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Is Cameron Fat?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by puggleowner, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Ok- so we just went to the vet for Cam's annual vaccinations- we chose a new vet closer to our house, and I'm not real keen on the new vet personality wise, but he seems to be fairly knowledgable. That said, we weighed Cam and she was 27 Ilbs (a bit heavier than last year :/) and the vet said she was heavy!!!! I don't think Cam's heavy at all- she never gets table scraps and she gets a ton of exercise- I think it's just her build being 1/2 pug. Aren't most pugs naturally stocky? He was saying that all pugs are overwieght because they're pretty lazy and like to eat, but I don't think that's true- I mean, true pugs love to eat, but I know many pugs that are fairly active and don't get fed anything but dog food- I think they are just naturally stocky. Do you guys think Cam is fat :( ?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my vet always tells me if you can't feel ribs or backbone they are too fat...can you feel any? Easily - without have to press it.
  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    How interestng MaryH. I never knew that. We think Sarge is too skinny. He would eat like a goldfish (till he exploded!) if we let him! I have heard so many different numbers on amounts to feed him, does anyone know of a general rule of thumb scale on the amounts for age/weight?
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Trying to catch up here.....rule of thumb should be on the bag. Or if feeding raw, 2-3% of IDEAL adult body weight (more for pups). You should be able to easily feel the ribs but not see them and there should be a narrowing at the waist - look from above.
  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :? Ok, here is my quandry. I can see the waist narrowing thing (from above), but I can also see his ribs and he acts like he is starving. The other vet had told me to do 13-14 ounces twice a day of dry, or two 14 ounces moist cans, or 14 ounces twice a day of a mixed combo of pasta, chicken, veggies, etc. And I truly think he is NOT getting enough. He really acts hungry and looks too skinny.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If you can see his ribs, I would try increasing food until he starts to fill out a little more.

    Then again, he is a puppy and they say a lean puppy is better than a fat puppy! Maybe increase just a little and see how it goes?
  7. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :kiss_heart: Gosh, I'm glad your back! That is what my gut has been telling me (no pun intended!) Thanks!
  8. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    that's the thing- we can easily feel her ribs- you can even see them if you look the right way. Where she has extra "fat" seems to be in her neck area, which leads me to believe it's a pug thing. ANy thoughts?
  9. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I don't think Cameron is fat! I've seen pictures of him, you can feel and sort of see his ribs, I know exactly what you mean about the pug neck thing and you are right. Plus, you know your dog, and if you know he is not fat and this is a new vet, that you sound like you are not too crazy about (maybe for good reason!), you have to trust yourself too. I knew Sarge needed more food, should have just trusted myself on it.
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    On the Innova bags it says something like for inactive, active, very active dogs. Then lists what they should eat. Granted Innova is high calorie and we don't go by that, but if your dog is more active and seems to need more give more.
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    Puggleowner: As long as you can easily feel his ribs I would'nt worry about it. It seems that some vets like dogs to be on the really thin side....remember, even vets have varying opinions on the ideal weight of a dog.
  12. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :y_the_best: Perfectly put Nern! (aka Vanessa)
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My agility trainer thinks Nala could stand to lose a little. I was thinking she is at a good weight. I decided not to cut back on her food. She is hungry all the time as it is (but I can't feed her more or she WILL plump up, even with all her activity). I sort of think it's because she is supposed to be even more active than she is, due to living in a city and all. If she lived on a farm she would be able to eat more and keep the weight off.

    Anyway, *I* don't think she looks fat. I can feel her ribs, although there is definitely more over them than Bonnie has. But why starve the poor thing? It's not like she's a serious competition dog and her weight is not unhealthy.

    I think Cameron's neck is probably the pug thing. And Sarge is full of fluff! :)
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yeah your vet needs to take into account what breed she is mixed with. Pugs do have that huskiness around the neck. Like they said, if you feel ribs he's fine.
  15. smokey

    smokey New Member

    puggleowner, i don't think cameron sounds fat, either.
    i have a pug and his neck is as wide as his head. he has lots of fur up there and the neck wrinkles, plus pugs are stocky.
    i go by the ribs and waist method.
  16. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Thanks everyone- I feel a little better about my pudgy little Cam after your comments-- I will keep an eye on her weight, but I'm not going to starve her just because the vet thinks she's heavy. I think that as dog-owners, we know a good deal about what's best for our individual dogs because we live with them on a daily basis versus just seeing them a couple times a year.

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