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  6. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

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Barkin' Monster

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MonsterBailey, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    well I'm the idiot that still tries and buys the rubber ones! LOL...

    This brings up a good question.... do YOU even hear it when your dog is playing w/a squeaky toy?? I have totally zoned it out..... and it's hysterical when we're at my sister's or my mom's cuz they will all yell at Bailey to stop it, when I never even noticed! LOL
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    You know what, no, I actually don't! I have learned to sort of just phase it out! I know it would drive people nuts if they weren't used to it, but these two are always squeaking something, or making some sort of noise with all their playing, and after a while, you don't even give all the noise a second thought! Quiet = trouble with these two!!! :lol:

    I'm having a family reunion here this weekend, so it'll be interesting to see just how long it takes before Mickey & Tigger drive them all up the wall (and if I'm lucky, maybe out the door, no, no, just kidding, I love 'em all...hopefully none of them are reading this board, LOL)!!!! :)

  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Pay attention.... they'll try to pull the squeaky toy away, or ask them to be quiet during an important part of the conversation (or movie, or whatever!) LOL

    and ummm.... isn't this the second family reunion in three months? aren't you REUNITED enoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    HA, good luck with that one...one of Mickey & Tigger's favorite games would be tug-of-war!!! :)

    Well, actually, we are having one up here this weekend for the family members here in IL who can't make it to the family reunion next weekend in TN! (Oh, and this will be the first family reunion this year, there were no previous ones this year...that I know of, at least! :-# LOL) There's no shortage of reunions and get-togethers in this family, we just can't seem to get enough of eachother! :wink:

  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Didn't you have a little mini-family reunion around the time of (or before) Mickey & Tigger's birthday? Memorial Day Weekend?? come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......... please tell me I haven't lost my mind! :)
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Some family members did come over during that time, yes, but it wasn't a reunion by any means. They came over because it was Memorial Day weekend, no family reunion though (those are huge...the WHOLE entire family comes). The Memorial Day weekend get-together was just one of those "holiday celebrations" where near by family came. :wink: (Does that make any sense?)

    Well, I've been meanin' to say something!!! :mrgreen:

    I hope this helps clarify matters!!! :D
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    color me clarified! :) hehe
  8. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    How funny! Maya hasn't done anything that strange yet. She does jump up on the recliner and sits there whenever we leave her alone in the apartment. Its the chair closest to the door. And whenever I'm lying on the couch Maya lays on the top of the couch. I keep telling Matt to run and get the camera before she moves but she always jumps off the couch and follows him. She's a camera ham.... She has a little stuffed pig she carries around with her and if you ask her "Where's Bacon?" She runs and gets it.
    pamr61 where did you have your little ones picture taken at? Its absolutely adorable. I've been looking for somewhere to take Maya to have her pictures taken. She so photogenic :)
    Later Gator,
    Tracie,Matt, Maya and the ferrets ( the ferrets are photogenic too but its so darn hard getting them to hold still)
  9. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    Dog toys!

    These are the only soft toys I have found that Jack either can't or won't destroy!! I have been through so many others I just gave up buying them.We call him "Destucto". I swear he will eat anything! I caught him taking screws out of the tool box the other day.Luckily caught him in the act before he swallowed it! Anyway here is a link for those toys, they have a Ball on one end and a squeaker on the other and Jack goes bananas for them! They are called critters, go to toys and click on small toys for small dogs to view them.

    https://secure7.nexternal.com/shared/St ... =939063668
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Thanks for ANOTHER site to spend my money, Deb!!!! LOL :)

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