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My Puppy isn't here yet:(

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by QueenyJr, Jul 24, 2004.

  1. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    Well, My girl didnt come to me yet. They were supposed to bring her to us when they brought their car over (my dad is fixing it for them) and when they showed up the dog wasn't with them. I was all excited to see her too...i have been really calm and mellowed out (almost depressed like) all day then my Dad told me they were bringing Sassy ( i wanna re-name her) over and then they showed with out her. I'm kind of upset but I think they are having trouble parting with her...well maybe not them but my cousins girlfriends daughter whos like 9 or 10 i think. But then they left again after they dropped the car off because befor emy dad can work on the their car he has to go to a funeral because someone he knows passed away last week sometime. So they call me and are liek can Casey (daughter) come and play some computer games with you if we bring them (the games) over. I'm like sure where are you getting the games from? Ur house? lol. Hehe I go you shoudl bring the dog over (that sounds mean but i was half asleep) for me to play with and hes like well i ahev to talk to Tammy. So i dont knwo if i will get to see her or not. I dont like it when people do that its liek ok, dont say you're going to bring her and then dont i dunno it frustrates me to get my hopes up and then have them dashed but as much as it happens i should be used to it...
    SOrry if this doesn't make sense im kinf sad at the moment lol

    Oh yeah, th epup isn't that old yet could i still cahne her name..? (I am not sure exactly how old i haven't asked them yet...)
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Well that's a bummer, I would be frustrated about it as well!

    You'll have to keep us updated! :D
  3. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    They have decided not to give her up. .. that makes me a lot sad.
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :( I'm so sorry to hear that! It's too bad that she won't be getting the attention that she needs, which was why they wanted to giver her up in the first place! :(
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that.... I'm sure it makes you very sad. Let's just hope that it's for the best.... :(
  6. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    Yeah, I think they are still thinking about it, but I just do not understand why they keep changing their minds. I am having a hard tiem dealing with my emotions in other things right now and I hate getting excited abotu nothing. I really want a little bundle of joy...litteraly...And my Dad finally agreed and they changed their minds. I jsut wanted a dog that ws mine, that i could carry around with me and could love me and not him because my shepherds love him more...ugh..sorry...I'm very emotional today.
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    So they are not going to let you have the pup? Did your dad tell them how upset you are. They really should be thinking about how they are upsetting other people. They need to make up their mind and not let you get upset. Thats not fair. There will be a dog for you. Don't give up on that thought. What state are you in?
  8. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    They are the type of people that dont care abotu hwo others feel as long as they happy. (My cousin wasn't liek this till he got with her). I watched her 8 year old daughter all night last night while they were partying. Then they brought her some food because shes a spoiled brat (an only child who gets EVERYTHING she wants) and then asked her mom since she was going to their house if she could bring like 5 more things over (A stuffed animal and like 3 or 4 movies) now mind you it was about 2 AM by now and i was still very emotional about getting excited over nothing I go why don't you bring Sassy and we could see hoe she like sit her and then you guys can take her or whatever ya know? She said sure and Casy agreed that she would watch her. So we waited the 45 minutes and then her mom came back but without Sassy...she said she hid under the bed. I doubt this lasy lies ALOT. So I told me Dad this morning that since he said i coudl get a pup that i would check the Trading Post (comes tomorrow usually has a lot of pets that need homes) And he goes I'm not going to pay for one...I go well soemtimes there are mix puppies in there for free...Chihuahua mixes and things liek that. But i really want a yorkie but they are wayyy to expensive and since hes spent soo much money on my shepherds hes not really willing to spend $2500 on a dog that he doesn't want. 9he doens't like "Ankle biters") I love them!! lol. I love all dogs hehe. But I told him i want something that loves me not him. I want an animal that is MINE not his that can sleep with me. Adn he understands that and is willing to let me get one, but, it has to be free.

    I counted all of the change in the house that i could find so I am going to save that up until i can find a pup. Right now I have $25 which the county animal shelter let you adopt a dog thats over 6 mos old for $40 and and under 6 mos. old for $30. Someone please help me find a puppy.

    I am looking in the paper...but they are all between $350 to $1000, But my Dad got a check in the mail for 11,000 yesterday so he might let me get a puppy, i have to talk to him when he gets home in a little while...

    Oh yeah...I live in ohio.
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Just be sure if to get one from the best place possible. If they can tell you they have put their dogs thru all the appropriote testing and they have passed they are worth it. It is more worth paying extra in the beginning for a healthy pup than a cheap one that needs alot of medical care later. Let us know what happens. :y_the_best:

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