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Big relief

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bluetech, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Bluetech

    Bluetech New Member

    This is my first time posting here. The other day, I found a lump on my baby's shoulder ( 8 yr old, brown/white tabby tailless neutered male named Spike)

    I did a lot of looking on the internet and found information about something called fibersarcoma which can be caused by vaccinations in some cats. It's pretty scary, while treatable only has a 50-50 success rate with surgery and chemo.

    I took him to the vet today and the vet took a sample with a needle. The way the fluid filled the needle made her exclaim "It's only a cyst". She looked at the sample under the microscope and saw no signs of cancer.

    I am so relieved that he's ok. :eek:
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so glad it was nothing serious. I know what a scare it can be finding something like that.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank goodness Spike's ok. :m23: We'd love to see his pics if you have any. Was he born tailess? I have an 8 yr old brown and white tabby too named Monty Boy. :qm4:
  4. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    I am so glad your little one is ok!!!!

    I'll drink to that! :0008:
  5. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    Your very lucky thats all it was.

    We had a cat named Phoenix, he was a maine coon cat, around 13 years old. He got Fibrosarcoma (sp?) and we did the surgery and chemo and it was gone for a year..then it came back and we had to put him down because one day we came home and there was blood all over the laundryroom, from the tumor exploding..we took him to the vet and put him to sleep.

    EVER SINCE I WILL NOT LET MY CATS GET SHOTS BETWEEN THEIR SHOULDER BLADES...The vet who treated him was different then the vet we had taken him to get shots from..and he told us that when the cats/dogs get shots in the area between their shoulder blades, it leads to cysts and that fibrosarcoma conditions..
  6. Bluetech

    Bluetech New Member

    My new vet gives injections in the hind legs. I don't know if Spike had earlier injections in his shoulders. My old vet would take the animals in the back, work on them and bring them back to the exam room.

    Sorry to hear about your baby. :(
  7. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    Thanks, Im just glad to spread the word about animals not getting injections between their shoulders. Thats all i can do for phoenix.

    Im glad it was just a cyst, good luck hun!
  8. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I'm glad it all turned out okay.

    I never heard about the shoulder blade thing. My vet has always given my cats their shots between the shoulder blades. Luckily, we haven't had any problems (yet).
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi bluetech!!! WELCOME TO THE CAT FORUM!!!! :eek: :m10:

    oh dear...what a scarey problem. i do not have experience with that. my otis who died in march did not get vaccinations the last seven years of his life because he would have negative reactions. (he was strictly indoors anyway). but the info that came from your post, and the responses are really good to know.

    i hope you post more!!! do you have a pic??? many pics!!! we like pictures!!! lots of pictures!!!! :qm4:

  10. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Oh, good! I'm sooooo glad it was only a cyst. Thing like that can be SOOO scary!

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