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help with an older cat & a 7 months old kitten

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kathy5, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    let me tell you a story

    before Scott & I were married he got me a little orange kitten who I named taz because he had all this enegery all you would see If a blur of orange run across the room.

    we had him for 5 years up until we moved Into a house where we could not have pets which would be the house that we just moved out of before we moved to N.H.

    so anyways we gave the cat to Scott's brother tom who has had him up until a few days ago he has to move & wanted to know If we would watch taz until he & his family got settled In there new house ( which they have not found as of yet) so we may have taz for a few months. well Emily Is not taking to taz at all taz is 11years & Emily is 7 months

    last night I heard her scream at the top of her kitty lungs because she wanted to get into the bed room & taz wanted out well I thought one of my kids had split there head open or something I have never heard Emily scream like this It scared the poop out of me!!!!! she also did this again at 3 In the morning not a good way to be woken up

    well what I need to know Is this how do I go about helping these 2 get along???
    the problem Is with Emily taz was looking around the house yesterday as Emily was all puffed up & hissing & taz just ignored her like she was not there what can I do please help
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    It might be a good idea to keep Taz in a seperate room for a few days. In the meantime, they will be able to smell each other under the door and you can also exchange toys, bedding, ect. between them. Rub Taz with a towel and let Emily smell it so she gets used to his scent. Try reintroducing them in a few days for a few minutes while you supervise and see how it goes.
  3. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    it's good to know that i'm not the only one who woke up terrified thinking my house was coming down by the war in my livingroom.

    it may be somewhat uncorfotable for you for a bit seeing Emily act that way. It takes time and a lot of patience.

    I had to keep my kitties separated for a while until they could at least ignore eachother. make sure that Emily feels like she's got plenty of resources. Lydia and Kiefer get hostile if we get home late and they end up getting fed later.

    From what I've seen, they'll have to rumble a couple of times before they'll sit in the same room. After Lydia and Kiefer fought, they were able to get closer to eachother without spazzing. (after a while)

    good luck with babysitting
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Also, how about placing a drop of vanilla extract on their backs so they will both smell the same. I forgot who recommended this in our forum. A cat behaviorist recommends playing string with both cats at the same time. They'll be naturally drawn to one another without eyeing each other as threats. Keep us posted of their progress.
  5. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    last night we has It a little easer I think

    both cats were down in the kitchen I brought taz down because he was under the bed all day & he needed to eat

    emily was all hissy at first than slowly she would creep over to him hissing but getting closer than when they were like a few Inches from one another they were both just looking at each other If taz would try & walk away emily would hiss & taz would meow It was funny finially they got to a point where we could pet them both at the same time emily didn't seem so threatened. she would go & sit in front of his food If he tried to eat it & I had to go ove her to her food so he could eat no screaming last night we will see how It goes today

    this Is taz

  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    are you enjoying life in New Hampshire?
  7. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    yes I am it Is so much quiter than down on cape cod
    where are you In N.h. I'm In Bristol exit 23
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad that things are going a little smoother today. Taz is a beautiful boy.
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    taz reminds me of pumpkin with just a little longer hair!!!!

    (vene's pumkin) :m33:
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    I love orange kitties too! Yeah, Taz and Pumpin look a lot alike! Taz looks so cute! They both sharfe the same type of curled feet! Here's a pic of Pumpkin:

  11. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    awe what a cutie!!!!!

    taz looks like my first cat with longer hair...Kiefer is a bit lighter than taz with shorter hair...similar striping

    i'm glad there's been improvement!

    good luck
  12. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    now there best friends



    he such a proud cat look at his face

    thank you everyone forall of the kitty help

    it was so cute to see them play today emily was on a chair & taz was under the chair emily would slap taz's head as if to say come on old man play with me LOL
  13. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats wonderful Kathy! Looks like they are getting along well now. :eek:
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so happy to see the 2 together! Emily reminds me a lot of Vene (RIP) with her red highlights.
  15. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a beatiful kitty
    thank you for sharing
    last night we got litle sleep cause it was like a big thunder storm with these 2 chaseing each other all over the house playing I'm so happy
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Sweet! It's so wonderful when our cats get along! :qm3:
    Thank you for the compliment. You are the one with the gorgeous cats!!!

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