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Freckles Goes to School Tonight

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Tonight I take the "Bug" to his first obedience class. I am sure most of the class will be youngsters. Freckles, by best estimate, is about 20 months old and now weighs almost 60 Lbs. It will be interesting to see if his apparent intelligence will be an asset or a deterrent. Classes will run for 8 weeks and, if he is trainable, I then plan to move on to agility classes.
    I am sure Duke will more than enjoy a quiet evening at home with Dukesmom while we are at school. In fact, I think Dukesmom will enjoy the peace and calm as well. :D
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Good luck, Freckles! If he's anything like Nala, you might want to tire him out a bit before you take him to class. :)

    It's so ironic in our house - Nala is by far the better trained dog, and yet she is also the one I have the most problems with. The trainer comes over and she says, "We'll start working on such-and-such" and I'll say - "Oh, Nala does that!" and I'll show her. Nala does pretty well for the most part - but she's in trouble constantly anyway and she's not proofed well, so I can't get her attention when she is running amok.

    I think Bonnie is one of those dogs that if I never trained her at all, she would still make a wonderful companion and an easy dog to live with. She just can't be let off leash. I am training her, though. She's very smart, but her anxiety makes some things difficult for her.

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Way to go freckles! Hopefully everything works out great!
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    good luck Freckles!

    Jimiya, I was in the same situation with Wylie about running away sinc eshe was a stray. if she got off leash, she would run and run to who knows where she wanted to go. I woudl work with her and the rope trick and treats to come.

    But what ended up working is when we went boating we would find a small island and let her go, she had nowhere to run to, and it took her a few years to trust us too., she learned to hang around, and now we can have her off leash anywhere. She is funny now, when we leave out gate open to our backyard, she will sit inside the backyard at the open gate, and plead with us to go back and play with her. Icame home for lunch one day and the gate was open and she was sitting in front.

    I didnt think I would ever see the she could be off leash

  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    GOOD LUCK FRECKLES!!! I think Dad needs to take some pictures! :)
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Forgot to mention that Freckles gets extremely frightened and scared of any new experience. Remember we rescued him last November after he had been fostered at a Vets office for three months.
    He does OK when he is with Duke but coweres back and submissively pees when frightened. This often happens when I take them in to kennel. Duke goes bounding off like he has lived there his whole life leaving Freckles cowering and affraid.
    They do fine together at the dog park however.
    The instructor just called to remind me about the class and I found out there will be a total of twelve dogs there tonight.
    I'll give y'all a report tomorrow.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, let us know how he does! I am going to put Bonnie in a group class next month. She is also very scared of new situations, but she does fine at the dog park and doesn't ever do the submissive peeing thing. But we tried to teach her to "go to your place" last night with the trainer and a raised bed she brought, but Bonnie would NOT go anywhere near that bed. Nala hopped right on when she realized there was food involved.

    Good luck, Freckles, and try to have fun!
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Good luck with Freckles, can't wait to hear how he does.
  9. eng_mast_2

    eng_mast_2 New Member

    aww good luck Freckles!! :y_the_best:
  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I'm sure he'll be the next "Frecklestein" of the Dog World!! Then we can all say, "We knew him when...."

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