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New here! Getting a shih poo in October...more.....

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Joy, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. Joy

    Joy New Member

    So glad I found you all! This is a great forum, and I've learned so much already from your posts!

    I'm Joy, my husband and my three children and I live in Michigan. We will be getting our puppy from Mari May kennels in October!
    We are very excited, but I have never had a puppy before so I'm a bit nervous!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: A very warm WELCOME to you Joy...glad you joined the forum!!! :eek:

    Mari May is simply excellent!!! When researching breeders, Mari May Kennels is one I did a lot of research into, and I was blown away by them. They take their breeding so seriously, and truly care about breeding quality pups that are both physically and mentally sound! I spoke with them on the phone multiple times, and I was so impressed each and every time! I almost went with them, but I ended up finding a breeder, whom I was just as happy with, that lived much closer to where I live, so I went with her instead. However, if I hadn't found this breeder, I would most definitely have gone with Mari May!

    I have two shih-poos myself, and I have fallen in love them, they truly are the best! Yeah, I know, I'm a little biased! However, all the other shih-poo owners on this board will tell you the same thing about their shih-poos...they're wonderful bundles of joy!

    That's what we're here for, to support one another!!! :wink: There are lots of great books and websites out there that offer tons of great advice on puppies, so you may want to look into those for some reading material while you wait for your new furbaby.

    As far as the nervousness is concerned, that just comes with the territory of dog ownership - experienced dog owner or not! (Trust me, I've 'been around the block' a few times when it comes to dogs, and the like, and I still get nervous about little things here and there!) :)

    There are lots of great people here on this forum, and we look forward to getting to know you, and offering any advice/info you may be seeking!

    Once again, welcome! :D

    (Can't wait to hear all about your shih-poo...pictures would be great as well - we love seeing everyone's furkids! :y_the_best: )
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hello Joy! ...and... WELCOME TO THE BOARD!

    Again, we're getting another shihpoo owner here on auspet!!?! wooohooooooo... We're going to rule the world soon! ha ha ha... (j/k folks, j/k!)

    Have you decided on a boy or a girl?

    Don't be nervous about a puppy. :) If *I* can do it, anybody can! We didn't know the first thing about raising a puppy.... we had dogs as I grew up but I wasn't the responsible one and never a puppy. So, it's been an experience, that's for sure! I knew very little and did even less research beforehand... all I knew was that i was busting at the seams to have a dog and had enough love to fill the country. I am suuuuuuuuure you and your family will do fine!! Shihpoos are great with kids too! Congratulations and welcome aboard!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats Joy and Welcome to the forum! =P~
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Welcome to the board! I know you will love you shipooh, i dont have one but feel like I almost do from all the wonderfull people on this board. I actually now have 4 dogs our newest addition is a 7 week old border collie and you would think I have never had a dog before. LOL but these guys are great with any question you can think of. You will really enjoy this site! Have a great one!
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oooh 3dogs? another dog?? Did you tell us that? or are you sneaking that info in quietly? hehe............. you will have to change your screen name now! :)
  7. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Welcome!!!! :eek:

    Woohoo! Another shih-poo owner in the group!

    I also found Mari May on the web and was extremely impressed with them. I almost went with them but it was an 8 hr drive so I continued my search and ended up finding a breeder only an hour away from us who was wonderful. A woman I know on another board just got her puppy (a male) from Mari May on July 6th.. she is VERY happy with him & Mari May.

    So.... you will be a first time puppy owner also... ME TOO! I was SO nervous before we got our girls! Yes, we have TWO shih-poo puppies! We picked up Molly & Emma (they are littermates) on May 27th and we are still learning a lot about puppy ownership. We had a week with them before we went back to work and I will say that I was a wreck at times. Every little noise they made I panicked! LOL! I can laugh at it now but I just didn't know anything about having a puppy.. and, hubby and I do not have children yet so we really were first timers here at raising anything :? I was also nervous getting two at once (again, being a rookie) but it is the best decision that we ever could have made.

    I am living proof that you will do GREAT! I can't wait to hear all about your new puppy! By the way, are you getting a male or female? Have a name picked out yet?
  8. Joy

    Joy New Member

    Thank you all for the welcome!

    You're all so friendly! I look forward to posting with you all!

    Christine, I'm wondering if we're on another group/messageboard together. I think I've "met" the woman who owns the pup from Mari May on the other board! Too funny!

    We don't know yet if we're getting a boy or girl, Mari May said that they'd match the puppy to us, so I guess it could be either!

    I really really REALLY want to name the puppy Ojo. My husband hates it, LOL.

    I'll definitely be asking you all for puppy advice!!

  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hmmm.. interesting! The board is "1crosspoodles"... is this the same board? Her shih-poo, Jellybean, is actually posted on Mari May's site on the shih-poo page!

    I like the name Ojo! The litter has been born I would assume, right? Will Mari May send you pics of the pup they choose for you? I bet you are so excited! It seems like only yesterday when I was waiting for our shih-poos.

    It was once said to me that they would be well worth the long, hard wait.. and she was absolutely right :D
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Hi Joy, nice to have you here. I go to crosspoos on Yahoo too. Nice to have you aboard. These gals are just as nutty as you'll find'um anywhere. Kidding. They are great. Looks like the shipoo is taking over.
  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    hey puttin... takes one to know one! :)

  12. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I must agree with Monster on the last comment!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    We still love ya' puttin! :D
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    GRRRRRRRRRREAT Signature, MyBaby! LOL!
  14. Joy

    Joy New Member


    It WAS 1crosspoodles I was talking about! Too cool!

    I'm getting really overwhelmed even thinking about the pup right now! My friend walked her shih poo down here on Sunday, and my kids were kind of scared of it ~ it bummed me out! I hope they like our puppy, that's the whole point, right???
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Hey, I am one of the coconuts too. So, being nutty is such a good thing. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    And it's SOOOO true...trust me, I know all too well!!! :lol:

    Glad ya' liked it! :D
  17. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Re: Yup....

    Very cool!! There are a few of us here that bounce between different boards :D

    Okay.. I have a bit of a confession to make here. I won't get into a huge lengthy post here, but basically I have always had a fear of dogs. As a child and into my adult years. I think it was because I was never around them enough to understand them and get rid of the fear. So, at 30 yrs. old, I was even nervous about getting two shih-poo puppies. I will say though, that I was determined to do this and to kick my fear once and for all! I am now a 100% doggie lover, I love my poos with all my heart and can't imagine not having them in my life.

    I guess my point is that I think it's important to expose your kids when they are young.. they will do fine, I would almost bet on it. I truly think my problem was that I never had pets (dogs or cats) and somehow I developed a fear of them.

    How old are you kids, if you don't mind my asking?
  18. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    That is one reason I got dogs too. My son for some reason has had some odd run ins with dogs that have corned him and scared the wits out of him. He is nearly 17 now, and we got our dogs about 3 1/2 years ago. But it took him a bit of time to warm up to him and learn how to be with them. I wanted them to love animals like me. I grew up with animals around always. Dogs, cats, rats, mice, guinne pigs, rabbits, pond fish, ducks, I loved it. I have been bitten, but it never scraed me so bad, that I would not own one again. Maybe had i been mauled by a huge dig, then that would be a reason. But just regular bites, had to get tetnus shots for. That regular stuff. LOL, I was a tom boy all the way. Your kids will be great with them.

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