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Anyone online PLEASE!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I just got home and Luther is acting really funny. He didn'T jummp up to greet us whne we came home, we quietly tiptoed past my fi and laid down beside me at the car. He is waling funny, like either relly low to the ground or with the front of his body down and his butt up in the air, I have pressed all over him to see if he is hurt any where but it doens't seem that he is there is nothing chewed up or that he could have chewed up and eaten on the floor. He has been here since we left at 1 (it is 9 now) and when we left he acted fine. I am really worried. I put some food in his bowl and he didn'T seem to care then I got a piece of ham and a piece of cheese out and he wagged his tail a little but didn'T jump up and get excited like usual. He isn'T acting like he has lack of energy or anyything. It just it isn't normal. It really scares me I don't know what could have happened while I was gone: If anyone has any ideas or any suggestions what I could do, please respond. If he continues to act like this I could take him to a vet who lives beside my fi mom, but not to her office (as it is so late SAt. night)
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I gave him another piece of ham and and egg with L-lysiene (?sp) and he seemed to eat them as quick as possible like he is starving. I also place a water bowl beside him and he doesn'T seem to care about it. Should I offer him more food? Or will that only make him sicker? He is just laying on one of the steps half way up and I have never seen do that before? His nose feels a normal temp, a little watery. I hope someone comes on and reads this and has someadvice!
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    lil: Feel his abdomen and see if it feels extended or hard. Hopefully he's not having a problem with bloat. If it looks like he's trying to vomit, or excessive salivation, take him to the ER clinic quick!

    He just might be a little constipated or something. I know when I brought Grace home from boarding, she hadn't pooped in 3 days. She was constipated. She stuck her butt up in the air and walked around all stiff.

    Keep an eye on Luther and see when he goes poop and go out and look at it. You can a lot about what's going on with a dog by its poop. I know, I'm the official "pooper observer" in the family.

    Keep us posted.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    My fi just gave me an idea of what it could be. Last night we ran out of cat food (all the stores close at 8, I am so stupid for not realizing it before) but I had a bag of cat food that my cat never cared for, so I gave her that, and this morning when we were back from the store, I threw that cat food from the bowl outside, thinking the birds might eat it or something (stupid me) so my fi reminded that we saw Luther trying to eat some of it off the ground. Could that be the problem? He ate "bad" cat fod and now he is acting funny? If so what is something I could give him to maybe flush it out of his system?
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    hey lovedapits, thanks I just saw your message after I posted that next one. Earlier I felt around on his stomach and it didn'T feel unusual or anything, no hard lumps, just they way it normally does. and he got really excited when I did it too, and that is also normal for him. I hope that he just has some poop problems, I think I might just be freaking out because this is his first time being sick and long story about my last dog dying, but I'll explain that later must get back to him!
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Eating the cat food might have given Luther some gas since cat food is pretty rich. I wouldn't try to force him to eat anything until what he's eaten has passed. Just lots of water. Keep an eye on if there's some vomitting or drooling. That's a good sign of bloat.

    Just follow him around for awhile and see if he trys to go.

    Does his stomach feel hard?
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    no his stomach doesn'T seem hard. But he is a tad better. We were outside and the first person walked by he let out a small ruf. But when the third person went by he was barking alongside the fence where the person walked and running. But now that we are back inside he is just laying there. He seems totally aware of everything and the person who was over here (just a friend) said he seemed like a totally normal behaved dog, but that isn't how Luther acts. He is still doing the butt in the air thing his breathing seems normal. What are other signs of bloat?
  8. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    distention of the abdomin
    unproductive attempts to vomit
    excessive salivation

    Has he tried to poop yet? If he's not showing any of the signs above, don't get real concerned. Tempt him with a little bit of food, not a lot. The cat food probably didn't agree with his G.I. tract.

    Always notice that things like this happens on a weekend when the Vet's offices are closed? I swear!
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Ok I guess I was freaking out, sorry to upset you. Because we went and watched tv for a while and he took a nap and now he is normal again. He didn't show any of those signs. He hasn't tried to poop or anything we took him out side and he ran straight towards the cat food to eat more! Argh! he can be so frustrating, I guess tomorrow I need to pick through the grass and get it all out!
    But I was thinking the same thing too, about how things like this never happen under business hours!
    But thanks so much for reading my posts and helping me! :eek: :D :love_y_t_much: :y_the_best:
    but to be safe I will stay up a little longer with him, although I am super tired, I paddled for 20 km today and not on purpose! :? But I stay beside him to make sure nothing happens. Goodnight.
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey lil, I just got online so sorry wasnt here for you earlier. I dont have anything new to add but my best wishes and I hope he gets to feeling better soon!
  11. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    How's Luther today?? I wasn't online all day saturday, so I missed all of this. Sounds like the poor little guy had a heck of a stomach ache!
  12. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    He is totally better today! :eek: I was so upset and panicking yesterday, he made me so scared! But he is out and about and running everywhere now! Thanks for caring! :D
  13. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    lil96- I also was not on all weekend! I feel terrible! I am so glad Luther seems ok! It did sound like an irritated GI tract thing to me too, so hopefully that's all it is. :lol: I had to laugh though at the thought of you picking through your grass to get all the cat food out! What we won't do for these furbabies!
  14. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea, it sucked, but then out of no where a huge rainstorm came! so that washed 'em away!
  15. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :lol: A time you were glad for a sudden storm I'm sure!
  16. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea exactly! It ruined my dinner plans of grilling, but made my day easier!

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