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Pit bull needs a home (GINA)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jul 24, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I saw this on another list:

    Laura@PogStarHedgehogs.com writes:
    Sorry to bother the lists, but I'm a wee bit desperate at this point.
    Several weeks ago my sister's soon to be ex husband found a starved
    and abused young female pit bull wandering loose in their neighborhood.
    Sis agreed to take her for a bit while he looked for a home for her if he
    would pay for food, etc. At this point it's been well over a month, and he
    isn't doing any better at paying for this girls food than he is helping to
    support his four kids. (Don't get me started) He also hasn't shown any
    signs of searching for a home for her.

    She is an absolute dolly, great with Sis's three year old, their cats, and their nutcase beagle mix. I think if Sis weren't barely scraping by as it is, she would be willing to keep her, but she just can't. We would love to, but we're up to four with a long standing promise to take another from a friend, and I'm barely surviving and staying upright with the nutcase puppyzilla (32 lbs at 3 months) we have and our crazy ACD. Financially it also isn't possible for us right now, we already almost owe the vet our kids. ;) I've looked for local rescues, but there ARE no Kansas Pit rescues, the one I found in Kansas City, MO only takes MO animals and is full, and both local shelters have a put down policy on pits.

    It breaks my heart to think of any animal this sweet and giving after
    all she has been through being denied the chance at a good home. I
    strongly suspect that the starving and physical abuse was in attempt to make her fight, and she was dumped because she wouldn't. I would love to be able to tell my neices that their "Baby Girl" can go to a good home, and we're willing to help financially a little, or with driving, to get her on
    her way if someone can offer her one. I won't post again, as I know it's not relevant to the lists, but if anyone has an idea or a home to offer,
    please email me at Laura@pogstarhedgehogs.com Thanks in advance.

    Laura and the PogStar Zoo Crew
    Please send responses to Laura's email address which is:

  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Gina help this girl. I did a research and she's right, The shelters ther have a PTS pitt rule. Thats horrible.
    I tried some in Kentucky, but the lady there wouldn't help me. Idon't have the intire info on the dog either so I could tell her only limited info that I got from Jamiya's post.....
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I emailed her just now. I ask her to give me a week to either get the dog placed in a rescue or a foster home and if we had no success with that then I will take her in as a foster until she can be placed. I will keep you updated on what's happening.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thank you, Gina! You're a goddess!! :bow_now:
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH Gina! Your great!!! Keep us updated!
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    :eek: you are great Gina if i were closer i would help i kinda miss having a BIG dog but i'm not real sure if i'm really ready for one yet with my mom moving in with me i'm getting kinda crowed :)

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