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Do your cats eat vegies and fruit?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Pumpkin loves peas and carrots and corn. She begs for them when she sees or smells them. Vene used to eat cantaloupe as I'm cutting them up. How about yours?
  2. MaryNH

    MaryNH New Member

    my furkids are strictly carnivores. I present them with either fruit or vegetable and they start to assemble their favorite toys and threaten to leave :shock:

    Zeus has run off with a pork chop before while I was preparing dinner...wouldn't catch him doing that with a head of broccoli. Then one Christmas I found him with his head stuck in the turkey carcass (that was particularly embarrassing with my entire family here for dinner), but he wouldn't dream of peeling a kiwi.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Mary, you changed your name! How come you have to start with 1 feedback? Lol's with Zeus and your reply! As kittens, Milo and Venus used to go after chicken carcasses too.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hey, what happened to MaryNH's post count? That's weird! She didn't change her name. Going back on topic about cats and fruit....I've never had a cat that liked fruit. Then again, I don't think I've ever offered them fruit. Handsome thought string cheese was real worms. This sounds really goofy, but now and again I would give Handsome some string cheese and he would throw it up into the air and then attack it. It was so funny! Hmmm...what I just said had absolutely nothing to do with fruit. Romeo and Juliet only get their Wellness, but it has fruit in it. Does that count?
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    My cats seem to like peas but I can't think of any other fruit or veggie that they have been interested in other than that. Oh, and garbonzo beans...some of them like those too.

    LOL! I can just picture that! :m39: <- I hope this is supposed to be someone laying on the floor laughing really hard?

    Too funny! LOL. :0017:
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    my dog will eat fruit n veg if we give it to her. i think my cats would make a suicide pact if i tried with them.
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i think max would eat anything. he has to go to TIME OUT when i eat...like it is really bad. even the water doesnt help. he hides behind the salt shaker (he thinks he is invisible) and v..e..r..y s...l...o...w...l...y
    i...n...c...h..e..s h..i...s w...a..y u...p t...h...e b...a...c...k o...f t...h...e b...o...w...l :m37:

    AND THEN!!!!!!! [-X

    TIME OUT!!!!!!
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Chessmind, Mary's name got changed from Mary_NH to MaryNH.
    Absolutely, it counts. Lol's!

    Nern- Wow, you got your cats to eat chick peas. I'm impressed. It's so healthy!

    You are too funny! :p
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: hey!!!! i was reading about mary's number of posts...and looked at mine...i'm a senior member you guys!!!! yeah!!!! :eek:

    mary...what happened to yours????

  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi Lynn. You turned Senior member when you reached 450 posts. Congrats! :0018:

    You and Max are just too funny. :0017: :m39: I hope you get to adopt Mikey. Max might be persuaded to stop dropping his mice in your fresh coffee cups and go after Mikey instead. :mrgreen: But they'll be like this when you are working or out shopping: :qm3:
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol...vene...these emoticons are so great. talk about funny and interesting posts!!!!!

    YOURS ARE THE BEST, VENE!!! :eek: !!!! :eek: !!!!!


    (its just my favorite emoticon)
  12. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    My cat likes to lick tape. Does that count? :-# :0010: :0010:
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    OMG!!!! All that typing and I'm back to one post :roll:
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    oh I see what I did...forgot to put the _ in when I logged in goober I am. Must have started a new account for meself :roll:
  15. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My kitties don't seem interested in veggies. They absolutely love tuna, though. When I open a can and they get a whiff of it from a different floor, they come running for a sample.
  16. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Just found this out yesterday, my cat likes black eyed peas ?!?
  17. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    with or without butter? :wink:
  18. vene

    vene New Member

    My cats and toddler love Black Eyed Peas the pop rock group. Does that count? :m32:
  19. vene

    vene New Member

    Best wishes for Sadie's re-check on Friday!
  20. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    vene!!!! :eek:



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