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merle "pit bulls"

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by goob, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. goob

    goob New Member

    Another sham registry advocating the peddling of mutts..... http://www.pitbullregistry.com/pitbullpictures.htm

    And how about the "moo moo pattern" pit bulls? I actually believe Goo may have some of that in her, explains why I have to drag her away from her favorite grazing patch in the yard when I want to go inside the house :lol:
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I'm all there with ya!! They advocate bybs and peddling! Offering their registry for one reason to increase the value of your dog and its offsrping. In otherwords send us $10 and you can sell your dog to dumb general public with "papers" for $300 instead $100 no papers.
  3. goob

    goob New Member

    Right. I've had issues with them since first seeing the site, but as time goes on, they only get more and more rediculous.

    The above from their FAQ page... you'd think their "experts" would notice that merle is not an APBT color, and think to make the leap of logic to determine that these merle dogs aren't purebred APBTs.
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Me too, I see a lot of things very wrong with it. They are also against inbreeding, and I've read other things about them. There are more registries now then ever and they just keep popping up.
  5. chickee

    chickee New Member

    LOL, thats too funny. Moo Moo Pattern. (By the way, their experts can't spell worth a sh!t either.)

    I had a "piebald" and I called him "moo moo". but it was short for Mooney. They sure had a lot of Moo Moo pictures. (lol) I had to wait and check to see if my dog was listed. I can't believe they have that many dogs that color in that registry. I can't even believe they would have that many dogs period. Scarey.
  6. AnnieLouWho

    AnnieLouWho New Member

    I have been reading everything I can find on pitties, and that site is one that caught my eye. I wonder how they can say if your dog is or isn't an APBT just from a photo. If you look at Maddie, and can tell me if she is or isn't, please, I'd love to hear your opinion! LOL. My vet said that the only way to tell (irregardless of 'papers') is to do a DNA test. Otherwise, it is strictly a matter of "she looks like a predominately Pit Bull dog".

    If you guys know of any good sites (like this one!) where I can get good info on training and all that kind of stuff, please please please let me know!

    PS: what makes a Pit "blue"? Their site shows some doggies that look 'brindle' on the 'blue' page....
  7. Keynote

    Keynote New Member

    genectics makes em blue. Now why yall hatin on the merles?
  8. AnnieLouWho

    AnnieLouWho New Member

    I would think "blue" would mean "grey". Some of the "blue" dogs on that sight were in fact brindle. I was wondering if there was a definition of the "blue" coloring.

    As to Merle colored dogs, you can read why it is not encouraged here:http://www.apbtconformation.com/merle.htm

    in case you are short on time, the Reader's Digest Condensed Version is:

    These new color patterns were brought about by unscrupulous outcrossing to a separate breed such as Catahoula Leopard dogs. So they are NOT purebreed APBT.

    Merle dogs have health issues -psychological, neurological, and usually immunological issues. Poor eyesight, night blindness, total blindness, smaller eyes, cleft eye. Deafness, and varying lack of hearing.

    Look at common ailments of dogs that are common merle (Austrailian Shephards) and then look at APBT's common health problems. By introducing the Merle color we are introducing all of those other breed's heatlh issues, too. Something to consider before breeding your dog with ANY other breed.
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    DNA can't tell breeds of dogs, it can only tell parents. Maybe one day it will be able to, but thats probably far off. See if a dogs grand sire was a mutt, but the litter registered anyway. You have your pup and DNA test it, the DNA test will say it came out of that sire and dam, but it won't tell you that its not a purebred pit bull. Its useless except for pedigree disputes and knowing the genetics that make up the dogs when breeding.

    We would love to see your dogs pics!!!
  10. AnnieLouWho

    AnnieLouWho New Member

  11. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    She is very cute, I don't really have a guess at what she's mixed with though.

    Blue is defined as:
    Any shade of blue gray to gray blue from deep slate to light blue gray usually with a gray nose.

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