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your first cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by MaryNH, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. MaryNH

    MaryNH New Member

    please share

    mine was Puff...a tuxedo kitty (back when they were just black and white cats) who was born 2 weeks before I was - in my carriage. Her mother was a mill cat my mother's 1st husband brought home to her not realizing the cat was pregnant. My mother kept one all-white deaf kitten who managed to get outside and my uncle ran over it :cry: so he gave my mother the tuxedo kitten he'd taken (good thing cause my uncle didn't like cats). The mom cat got very mean after having the litter and my mother had one baby at home and me in the oven so she had the mom cat PTS for fear it would harm one of us (keeping in mind this was back in the hmmmmmmm 50s - late 50s mind you but yes I was born before VCRs).

    Anyway....I loved Puff - she was a b**ch - truly she was. She was always biting my sisters :y_the_best: (must be where I picked up that behavior) and my sisters hated her. Yes Puff bit me too (I wasn't the brightest child in the litter) but my lap was the only one she'd lay on (and I wouldn't dare argue with her cause she'd bite me...she wanted the lap well she got the lap).

    Puff died shortly after our 16th birthdays of feline leuk (before the vaccine). She ws the first pet I lost and I took it very hard. I have only one photo of her and if I had a scanner I'd share...but the scanner had to be PTS.

    But that's my first cat - who was yours?
  2. Jody

    Jody New Member

    My first cat and one and only cat was Puzz, she was gorgeous grey colour with white through her, wouldn't have a clue what kind of cat she was, at the age I was, I was just glad to have an animal, she was attacked by the next door neighbours German Shephard after we had her for around 3 years, it was very sad and I can remember crying my eyes out.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    My first cat was a dilute tortie named Bambi. Every year I would write to Santa asking him to please bring me a kitten or a puppy and then finally one Xmas morning I woke up to find a large box in the front hallway with little Bambi inside. She was wonderful and very sweet...she would sleep in my bed on my feet every night. She was only about 2yrs old (If I remember correctly) when she died. She got really sick and was vomiting and very lethargic for about 2 days and then she quietly passed under my bed. I was only about 7yrs old and I was so devistated. I cried for days and hung a paper memorial with a picture of her on it near my bed which I would kiss goodnight before bed everyday. :cry:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Puff, Puzz. There's a P trend here with sad endings. My first cat was Pooky, a grey tabby with black stripes. He was very handsome and very spazdic. I'll post his pics when my broken digital camera is fixed. I don't have a scanner so I'm going to take pics of old Pooky pics. He would not let anyone pet him except for strangers. But he gave me unconditional love. We picked him up at Great Northern Mall in Syracuse, NY on July 4th, 1994 and he died on Oct. 14, 1996 due to end stage renal failure from too much inbreeding. I had him PTS since he was suffering with no cure available. I cried for days and my hubby said he wasn't worth my tears. But I will always have a special place for him in my heart.

    Nern, all our 1st kitties so far are short-lived. I'm so sorry about Bambi. Hopefully the rest of us here had healthier and longer living kitties.
  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    my first cat is pheobe. i can remember the first few weeks when we bought her home. shed go to sleep with us and cry if she woke up and we werent awake. wed turn on the lights, pat her ands hes go back to sleep. shed also cry if she woke up in a room and we werent there. i think she had a pretty bad life before coming to us.

    such a lady! :qm2:

  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Phoebe is so cute and quite attached to you! I love her touches of red or orange highlights in her fur and her beautiful green eyes! She reminds me a lot of my Vene.
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    shes my little ginger nut biscuit :p
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    that is so sweet, kyles...so cute.

    i am now crying...i miss otis...i know he wasnt my first cat...but....i just loved him sooo much. oh dear...i am so sad. i was looking for a picture of our family cat Tikal who was a chocolate point siamese. i was about eight when we got her. she looked like mary's kittens....

    but in the process of looking for that picture (which i cant find) i came across alot of otis's pictures...

    oh...i just dont like feeling so sad. :cry:
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry Lynn. :cry: :m38:
  10. disneeworld

    disneeworld New Member

    Yet another "P" cat to add to the list, my PUNKIN who I got at about 4 months old back in 1992 and who just passed in MAY of this year. One of the hardest things I ever had to do, at the end, since she was healthy all of her life, a few colds here and there, never a UTI. Was a bitch to the new additions but soon learned to tolerate them, and I believe she loved all humans without prejudice(i.e. never hissed or swiped at them). :lol:
    (this pic is currently the wallpaper of my desktop)
  11. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Here's one more 'P' to the list: Patches. She was a calico cat. One day she was following the mail man. When he stopped at my house, he told his concerns of running over the cat to my mom. So, my mom said she would hold onto the kitten until the mail man was out of sight.

