he is running in his sleep, making grunting noise

  8. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Jasper makes these wierd noises to like she is having a nightmare to. I make a loud noise to try and wake her up, a couple of times she has bit my hand, not hard though, just out of fright i think, so now I always wake her up clapping my hands or something.
  9. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Leela is certainly a active sleeper.. she'll whine and her paws will move like she's running... and she makes huffy grunty noises like barking, sometimes her tail does wag! It's pretty cute! Sometimes I think she does have bad dreams tho, and sometimes it's hard to wake her up out of them, her eyes are opening and her eyeballs are rolling and she's twitching and stuff. Who knows what she is dreaming! Hey Dukesdad, I often want one of those machines you talked about for our own dreams. Imagine being able to watch your dreams while you were awake!!
    Bender snaped at me once because I stupidly went up and gave him a hug while he was aslleep.. but as soon as he realised it was me he started wagging his tail..
  10. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Harley did the thumping tail while sleeping the other day. hmmm...maybe they were running around together??!
    Anyways, this was the first time I have ever witnessed this from her. She has nightmares occassionally where she cries and it sounds like a baby. Kinda creepy actually.
  11. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I think Pinky dreams about swimming. She swims almost every day and the other night she was laying on the couch fast asleep and I swear she was doggie paddling in her sleep it was so cute. And Punkin does a lot of growling and whining in her sleep. (Most likely she's dreaming of chasing the cat) :?
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I've been waking everyone up now if they've been sleeping toolong.... Smokey Snaped at me, I guess I startled him.

    The puppies, well, that was a bad idea. Let those little buggars sleep! Ahhh, One's biting my toe (ahem, gina....)

    Sarge is yiping his head off, Jamiya is sleeping under smokey's butt, (go figure, hope he doesn't get a gas problem!)

    Honey is sleeping by my chair, and Nik is chewing on a milk bone....

    (Yeah, I gave in and brought them all inside!)
    Uh oh, brb.

    Ok, back. Gina turned over the water dish! laid in it then ran! oh boy.....
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL! Someday when I am not working anymore I will have to foster a litter of pups just to experience the joy. :)

  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh and Sams - I know why you are waking everyone up. But don't do it - just check for breathing. I do it ALL the time. Nala looks like she is dead when she is sleeping. With my kids, I used to turn up the baby monitor loud enough to be able to hear them breathing. (Boy was it shockingly loud when they started to cry....)

    On the scout canoe trip, one of the dogs that was there was all sacked out after canoeing. She was lying flat on her side in the grass with her legs stretched out like Nala does - but the way she was lying there reminded me exactly of how my Hocus died last summer. I had to stand there and watch for breathing. I'm sure her owners thought I was nuts. I didn't tell them what I was doing. :)

  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I know I shouldn't wake them, But after finding Char like that. I can't help myslef. The breathing just isn't enough.

    Smokey kept us up all night. But when he finally fell asleep it was soothing knowing he was ok because he snores so loud.

    Oh yeah, Thanks Jami you peed all over the doggie chow this morning. I had to fight off the little buggars this morning to keep them from eatin it! Ewwwww!!!! Fed them again, and this time she ate.....guess she didn't like the first serving! picky little $h!t!
  16. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hehe. mmm...pee kibble.
    Glad to hear they are all alert and well.
    This is off topic but did you keep Red?

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