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Shoudl I get a Shih Tzu or...Yorkie Poo.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by QueenyJr, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    Ok, I looked in the Paper...and I foudn a 5 mo. old Yorkie-Poo Male, for 350. A yorkie Male with no papers for $350.

    But I foudn Shih tzu puppies for $350 with Papers...I dunno...help.
    I haven't tlaked with my Dad yet because he went to my cousins last night for a party and still isn't home..er.
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    It's hard for us to tell you.... it's really more up to you and your personal preference. I stronglyyyy suggest that you go to some of the sites online and do a little research on the two different breeds/mixes. Don't compare the money, so much.

    Also, and MORE importantly is that you REALLY SHOULD research (i.e., investigate a little) the breeder (or seller), depending on the case. Why are they selling the puppies? Are they vaccinated? What type of a home are they in? etc. There are a million and one questions... I'm sure others will have better ideas for you. Mybabyshih had some really good questions for potential breeders (I think it was her) before! Maybe she'll step in.

    Have you checked any of the rescue shelters/local pound? You might find your love of your life there! It's worth a try!

    Good luck... and keep us posted!
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I agree with Monster.

    It took me 2 1/2 years of research (yeah, was a bit particular about the whole thing!) before I found the perfect dog for us. Now, I'm not saying it should take you that long, but you do need to spend enough time making sure you are choosing the right dog for you. Good luck!
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I would also want to see the parents to see if they are worthy specimens. Do they appear to walk funny, arthritis, any weird growths. lumps bumps. aggressiveness. A dog with papers is not always better. Is it AkC, CKC, I know with ckc all you have do to get a dog papered is have two witnesses sign in agreeance that its purebred and send along three sideview pictures of the dog. I could easily do that with my poodle, but its not nessary for me to have any. I would ask if they could verify their parent dogs health and if you could have the number to their vet. If they take very good care of their dogs then they will be more than willing to supply the number and name. If they don't I'm sure they will make up some excuse. You seriosly need to find out if you are going to end up with huge vet bills in the next few years. If you can't afford them, make certain these pups are healthy. The breed choice is an individual one.
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great answers everyone!!! :y_the_best:

    Just make sure you are buying from a reputable breeder with strong ethics!

    As far as which cross, it all depends on your individual preferences. Read up on the personalities of Yorkies, Shih-tzus and Poodles, and be sure you are completely comfortable with the behavioral traits of the breeds and crosses/mixes in which you are considering. Also, factor in the price of grooming, and make sure that it won't be an issue in the future!

    Good luck...let us know what you decide! :D
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I don't think that was me...I know someone (forgot who) posted some really good questions to ask a breeder, and I think that may be what you are talking about?!?!

    However, if you go to a major search engine online, and type in, "questions to ask a breeder," (w/out the quotation marks) you'll find a lot of great sites with such information!

  7. Brian

    Brian New Member

    Oh Shih Tzus all the way!! They are easier to train and more quiet and friendly than Yorkies. But most importantly do your research and find out as much as you can on the breed you want.

    Good luck.


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