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Question from Newbie

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by RandiJ, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. RandiJ

    RandiJ New Member

    I've been reading the postings at this site, and I am very impressed with all of the intelligent replies and answers. I'd appreciate some advice regarding my new tank. Specs are: 42 gal, freshwater, has been set up for one month. PH = 6.8, ammonia 0-0.25, nitrite 0, and general hardness =6. Temp = 78 degrees. Occupants are: one bala shark, one red tailed shark, one jack dempsey, and one fire mouth ciclid. My questions are general - 1. do the above parameters and tankmates sound okay? 2. my red tail shark has gotten very sluggish over the last two days. He's usually fiesty, but harmless, and now, he has his top fin down and is not swimming a lot. 3. I'm feeding some general flakes and frozen brine shrimp cubes. They seem to consume everything I put in the tank within a couple of minutes, but I am hesitant to feed them more... don't want to overfeed, but they are consuming everything and they act hungry (get excited when I approach tank). Thoughts??? Thanks in advance for your help! =)
  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i think your going to have to many fish in there the demsey will get reall big and kill your other fish
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I agree with Bryan, you have too many fish. You could probably keep the JD in there with nothing else, but it would still be a little cramped.

    Bala sharks not only get big (14"), but are very active and do best in groups so they need at least 100 gallons. Your red tailed shark will probably end up eventually becoming a snack for the JD. And your JD will probably end up killing the firemouth.

    As for your current problem with the red tailed shark, what is your nitrAte reading? How often are you doing water changes? Is there white stuff growing on his fin?

    How big are all the fish?

  4. RandiJ

    RandiJ New Member

    Thanks from Newbie

    Yikes! Bad newbie fish owner!!! So far, everyone has gotten along well. The red tailed shark is the largest - approx. 4". The Bala shark is the smallest - approx 2", with the ciclids in between.
    The red tailed shark is now scratching (???) his back on the gravel and tank ornaments. He seems to be swimming better, but is still not eating like the other little piggies. I added some stress coat to the water. I don't see any scales or whiteness or ick-looking stuff on his skin. His tail is a bit pale. My nitrite reading is zero.

    About jack dempseys... my mom had one for years and absolutely loved him! He was a brilliant fish! I'd love to keep him, but feel bad finding new homes for his tankmates. If we keep just the JD, are there any tankmates that would go well, or does he need to be a loner?

    Could you suggest some fish that work well together? That is, if I did start over, what kind of fish would I get if I wanted a community tank? Tetras maybe?

    Thanks again for the help!
  5. RandiJ

    RandiJ New Member

    Ohhh, nitrAte!

    Haven't checked nitrAte level. I keep giving you nitrIte level. Will check that...
  6. needlefish1

    needlefish1 New Member

    that tank is way over stocked. see if u can give some back to your LFS. or if u have other tanks but them is there.
  7. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    In that size tank just the 1 JD would be pushing it. If you could upgrade to a 55, you might be able to squeeze in a pleco.


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