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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    Raymond says

    "orange tabbys rock"! I sure hope it works out for you!!!


  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Raymond is gorgeus and he looks like he's smiling in the 2nd pic. How did he get so big so soon?
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    okay...i need help...i am on the phone with the vet. mikey is available....


    they gave me a full report, he seems like a sweetheart, however....he sprayed one time before neutering and one time after. i called my vet and he said that he should settle down in a couple months...so...i am going to take the risk!!! :m27:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats and arrrrrg! I'm not familiar with the spraying stuff. None of my boys ever sprayed indoors. I caught Milo spraying outside once marking his territory. I hope the vet is right. Good luck Lynn. :0018: :0008: :qm3:
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    deb...raymond is the cutest kitty!!!! i just LOVE him. his personality just comes through his pictures....

    :eek: WE LOVE RAYMOND!!! :eek:
  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Good luck! My husband said the only way I'll ever get a 5th kitty is if he found the perfect orange cat with a certain shade and certain markings. I've been secretly searching, but with little luck!

    The cat looks very cute! Hopefully the spraying isn't a problem. Sometimes my boys back up to something and shake their tail, but nothing ever comes out. But, your new guy fixed, hopefully there wouldn't be much problem.

    good luck! :eek:
  7. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    Good luck with Mikey!

    He started spraying already? Yikes, Raymond isn't scheduled for neutering until the end of August, he will be a little over 6 months, I hope he doesn't start doing that before he is fixed!
  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    GREAT LYNN!!!!!!!!!!
    :qm3: NOW MAX WILL HAVE A BUDDY!! :0018:

    I'm gald you liked my advice. Now hopefully Max takes to him well. [-o<
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Yay Lynn! I'm so excited for you and Max!! :eek:
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    max likes these new emoticons...he wants to play with them on the computer. now...he is moving the mouse with his paw!!!!!!!

    :roll: sheesh!!! its always something...sniff...sniff...he is kissing the screen saying hello to everyone...bat, bat, bat....sniff, sniff, bat, sniff.... :qm2:

    well...i am just waiting to hear when i can go see him. they have kind of a shortage of volunteers....so they will get someone there when they can. i asked about volunteering for them...i'd like to do that...

    my vet today said that two weeks is a good time period, just to make sure that mikey does not have some low level infection. so she said quarantine the kitty in a separate room....and keep them from sniffing ea. other under the door. i can do that...although i will feel bad for the little kitty in there all by his lonesome when i am out with max. HEY!!!! A MESSAGE FROM THE RESCUE VOLUNTEER!!! GOTTA GO READ WHAT IT IS!!! :m34:
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    :m33: :m23: Hi Max!!! 2 weeks is an awful long time to keep them apart. That's harsh, but you've got to do what you've got to do! Volunteering, that's great! I'm going to do that too when my toddler goes to school in a few years! Can't wait!
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i know :cry: but the vet...dr. carey who sees max when dr. grant is not in on wed. is a really good vet. she said she is currently treating a sick kitty at the clinic for that very problem. initially...they didnt know that the kitty had an uri, and the other one got sick...

    so...with max's health stuff...i dont want to risk compromising his immune system. although mikey has been tested...doesnt have any diseases, and has had all his shots.

    thanks vene...for your interest and concern. you know it is always appreciated... :m31:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Baby's crying. Gotta go.
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    He's very cute. When do you find out if you can adopt him?
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: i am going to see him tomorrow....which is saturday, at 4:30. they have told me he is absolutely a doll. he is very social, when he came in several months ago...he had goobies in his eyes and nose. he would put his paws on either side of the volunteers necks, and rub his little face all over theirs!!! :m35:

    he is all better now. healthy. and no diseases. vaccinated and neutered.

    he has one cat he is very good friends with there. they lay with their arms around each other. i am very confident that he and max will get along just fine. i am going to go slow though.

    chessmind...i cant wait for the photo contest...to see your little ones. :qm3: its been toooooo long!!!
  16. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Little Max would be so happy to have a new friend. Max has so much energy and another little buddy would be great for him to run around and play with. I sure hope you get him. :mrgreen:

    I'm not sure if I'll have any great pics of Romeo and Juliet. Kodak moments often happen when I don't have my camera handy. :m7: They are doing great, though. I love them both a lot. :mrgreen:
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    okay you guys...i think i am REALLY stressed. i got mikey today, and up until about ten minutes ago...i was totally happy. :D he is in the second bedroom. he has been totally loving...like almost overly so. he put his face in mine, he lays next to me, he stands on his hind feet and puts both paws on either side of my neck and shoves his face into mine (the top of his head smells like kitty litter!!) :m10:
    and up until this point, i am thinking...he is a total doll...I LOVE THIS CAT!!!!

