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They're always there for me...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jules, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I haven't been around here much lately, I was snowed under with work...then got the flu... then found out my Mum has breast cancer.... so life has been chaotic and stressful. My partner is also stressed out at work- so we have both been under pressure. We have both needed someone to lean on.. and when you're both under pressure and worrying about things it can be hard to provide support. Hence arguements develop... :shock:
    Things are starting to look up now though, but through everything, my dogs are always there for me, happy as they've always been, providing comfort and companionship and support...

    I think they deserve a poem....

    When I've had a hard day at work,
    And people are acting like jerks;
    I long to come home and find,
    My loving and loyal canines.

    I know they'll greet me with love,
    Because from all the rest they put me above;
    Always there waiting for me to come home,
    Where I know I won't feel so alone.

    I once heard a line from a song,
    And it's stuck with me for so long;
    Because I think it's so true;
    And here it is for you too:

    "Dogs are the best people."

    I just wrote that that, lol.

    Just wanted to drop by and read a couple of messages and post something. Hope everyone and their furbabies are well.
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Jules sorry to hear things arent going to well for you guys. I really hope your mom gets better, it is hard we are going through this with my grandmother now. Your poem was very nice thanks for sharing that with us.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Jules your poem was very sweet. Im so sorry things are going so badly for you lately. You & your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry to hear that you have been stressed....I'm glad things are starting to look up now. Very nice poem. :wink:
  5. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Jules, Prayinbg for you and your mum. Hope things settle down for you. I am here if you need an ear. The poem is so sweet. Our furbabies are always there for us.
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    jules- I know JUST how you feel! I am going through alot right now as well and I am so grateful for the unconditional love and acceptance I have with Sarge. And to be able to have met all the wonderful people on this board. If you just need an impartial ear to vent to, I am always available. Praying for your mom and for you.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Jules, I'm so sorry buddy.

    I know this doesn't come as much comfort now, but things will get better. I too have been under troumendous stress lately as well. After Charllotte, and then Granny with leukemia, and the pups...and flares here recently with my man....I know its hard. Just keep your chin up, and remember we're all here for you.

    Anytime you need to talk, vent, or just have a rampage about something, you know my email and can always PM me!
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what a sweet poem, hope things look up for you :D :D

  9. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Thanks everyone, such kind words. Things are getting better... Mums results are on the better side of bad... so hopefully everything will be ok! We find out after her surgery. I am feelng optimistic about it. I just feel it's going to be ok. I think she is going to learn some great life lessons from this one, she was always so down and depressed before- I think this has really made her see life is worth living.
    Meanwhile I just got a fantastic job with work that colleages would be jealous of... stuff with my partner is better (didn't help that last week was THAT time of the month!!!!!).... He's off overseas in a month for a month so I'll probably be around here alot then! I'm already wondering what the hell I'm going to do with my time! Walk the dogs twice a day... do heaps of artwork...
    Anyway thanks again, everyone is so nice here...

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