    We held onto the cat for about 17 years. When she was only a couple years old, she was hit by a car. Her jaw was broken in half and she became deaf in one ear. But, thanks to the miracle workers at the vet, they wired her back up and she was healthy and happy for many years later.

    Cancer (I think in her stomach) finally got to her. The day we put her to sleep, I lost a little part of myself. I was just in college and I grew up with that cat. It was very hard to see her go. I'm tearing up now even thinking about her and it's been several years since her passing.
  12. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Okay lucidity, you have me tearing up, too.

    My first cat was a black and white tom cat that I got sometime when I was in elementary school. I don't remember how we got him. His name was cinders. He was a pretty cat.

    He went away one time for a week but came back. A little later he went away again and never came back. We think someone took him. He was friendly and sometimes we would see him go into our neighbor's house up the street . Someone told us she would feed him tuna.
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i have otis on my background too! :|
  14. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    p's the letter of the day!

    part of the reason i gave pepe his name is so he could make a 'p' club with pheobe, because me, my partner and the dogs names all start with k. we are the kkk, the cats are the pp's.
  15. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Footsie was/is my first cat.

    When I got him he was 6 weeks old and so infested with fleas that I had to keep him in the bathroom when I was not home or sleeping to try to contain them. He would cry for hours.

    He still crys when I don't let him sleep in my room at night. Or, as was discovered on Monday, whenever anyone is sleeping in my room without him.
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Did you and Footsie finally get back to "normal" and have your much needed Z's? :m27:
  17. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I didn't have any kitties who's names started with "P", but I sure do miss my last kitty. Jezzabelle (aka...Jezzy, Jezzyb, Jezzers, JJ)....I got her when I was in the 10th grade. I begged and begged for a kitty. We hadn't had one since I was in the 7th grade and that kitty stayed with my stepdad when he and my mom got divorced.
    Jezzy was a white and grey fluff ball, with patches of gray hair shaped like heart. She was diagnosed with CRF in 2000 when I was 26, I had to put her to sleep when I was 28. That is the saddest day that I have had in my life. I get a little teary when I go to that vets office and see the room where we were at.

    My absolute first cat was a White Cat named "Snowball"...she was a nice kitty cat...we got her when I was like 2 or so and she died when I was like 9 or 10 she was an outdoor kitty and from age 4 till she died she lived at my grandma's house.
  18. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    My first cat was a kitten, she was grey and white. I ws a little girl, probably about 3 or 4. She was an indoor outdoor cat because I was born in Syracuse New York and up there its nothing but farm land. I loved her she was my little girl! I named her Juliet, but could never remember that so I just called her princess (I am a nerd :oops: ) She had lots of kttens that were given away to all my friends, and she was eventually given away behind my back because my parents were moving us out of New York to San Diego. I broke my heart to come home one day searching for her and she was no where to be found, and then to be told by my parents thats because we were moving she couldnt come with us. I still charish my kitty and I have one picture of her and me but I am not very computer savvy to be able to put it onto this reply so...
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

  20. Nicole

    Nicole New Member

    My first kitty is Mittens, my 9 year old Calico.
    I still remember the first day we met, my friends mom knew that I wanted a kitten, so she took me to her friends house, where there was a cat that had just had 3 kittens. There was a little black one, a grey one, and my baby the calico. She was so so different then the other kittens, they would just lay there and look at you, but not my kitty, she was running around, up the sofa, onto the chairs, I fell in love with her imediatly. So I Came back a few days later (after bugging and bugging my parents to let me have her) and I took her home, this being the time when Lion King movie was popular, I wanted to name her Nala (thank god my parents talked me out of that one, Mittens suits her much better anyway)

    One thing that I will never forget about her, is how she would cuddle. If you were sitting down, or laying down, she would sreatch out on you, and kneed into your chest or shoulder and purr so loud, she still does this from time to time, even though she is sick. Also, how protective she is of me. If I have friends over, she would hiss or meow at them to let them know that she was watching them, and that she was there. One time this HUGE dog wandered onto our doorstep, and mittens tried to tear through the screen on the window to get out at him. She is very protective of her family, but would never hiss or meow in a bad way at us.

    I love her sooo much, and we are pretty well attached, I went away from home for 2 weeks before, and she got very depressed and wouldn't eat for a while, but she gave me a nice welcoming when I got home though, lots of cuddles. :)

    Wow I think I just told you all my life story, haha

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