    BUT THEN..... :0021:


    he attacked me and bit my hand...very hard. :m3: he then didnt want me to leave the room, and was in attack mode... :m36: like max does that...but mikey's bite was much stronger than max's. i trust max. i know how loving he is. but mikey...i dont really know that he doesnt have this mean streak. none of the reports mentioned this. but of course, he was in the shelter and in foster care for a while. and....





    by the way...he is probably about 11 months old.

    the other thing...i had max in my bedroom just so i didnt have to worry about him running into the second bedroom when i was going in and out...to get food, litter, water, etc. and guess what he did???

  18. nern

    nern New Member

    What were you doing when this happened?

    Some cats become over stimulated during petting and what begins as pleasure becomes uncomfortable. I'm not sure this happened while you were petting him but if so I think its something that can be easily controlled by just observing his body language so you can stop petting him before he gets too uncomfortable.

    I'm sorry that you and Max are stressed. {{hugs}}
  19. nern

    nern New Member

    I found some more info for you on petting aggression here:

    ""Don't Pet Me Anymore" Aggression
    Some cats will suddenly bite while they’re being petted. This behavior isn’t well understood, even by experienced animal behaviorists. For whatever reason, petting which the cat was previously enjoying, apparently becomes unpleasant. Biting is the cat's signal that she has had enough petting. Cats vary in how much they’ll tolerate being petted or held. Although people often describe their cats as biting "out of the blue" or without warning, cats do generally give several signals before biting.

    You should become more aware of your cat’s body postures, and cease petting or stop any other kind of interaction before a bite occurs. Signals to be aware of include:

    Your cat's tail beginning to twitch
    Your cat's ears turning back or flicking back and forth
    Your cat turning or moving her head toward your hand
    When you observe any of these signals, it’s time to stop petting your cat immediately and allow her to sit quietly on your lap or go her own way, whichever she prefers. Any kind of physical punishment almost always makes the problem worse, because your cat is more likely to bite either because she is fearful and/or because petting becomes even more unpleasant if it’s associated with punishment.

    If you want to try to prolong the amount of time your cat will tolerate petting, use some food rewards. When your cat first begins to show any of the behaviors described above (or even before she does so) offer her a special tidbit of food like a tiny piece of tuna or boiled chicken. At the same time, decrease the intensity of your petting. Continue to lightly pet your cat for a short time period while offering her tidbits. In this way, she’ll come to associate petting with pleasant things and it may help her to enjoy petting for longer time periods. Each time you work with your cat, try to pet her a little longer each time using the food as a reward. Be sure to stop the petting before she shows any aggression. If a display of aggression results in the petting being stopped, then this unacceptable behavior has worked."
  20. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


    after i posted, i started thinking maybe that was it. because i was thinking how could such a loving kitty, who was all over me...purring, heat butting (hard), leaning against me, and wanting to kiss my face...be a mean cat??? :qm4: so i thought maybe because he was that stimulated he may have just gotten overly so.

    i was afraid to go back in the room. 8-[ :0009: but then i started thinking...maybe i just need to keep more neutral for now around him (because of course i was getting overly affectionate in response). and i was also thinking...well...hes been through alot...it is an adjustment period.

    so...i went back in :shock: ARMED WITH MY WATER BOTTLE and i calmly petted him, :m10: gave him some love...didnt let him get over stimulated...and he was wonderful. i also introduced him to his new scratching post.

    he really is very, very loving. i think he will be okay. [-o<

    but i came back to the computer and read this post. it confirmed what i thought...and gave me some really wonderful information which has given me so much hope.

    you know...i love max sooo much. :kiss_heart: he has been with me since he was eight weeks old. i am his mommy. this little kitty needs a mommy too. and i think i will love him just as much in time. :qm3:

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