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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Heather&Nicole, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    New to this part of the forum..my name is Heather :) Me and my girlfriend have 3 cats (1 of which is a 3 month old kitten). Our kitten Mena is REALLY REALLY rambunctious..She sleeps a lot but when she's up she terrorizes everything. She scampers all over the place and just acts insane. My other two cats were never this wired and i raised them since one was 2 months and the other was born. Will she calm down when she gets older? Any advice? As soon as she gets old enough im spaying her..6 months right?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    some vets will spay at 3 pounds.

    Do you play with the cat a lot before bedtime - tire it out? Wand toy perhaps
  3. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    She has no real schedule for sleeping/playing, its eratic. Sometimes she sleeps all day then is up all night playing..then she sleeps at night and is up all day playing. When we try to keep her up during the day to set a schedule it doesnt work.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi. :m23: Spaying her sooner than 6 months might help her become less hyper. Do you have a laser pointer by the bed side? It might tire out the kitty so you can get some quality rest.
  5. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    Will it be bad for her to be spayed sooner then 6months?? (body wise)

    She likes to fetch balled up pieces of paper and go after feather toys, she gets all territorial over the feather toys...when other cats are near her and she has either toy in her mouth she growls and runs off with it.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    My Pumpkin was spayed at 6 months and my Rene at 4 months. If preferable, I'd spay them at the recommended age of 6 months. Cats do become calmer after being spayed and neutered. There's no right or wrong about when to spay/neuter them. It's all up to the owner.

    She sounds like a normal, cute, active little furball! Do you have any pics to share of all your kitties?
  7. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    Thanks for all the advice :)

    Yes here are a couple pics!

    Harlequin - Black & White Female age 3 years old spayed & declawed
    Romeo - Grey and White Male age 2 years old spayed & declawed
    Mena - Black and white Female (mainly black) - 3 MONTHS old


    Harlequinn passed out


    All three kitties.
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: :eek: they are soooo cute!!!!

    well, i know of some bengal breeders that spay before they let the kitten go to their new home...at 3 months of age. and i think marynh has had her rescue kitties spayed earlier that six months. i have always thought that you want to spay BEFORE six months. i would have neutered max sooner than six months....but he had so many other problems...we wanted to make sure he was okay.

    yeah!!! cute kitties.

    btw....chessmind has a gray and white kitty named romeo too!!! :m10:

  9. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    Yeah i just dont wanna do it too soon and harm her health you know what i mean?

    Thats cool chessmind has a romeo too. He definatly lives up to his name. He's been around people since he was a bitty baby. He is such a lil lover. At first we called him butch cuz when he was a baby he had a big ol head and walked like a bulldog. His mother, Oreo was black and white, but we gave her to a good home cuz she was clawin up everything. She was a good mother though and she trusted me around her kittens since they day they were born. When i'd come into the room she'd leave me with them. I held him ever since he was the size of the palm of my hand :) Soo cute :)
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    The 3some are so cute entertwined like that. I'd never find my kitties doing that. :roll: Thanks for sharing. We love pics!!! :qm4:
  11. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    yeah the other two really didnt like Mena when we brought her home, but we kept showing them a lot of love, reassuring them that we didnt love them any less and they grew on each other in a week or so. Romeo started playin with her first. He's a lover ,not a fighter. :)

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