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this little girl needs a home NOW!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by mamabear_34, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    I saw this on our local Petfinders sight. I would love to take her but Buffy is a one dog in the family dog. If anyone can help her please do!! Here is the link to the sight..........

    http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action ... mpl=&stat=

    Thanks for all your help!!
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It's so sad but there are just so many more just like her. I wish I could help but I am in to deep as it is. I will crosspost this though maybe someone else can help. :(
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Poor girl. I hope someone adopts her in time. There are just not enough homes. :(
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I hate it so much when the dogs need homes so badly. People bring home a dog from wherever, whether it be a breeder or they found the dog and for some reason they don'T get the dog fixed and the she gets pregnant or he gets someone pregnant or maybe they do get the dog fixed and it just isn't the dog they had dreamed of, so to the pund they go, because someone else will want the dog not good enough for them. I hate that stuff. I wish when people got a dog (or cat) they wold be told if you don't take care of this dog it will die, someone will kill it and it will be all your fault, so if you can'T accept that then don'T take this dog home with you. Sorry I am just rambling. There are too many to save and people don'T realize this. I hate people who breed irresponibly
  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I don't remember, did it say how she was with other animals or children? Has she been aggression tested? I'm in Indiana, I might be able to help if I can work out getting her, and we have 2 kids and a dog so I would need to make sure she was alright with that situation. Let me post someone else I know as well.
  6. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    Sarge's Mom,
    I emailed you some information about the pup. Please let me know if you got it either here or by email. The pup is safe through the weekend!! Thank you so very much for your help in this!! :eek:
  7. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    mamabear_34- I am trying! I got your e-mail. I have e-mailed 3 people I know to see if they have room for her. If she is only 5 months old I can't take her as Sarge had Parvo just a few months ago and she has not completed her shots. But, I have a very promising lead I am working on. Let me see what I can do.
  8. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    Hi again Sarge's Mom,

    Any luck on the other people that you emailed?? I know that you are really trying and I just want you to know how much you are appreciated!! Thank you so much!!!
  9. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    any word of hope for the pup?
  10. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    UGGHHHH! I can't reach one of my friends! I got a hold of my other friend and she just got 4 dogs from a rescue that had 12 dogs to place! I feel so bad that I can't get her placed!
  11. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    Hello everyone, I talked to Danielle yesterday and she said that she may have a possible application coming in for Leah. So lets all keep our prayers up for that!! Thank you so very much for your efforts Sarge's Mom!!!! I KNOW that you have been doing all that you can to help find her a home. Danielle (the lady at the shelter) also has a pit and is doing all she can to find this girl a home. I will keep you all updated on this and let you know anything I find out. Maybe she will get lucky!!
  12. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Please let me know, I feel awful! I will keep trying to get my other friend. The one that just took in 4 dogs said she was going to try someone she knows too!

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