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Affectionate dog wakes me up!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Ok this might seem dumb but i have this problem in the mornings with one of my girls, well its not really a problem, I'm just wondering if there is something I could do to change her habits a little. So Lana is about 8 months, I have had her about a month and a half, she is so sweet, almost too sweet, but its great! She is always wagging her tail and trying to lick you to death and always sticks her face right in front of yours. So in the mornings when I am sleeping, if I move at all to rollover or just move, she gets up and wont leave me alone, she stays on the floor but she comes to my side of the bed and wont stop breathing on me and trying to lick me. She is potty trained so I know she doesnt have to go, if she does she whines. The thing is its not really a big problem but it wakes me up and if I try to go back to sleep, if I move at all agian she gets up and keeps doing this. I know she really isnt doing anything but my other girls just keep on sleeping. I can move all I want and they wont stir till I actually get out of bed. Is there a way to maybe train Lana to stay down or not to bother anyone while they are in bed. I feel bad because I know she just wants to be pet and stuff and I wont pet her when I am in bed hoping that she will learn while I am in bed there is no petting, etc...So is there a way to get her use to me moving around in bed without her getting up and trying to lick me constantly and stuff? Agian I feel weird posting a topic about this because it may not seem a big deal to some, and it really isnt I guess, just want to know if there is anything I could do....thanks
  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :0023: That is so ironic! I USE Sarge to wake my husband up! He is the WORST! So, I unleash the whirling dervish (a.k.a Sarge) onto him in a frenzy of kissing and accidently painfully placed paws! Works like a charm. Of course, Sarge is crate training, so he can't attack us with love until I let him out!
  3. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I think it has a lot to do with age.....Rusty was exactly like that when we first got him (he was about 6 or 7 months old) But now he's about a year, and he has been changing a lot in many things he does. I think puppies are just in that "overjoyed and exhuberant" mode most of the time they are awake. They are very into the moment..... But when they get alittle older, they start to realize what the routine is, what's going to happen, etc. Now, Rusty likes to take his time waking up, and will stretch and yawn, and still eventually come come up to be with us when we're waking, but not in the crazy, face licking, wiggly puppy mode.
    In some ways we sort of miss his goofy little puppy things, but we are also glad that he is maturing.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    It seem that they do anything thing they can to wake you up in the mornings. They've slept all night and are recharged.

    But then in a couple of hours after they've succeeded in waking everyone, you look and the little creeps are taking a NAP! That's when it's "payback" time and I get the vacume out.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh Loves-da-pits!! how funny!!!! :m5:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Natalie tends to get right on top of me if I move at all in the morning and at 43lbs. its not very comfortable....then she puts her wet nose all over my face. I usually just turn my whole body away from her and she moves back down to the bottom of the bed and leaves me alone. She only does this once in a while now because I think she is learning that just because I move does'nt mean I'm ready to get up.
  7. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    I agree with pamr61. Puppies have an incredible amount of energy in the morning after waking up. They should grow out of this "kissing" habit when growing older. But, I guess you should also teach her that's not what you like in the morning. Try ignoring her by moving yourself away, see if it works.

    Thank God that our bed is really high. Chobby used to wake me up by standing up on his hid legs and leaning the front against the bed, but he still couldn't reach me. He used to sleep in his crate till morning. As he's getting bigger and refusing to sleep in the crate anymore, we got him another doggie bed in our bedroom. Hmm...for some reason, he doesn't wake me up in the morning anymore and will stay in his own bed till I wake up myself.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    woops theres 2 posts of this. my post is on the other one. :wink:
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    My fifi is the same way. Any movent what so ever and she is all over me! Lucky she only weighs all of 6 lbs so I just cover up and when she cant get me out she goes back to the end of the bed. I like the idea of the vacum when they take their nice long afternoon naps! Will definatly do this.
  10. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Leela does this to an extent, the best way to overcome it is to ignore her and she eventually goes back to bed. If you pay her attention and give her what she wants why would she stop doing it? I also agree that she'll grow out of it. Cheeky little buggers! Leela paces around the bedroom early in the mornings trying to get a response out of me or my partner, then when we finally get up...SHE GOES BACK TO BED!!!!!!!!! It's infuriating!! I have no idea why she does this! She has a sick sense of humour I suspect!!! But she does LOVES her sleep. She usually can't be bothered getting up to see who's coming home through the front door if she's in bed. Yeah, some guard dog she is!
  11. sasha

    sasha New Member

    My 3 years old still does that... To make things worse, she actually runs full speed (stepping on cats and running into walls at the corners) through the whole house - every single time I turn or make any other noise. Then it's 5 minutes of toungue flopping in the air, tail knocking on the floor, then big sad sign and she walks back to the couch to sleep.
    My boyfriend locks his bedroom door every night because of that same reason. First two weeks he had a lot of complaining and door scratching, but now his animals got used to it. I am just too chicken not to have a dog within hearing distance...
  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Every morning at 9:15 (I get to sleep in now that I only jwork part-time) Harley wakes me up. Never a minute before or after it is really bizarre. She starts by putting her neck on my neck which chokes me so I wake up gasping (the little devil) then she begins to kiss my face all over, followed by rolling on top of me for her morning belly rub. After this she is content with going to the couch for a snooze while I have my morning coffee. I guess its just my "cue" to wake up and start my day.

    hmmm....now if only I could program her for earlier in the morning for when I start school. hehe

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