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Grooming ~ the first time!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    When you brought your dog to be groomed for the first time, did you do anything that made it easier for them?

    Molly & Emma are receiving their last set of shots next Thursday (YAY :eek: ) and we're going to take them to be groomed the following day.

    I'm not sure what to expect.. Should I bring a chew toy for them, perhaps their fav. stuffed bear? Did you get to watch them being groomed?

    I haven't called the groomer yet and asked these questions, I will, but was just curious how your first experience went.

    I'm sure the girls will be fine but of course I worry anyway :roll: I'm also thinking of bringing an older picture of the girls so they'll have an idea of what I want... thought that might make it easier for them.
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Oh mommy, I was the same way! Now when I look back, I wonder what was going through that groomer's mind..... When I took Bailey for the first time, I took his "breakfast" since he obviously wasn't going to be home to eat it... and his favorite plush toy. When I picked him up, he hadn't eaten any of his food (she put it in the crate with him)..... and not sure if he noticed his toy was with him or not. He was there for about three hours and i was a nervous wreck the entire time.....lol

    I didn't take anything the following trips and he's been totally fine. :)
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Wooohooo, their first grooming appt.!!!! :eek:

    I would say, if they are going to put Molly and Emma in a crate after they are done, or before they get to them for grooming, then yeah, maybe it would be a good idea to have something in their for them. I'm not quite sure though?!?!

    I never bring anything for Mickey & Tigger only b/c they are never put in a crate during their grooming appt., and are kept too busy during their time there. If there are no other dogs there for grooming, she'll immediately start grooming the two of them. Once she is finished with one, she let him play with her German Shepherd (who is always there), and then starts grooming the other.

    When there are other dogs there for grooming, they all play together while "waiting for their turn." So, in my case, there isn't a need for me to bring them anything, they're either being groomed, or playing with her GS, and other dogs there for grooming, if there are any!

    My groomer gave me the option to either stay or leave. She was more than willing to let me stay and watch the the first grooming appt, or even all the grooming appts, if I so desired! That option is given to every one of her clients. I know this probably wouldn't be possible in most grooming places b/c it would get crowded. However, my groomer runs her business out of her home, so it is possible to give her clients the choice.

    I did stay the whole time for their first grooming appt, but I no longer do simply b/c I know for a fact that they are in good hands with her! Sometimes I'll arrive a little early to pick them up just so I can see how they are doing and watch for a little while.

    All of Mickey & Tigger's grooming appts., including their first, went wonderfully, thanks to their groomers desire to make grooming for the dogs a fun and positive experience! Every time we go to her house, Mickey & Tigger go running up with wagging tails, and are just thrilled to see her...such a good sign!!!

    It would probably be a good idea to bring a picture of another dog with the type of cut you want for the girls! A visual would be a lot easier than trying to describe what you want!!! At least that's what I think!

    You'll have to take some before and after pics and show us!!! :D
  4. CoCo's Mom

    CoCo's Mom New Member

    First time grooming

    I took My 3 month old shihpoo to be groomed this past Monday without any advice and I wish I had asked for some. It is very hot down here in Florida and it was all in her eyes. Whenever we would go outside to do her business she would go and then want back in the air conditioning real fast. Now she loves being outside. The groomer said she was not very cooperative and CoCo bit her. (For her first time and only 3 months I am not sure what is normal) Now I notice one of her eyes is red (like bloodshot). It is not real bad or any leakage and she has a vet appt Monday so I am not real worried. CoCo could of jerked when the groomer was cutting around her eyes. Anyway, I didn't feel it was a good experience for any of us. What exactly should I expect from a dog groomer? Also CoCo was mainly a dark chocolate color and now she is a milk chocolate color. Her poodle daddy was all white and her shih tzu mommy was white with honey colored markings. I do not have an after picture of her yet but you can see my CoCo on http://www.dogster.com/dog_page.php?i=51099 Any advice or comments? Thanks, CoCo's Mom
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hello CoCo and mom!!!!
    CoCo is toooooooo cute!! As far as the coat coloring changing, that seems to be the NORM with the shihpoos.... My Bailey was pitch black and white, and now he's more charcoal/grey and white. There are other shihpoos on the auspet board that have changed a lot too! Just ask mybabyshih!! :)

