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Rosco was sick....

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by papillon/mom, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    Those of you that have talked to me before know that we just moved so we have been doing allot of work on our house on Saturday well Rosco was playing w/Max (his brother) in the backyard next thing I know I looked he had eaten some grass but he was staggering and when I brang him in the house he just wasn't himself, he just slept, he wouldn't open his mouth, he just layed there, I took a picture and I will post it but I was so scared. I looked at him a few minutes later and he had vomitted in his bed, and it was all grass w/an earth worm. So I called my friend she is a vet tech and she came over a 1/2 hour later and he was getting worse, he couldn't even stand up :( she advised me to bring him in to the emergency clinic so I called and I took him there, they examined him and tested his blood sugar level, his blood sugar level was 45 and it is supposed to be 85 OMG :cry: I don't know what happened the vet gave him some Karo syrup and when he came back he wanted me to set him down to see how he walked he was moving already, walking, he advised us to get some and give it to him in an hour so we did, he was absolutly perfect after the first one. The vet advised that he needs to get more rest and less play w/his brother, he wore himself out and didn't eat enough I can't believe that happened to him so just to warn everyone it was scary. :( but he is perfect now. :wink:

    Also I took new picture today of Rosco and Max I need to work better to try to have a perfect picture like my idol Baby shipoo... :bow_now:

    here is what Rosco wants w/the camera
    rosco sick :cry:
    Rosco sick 2

    Rosco and Max today 7/20
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh what cute pictures. I love the upclose one even though its a bit blurred. He looks so happy.
    Are you having any easier of a time with him walking on a leash? I have a tiny harness if you want.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Aw, poor little guy! :( At least you caught on to the problem early enough before it really turned bad...kudos to you for not passing the problem off as nothing! :y_the_best: When it comes to low blood sugar levels, ESPECIALLY in small breed dogs, things can go downhill real quick, unfortunately!

    I'm glad to hear that he is better now!!! :D

    :oops: Oh gosh, you're makin' me blush over here...you're just too kind! I have to admit, taking pictures of two little furbabies isn't exactly easy!!! I'll have one looking at me, then right as I get the other looking at me, the first one is looking away...grrrrrrr!!! :x I usually just keep snappin' pics until I get a good one! Thank goodness for digital cameras so you can just delete the bad pics. :wink:

    I have to give it to YOU though, the pics you posted were great, as are the other ones you have posted in the past...not too shabby if you ask me (and believe me, I am NO expert in the picture world)!!! :y_the_best:

    (I too am curious, has there been any progress in the "walking department" with Rosco?)
  4. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I haven't had any luck w/the walking thing, I tried a few times, I haven't been able to do the training stick yet next week hoepfully we are having a party on Sat and I started school back two weeks ago and I also work f-t so I will try to get to it asap. My hubby did try last week though when I wasn't home just across the street he said he took a few steps and that was it he dragged tried w/treats, his brother was walking he wouldn't move and he is allot more firm than me so he really is stubborn, he ended up carring him. :(
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh my goodness, I'm so happy to hear that there was a happy ending with your sick Rosco!! It scared me at first as I was reading your post!! :shock:

    The pictures were soooooooooooooo cute!! You did grrrrrreat. I absolutely love the one of them in the fireplace :)
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sorry to hear about the little guy. Glad you got him to the vet. I have never heard of low blood sugar in dogs, dont know why. Now I know if I have this problem what it could possibly be. Will still see a vet but nice to know.
    BTW adorable pics of the little ones. They are so cute.
  7. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Probably because he is so little that the low blood sugar caught up to him so fast..... thank goodness he is okay! Your boys are sooooo cute! I think I would like to have a papillon some day!
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    By the way.... I can't believe how white Rosco's "white" is! :) You do a great job of keeping him cleaned and unstained! :)
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I'm so happy that he's okay now! I had goosebumps reading your post.. I would have been so terrified. It's a good think you noticed him when you did!!

    I love the fireplace pic too! Your boys are so cute! :D
  10. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    thanks for all the concern, :wink: it really was scary :cry: I just wanted to let all of you know the symptoms so you could try the karo syrup if your dog's ever got sick. As for the pictures, I am still working on them slowly I want a real nice one. Rusty's mom as for wanting a papillon I love em to death, I hope you get one too one day. :0023:
  11. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    So sorry for your scare. i know i go spatic when one of these gets sick. With the smaller dogs and the ones with high engery our vet has said put a little sugar in their water. i also keep nutri-start on hand for a pick me up. the pics are fablous... they are so cute i like the fireplace one too.
  12. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    Puttin I just noticed that you said you have a harness if I want it, absolutly if you are willing to ship it to me I would reimburse you for any shipping costs via check by mail. Do you think it would fit him, he is maybe 5lbs tops his neck is like a chicken's size. Let me know either way. :wink:

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