    Also, as far as the eye.... yipes!! In my opinion, if the groomer accidentally hurt Coco during the grooming, then he/she should have told you immediately when you picked her up. Accidents happen! The fact that you weren't told, concerns me..... Sure, there is a chance that the groomer was unaware...
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    CoCo is such a cutie pie!!! :eek:

    Yeah, I know all about the "color changing shih-poos!" :lol: My black shih-poo has stayed the same color as he was as a puppy, but my other shih-poo, not at all. Just take a look (sorry, I know they're not the best quality pics, but it gives you the general idea):





    Also, if you go to their dogster page, you can see some more pics of my nearly colorless shih-poo! LOL Colorful or not, I still love 'em! :y_the_best:

    I couldn't have said it better!!!

    Let's hope for better luck next time! :D
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I still think someone came in one night and did the ole' switcharooooooooooo on Tigger! :)
  8. CoCo's Mom

    CoCo's Mom New Member

    changing colors

    What a difference! How long did it take for the colors to go away? And how much do your dogs weigh now? CoCo weighed 3 lbs at 11 weeks. I know I just have to wait and see but I am curious to see how big she is going to get. Her daddy was smaller than her mommy. She has already wrapped herself around my heart so I am going to love her no matter what color or size she gets!! I love this site. It has helped me so much.
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Well, Bailey is the BIG BOY of the group... he weighed 14 lbs at his last vet check a few weeks ago. He was a year May 4th..... :)
  10. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    LOL...isn't it crazy how much he's changed!!!

    Well, over the course of a year. The first picture is of him not too long after we first got him at 12 wks. The second pic I took just the other day, and he is now a little over a year old. His coloring gradually faded over the year!

    They both weigh right around 10 lbs.

    Yeah, Mickey & Tigger weighed about 3 lbs. at 12 weeks, when we first brought them home.

    That happens, you just can't help it! But I assure you, it's a good thing! :wink:

  11. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Oh my god Monster! LOL!!!

    Thanks for the advice and sharing your experiences everyone! I think I'm most nervous because Molly & Emma get a little nervous around people. We've had friends over and I've yet to see them play with eachother (tearing around the house etc.).. they will let people pet them (Emma is much more outgoing than Molly), but a lot of the time they just sit and watch them... just checking them out.

    They also haven't been around other dogs (obviously, because they haven't completed all of their shots yet), so I wonder how they'll handle that if there are some there... I guess we'll find out! I think I'll stay for the first visit for sure and I'll bring a couple of toys (like MyBaby said, it will keep them busy if one is in the crate waiting..).

    All these "firsts" are hard!! :D
  12. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Forgot to address the color changing comment.. we've experienced that with our girls also.

    When we picked out Emma she was black with white socks on each paw, had a white chest, a white stripe going up her forehead and white around her nose...

    When we picked them up on May 27th, Emma had lost her stripe up her forehead and one of her white socks was almost gone!

    Molly was a deep brown all over with black mixed in.. now, each arm/leg is a light brown color, the tips of her ears are dark brown & her tail has some black in it!

    It's amazing how they change! If you click on the "www" tab under my signature you can view their Dogster page which shows before and after pics of my girls
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Hi poogirl, I have always groomed Sasha myself. So really I'm not certain. But I would bring a favorite blanket so they have the smells of home. While one is being groomed the other can lay in that smells of home aroma.

    Coco's mom: your little one is very cute. I have to say that the reason behind the color change is more than likely behind the poodle genes. Most poodles change color. If they are born apricot they almost always change to a very lightapricot if their lucky. If born very light apricot then they will become a creme. If born chocolate, they turn cafe Ole(light chocolate) Reds get washed out most ofthe time. Unless you have someone doing really good breeding. So I don't beleive its the shitzu genes at all. I'd like some one to pop in with their full shitzu and confirm what I have been seeing. Anyways coco is beautiful any color. I have a mini poodle, whom I believe started out light apricot now cream with slight apricot in her ears and tail.

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